Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

He dared expose U.S. war crimes and paid a heavy price.
I will never forget the part my country played in it, i will never forget the sight of Assange being dragged out of that Embassy in London by what looked like the Gestapo with one of them with a stupid grin on his face, then to spend five years being tortured in prison.
I honestly believe each president this century has been worse than the one before them.
You're even more pessimistic than I am.
It is the expected outcome of decades of voting for the lesser of two evils.
I think that's really true.
I am not sure what it will take to break this streak ....
It begins with an "R" and ends with an "n". Unfortunately.
but one thing is for sure, whomever wins in Nov will not be the one that does so.
You're probably right.
I do worry about the future US my children will have passed down to them.
We all worry.
You're even more pessimistic than I am.

I prefer to think of myself as a pragmatist.

It begins with an "R" and ends with an "n". Unfortunately.

I do not think that is what it will take, I actually have some faith in the new generations to break this chain.

We all worry.

Yet most just keep voting the same way, voting the same people back in and wondering why nothing ever changes.
I will never forget the part my country played in it .....
I understand that but the UK has been tickling Washington's toes beneath the table for a very long time now. The BIG SHOCK is Sweden's part in it! Who knew that was coming? Assange had no idea although I could have warned him had he consulted me before it was too late. The assasination of Olov Palme by the CIA and the illegal use of Arlanda to shuttle innocent Afghanis to Guantamo ought to have tipped him off that deep trouble was brewing for him but for all of his intelligence and savvy he turned out to be so naïve.
at least until Trump and Biden were elected. Each successive POTUS is worse than the one before.

It does not bode well for the country's future
Boy the mega rich networks sure got to you bad.... Trump was the one chance to end that streak... you can't even tell me what he did that was so bad... that makes you kind of stupid.....
I am willing to believe you know what you are talking about. After the Bush/Chenny/Rumsfeld/WMD hoax I got so disgusted. Then when Trump got elected I thought there was a possibility of America redeeming itself ..... but then the judicial corruption against him started up and .... well ...... I can no longer muster up any enthusiasm that Democracy might be resurrected. So, tell me about Biden vs. Bush and I'll just sit quietly and listen.
Yes I woke up too, after W lied us into another war. I was a duped statist like so many Americans still are. But after W’s obvious lie, I started educating myself on the many wars the US has started. I began to question everything our criminal government has told us. It’s become apparent to me, no one should trust the government’s word or the corporate media it controls.
I prefer to think of myself as a pragmatist.
You're going to leave me all alone in my ignorance?
I do not think that is what it will take, I actually have some faith in the new generations to break this chain.
I guess you were right about you not being a pessemist.
Yet most just keep voting the same way, voting the same people back in and wondering why nothing ever changes.
It's a two party system, you know. What more can you expect of them? Some even say it's a uniparty system and I'm beginning to see the wisdom in that conviction.
Boy the mega rich networks sure got to you bad.... Trump was the one chance to end that streak...

Each new president is the one with a chance to end the streak. So far all have failed. We know for a fact the winner of the Nov election will not since it will just be more of the same.
I guess you were right about you not being a pessemist.

I really am not, my wife would tell you I am annoyingly positive.

It's a two party system, you know. What more can you expect of them? Some even say it's a uniparty system and I'm beginning to see the wisdom in that conviction.

I prefer the term Duopoly, but uni-party works as well. In how they govern there is little difference in the two parties.
Each new president is the one with a chance to end the streak. So far all have failed. We know for a fact the winner of the Nov election will not since it will just be more of the same.
You have been propagandized to think Trump is like Obama and Clinton and Obiden....
Yes I woke up too, after W lied us into another war. I was a duped statist like so many Americans still are. But after W’s obvious lie, I started educating myself on the many wars the US has started. I began to question everything our criminal government has told us. It’s become apparent to me, no one should trust the government’s word or the corporate media it controls.
That's a tough tit to work on. :(
DId you forget 9/11 happened?

No, it's just fucking retarded.

I like clean water and roads and infrastructure and social services.

And unless you are living in a Unabomber Birdhouse somewhere, so do you.
Your response shows a lack of intelligence. Thinking government as it’s practiced today is the only way we get those things, is naive.

Government is authoritarian and corrupt. Time to end it.


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