Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

People seem to forget that. You know, the loudest mouths get most of the attention.

I would not call him a hero, he is just a glorified fence dealing in stolen merchandise.

That and he is just one more narcissist that made it more about him than the cause or the information.
Each new president is the one with a chance to end the streak. So far all have failed. We know for a fact the winner of the Nov election will not since it will just be more of the same.
Any President who does will be killed if they can't stop him any other way, i believe that would have happened with Corbyn in the UK, if he had become Prime Minister and carried out what he said he wouldn't have lived long.
Any President who does will be killed if they can't stop him any other way, i believe that would have happened with Corbyn in the UK, if he had become Prime Minister and carried out what he said he wouldn't have lived long.
Welcome to the millennium. We are all stuck here together. There's no way out and we act as though we don’t understand the mindset of ….. uhhhh …. errrr ….. terrorists/revolutionists/freedom fighters.
"Law & Order" Republicans want to pardon all the criminals.

They want every person convicted the Jan. 6 pardoned. Law and Order my ass.
I would not call him a hero, he is just a glorified fence dealing in stolen merchandise.

That and he is just one more narcissist that made it more about him than the cause or the information.
I think he's more of an anarchist. Perhaps not the right word. More a person who believes that what passes for a free press does not give a fully balanced story ... regardless of the country where one lives. Imo he's a damaged human who is unable to differentiate being able to freely access information and being told by the state. Imo, Manning was more properly motivated by the US govt hiding facts, regardless of what places like Russia do
I think he's more of an anarchist. Perhaps not the right word. More a person who believes that what passes for a free press does not give a fully balanced story ... regardless of the country where one lives. Imo he's a damaged human who is unable to differentiate being able to freely access information and being told by the state. Imo, Manning was more properly motivated by the US govt hiding facts, regardless of what places like Russia do

He also sat on information for years, or never released it at all.

This is the part about him that would bug me. He would hoard his information and release it in bits and pieces, keeping him the point of attention vice the information.

If you are claiming everyone has the right to know, just release it all as soon as you get it.

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