Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

No. The state never does what the people want. Wake the fuck up.

Do you think everyone who accepts a plea from the State is guilty?

Um, yeah... they're probably guilty of something.

No one disputes that Assange did what he is accused of. He leaked sensitive government information that put the lives of service members and covert operatives in danger.

He just doesn't think it should be a crime.
Yet that is exactly what America did. Not the "evil state", but all the Americans who sang songs about bombing Saddam and killing Bin Laden.

Many did. And? It was wrong in many instances. We sent our young off to be maimed and killed over lies.
"The District Court for the Northern Marianas Islands"? You gotta be kidding. They want to put the former president in prison for frivolous convictions that nobody really understands but traitors like Assange and freakazoid Manning go free. Will they end up as CNN contributors?
Traitor? Assange is not a American and as far as i know has never been to America, WTF are you barking about? he exposed US war crimes in Iraq and Afgahnistan, like the collateral murder vid that showed those Apache pilots murdering civilinans and Reuters journalists in a hail of gunfire, are you nuts?
Um, yeah... they're probably guilty of something.

No one disputes that Assange did what he is accused of. He leaked sensitive government information that put the lives of service members and covert operatives in danger.

He just doesn't think it should be a crime.

He leaked nothing. He reported on what others sent to him. That's what reporters do. You are arguing that Woodward and Bernstein should have been prosecuted.
Um, yeah... they're probably guilty of something.

No one disputes that Assange did what he is accused of. He leaked sensitive government information that put the lives of service members and covert operatives in danger.

He just doesn't think it should be a crime.
No. If you don’t know by now in your advanced age the state seldom loses prosecutions, you never well. It’s a stacked deck.

Assange did nothing wrong. Yet he suffered years of illegal imprisonment and you still support the state. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:
He leaked nothing. He reported on what others sent to him. That's what reporters do. You are arguing that Woodward and Bernstein should have been prosecuted.
So did the Guardian newspaper but the deep state never went after them, the Guardian also threw Assange under a bus.
No. If you don’t know by now in your advanced age the state seldom loses prosecutions, you never well. It’s a stacked deck.

Assange did nothing wrong. Yet he suffered years of illegal imprisonment and you still support the state. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:
These are the sort of people who supported Nazi Germany.
For telling the truth about the heinous illegal acts by the US government, Assange was imprisoned for years.
Yet when you lie for the benefit of the US Empire, you get rich and are never imprisoned.
The three biggest assholes of modern times (even bigger than Johnson, Nixon, Obama and Biden) are Bush Junior, Chenny, and Rumsfeld. May they be inflicted with stage 10 herpes in the afterlife.
See the entire mainstream media and the US political class for proof.
Just seeing part of it gives me the heeby jeebies so I don't think I can take seeing the entire mainstream media.
I hope he rats out Bush Clinton and Obama... the three dirtiest elected leaders in American history...

at least until Trump and Biden were elected. Each successive POTUS is worse than the one before.

It does not bode well for the country's future
Blaming the state is a cop out.

The problem with the State is that it does what we want, even when it isn't good for us.
Never…I mean NEVER believe the state. It’s a criminal enterprise with enormous power.

We need to eliminate the state altogether. Is that blasphemy to you?
at least until Trump and Biden were elected. Each successive POTUS is worse than the one before.
I don't think I understand what you mean. Biden is really, really, really bad but Bush Junior was much worse. The issue is that they are (were) bad about different things. Bush was bad for the whole world. Biden is bad for America and has the potentential of being bad for the world if he remains in office. Do we agree?
It does not bode well for the country's future
I don't think I understand what you mean. Biden is really, really, really bad but Bush Junior was much worse. The issue is that they are (were) bad about different things. Bush was bad for the whole world. Biden is bad for America and has the potentential of being bad for the world if he remains in office. Do we agree?
I see them both as very similar. If we’re talking about body counts, Biden likely exceeds W. He’s supported every war in his long infamous career. Just the deaths in Ukraine and Gaza all supported by Genocide Joe, might exceed the deaths caused by W.
I don't think I understand what you mean. Biden is really, really, really bad but Bush Junior was much worse. The issue is that they are (were) bad about different things. Bush was bad for the whole world. Biden is bad for America and has the potentential of being bad for the world if he remains in office. Do we agree?

I honestly believe each president this century has been worse than the one before them.

It is the expected outcome of decades of voting for the lesser of two evils.

I am not sure what it will take to break this streak, but one thing is for sure, whomever wins in Nov will not be the one that does so.

I do worry about the future US my children will have passed down to them.
I honestly believe each president this century has been worse than the one before them.

It is the expected outcome of decades of voting for the lesser of two evils.

I am not sure what it will take to break this streak, but one thing is for sure, whomever wins in Nov will not be the one that does so.

I do worry about the future US my children will have passed down to them.
It’s not the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils. They were all evil. So no matter who voters voted for, the outcome is the same.

It is the directed outcome of a nation controlled by a few hundred billionaires.
How America’s Billionaires Have Made Their Government Inaccessible to the Public - LewRockwell
Many did. And? It was wrong in many instances. We sent our young off to be maimed and killed over lies.
DId you forget 9/11 happened?

Never…I mean NEVER believe the state. It’s a criminal enterprise with enormous power.

We need to eliminate the state altogether. Is that blasphemy to you?
No, it's just fucking retarded.

I like clean water and roads and infrastructure and social services.

And unless you are living in a Unabomber Birdhouse somewhere, so do you.

The three biggest assholes of modern times (even bigger than Johnson, Nixon, Obama and Biden) are Bush Junior, Chenny, and Rumsfeld. May they be inflicted with stage 10 herpes in the afterlife.

Just seeing part of it gives me the heeby jeebies so I don't think I can take seeing the entire mainstream media.
Don't forget what we lied we cheated we stole Pompeo said about Assange, he said Assange should be murdered, these are the filth we are dealing with.
I see them both as very similar. If we’re talking about body counts, Biden likely exceeds W. He’s supported every war in his long infamous career. Just the deaths in Ukraine and Gaza all supported by Genocide Joe, might exceed the deaths caused by W.
I am willing to believe you know what you are talking about. After the Bush/Chenny/Rumsfeld/WMD hoax I got so disgusted. Then when Trump got elected I thought there was a possibility of America redeeming itself ..... but then the judicial corruption against him started up and .... well ...... I can no longer muster up any enthusiasm that Democracy might be resurrected. So, tell me about Biden vs. Bush and I'll just sit quietly and listen.

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