Julian Assange to run for Australian Senate

I picture Assponge wearing an ankle bracelet and staying out of trouble as a purpose for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. :lmao:
I picture a second grader coming up with that insult.
This thread is not about ad hominem, it's about two serious alleged crimes committed by person of interest and suspect, Julian Assange. In Sweden, one is a rapist if he or she endangers the sexual server by carelessness that could result in the server acquiring syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, papillomavirus, genital herpes, genital warts, or any other std.

Sweden is not happy to have anybody do that to any of their citizens. It is legal from their perspective to engage in prostitution, but if one who is served does not do his part and use protection, after he has been warned, and forces his unprotected self on the woman serving him. he is breaking Swedish law and should face the damn music.

If Assange goes, he will probably get a wrist slap and no more in Sweden.

There's enough trouble in the world without "educated" men spreading vermin.

The second crime for which Julian Assange is suspected is engaging in espionage. There is considered enough evidence against him to bring him for trial to determine his innocence or guilt. He needs to face the music here, too.
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I picture Assponge wearing an ankle bracelet and staying out of trouble as a purpose for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. :lmao:
I picture a second grader coming up with that insult.
This thread is not about ad hominem, it's about two serious alleged crimes committed by person of interest and suspect, Julian Assange. In Sweden, one is a rapist if he or she endangers the sexual server by carelessness that could result in the server acquiring syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, papillomavirus, genital herpes, genital warts, or any other std.

Sweden is not happy to have anybody do that to any of their citizens. It is legal from their perspective to engage in prostitution, but if one who is served does not do his part and use protection, after he has been warned, and forces his unprotected self on the woman serving him. he is breaking Swedish law and should face the damn music.

If Assange goes, he will probably get a wrist slap and no more in Sweden.

There's enough trouble in the world without "educated" men spreading vermin.

The second crime for which Julian Assange is suspected is engaging in espionage. There is considered enough evidence against him to bring him for trial to determine his innocence or guilt. He needs to face the music here, too.

Actually this thread is about Julian Assange's intent to run for the Australian Senate. You chose to make it about ad hominems by engaging in childish name calling. As for the supposed crimes that Julian Assange is suspected of, why are they not bringing charges against him? They're holding him under house arrest without having charged him with any crime whatsoever in any country. It's an abuse of the European arrest warrant.
I picture a second grader coming up with that insult.
This thread is not about ad hominem, it's about two serious alleged crimes committed by person of interest and suspect, Julian Assange. In Sweden, one is a rapist if he or she endangers the sexual server by carelessness that could result in the server acquiring syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, papillomavirus, genital herpes, genital warts, or any other std.

Sweden is not happy to have anybody do that to any of their citizens. It is legal from their perspective to engage in prostitution, but if one who is served does not do his part and use protection, after he has been warned, and forces his unprotected self on the woman serving him. he is breaking Swedish law and should face the damn music.

If Assange goes, he will probably get a wrist slap and no more in Sweden.

There's enough trouble in the world without "educated" men spreading vermin.

The second crime for which Julian Assange is suspected is engaging in espionage. There is considered enough evidence against him to bring him for trial to determine his innocence or guilt. He needs to face the music here, too.

Actually this thread is about Julian Assange's intent to run for the Australian Senate. You chose to make it about ad hominems by engaging in childish name calling. As for the supposed crimes that Julian Assange is suspected of, why are they not bringing charges against him? They're holding him under house arrest without having charged him with any crime whatsoever in any country. It's an abuse of the European arrest warrant.
You're the one who called me a second grader. You have been spared name-calling by me because I do not flame fellow posters.

Julian Assange is a public figure who wants everybody else to do right, but he excepts himself from any responsibility when he makes intentional and egregious mistakes.

In America, public figures are subject to probity, and I am within my citizenship rights to call an evil act by a public figure on accounting to those probing allegations against him.

That is not a trustworthy trait. I hope the Australian people see through his carefully engendered public profile to do the same to his local enemies as he has done to my country. If I were an Australian citizen, I'd think about how the man acts when no one is looking if he is desiring huge and mortifying power in his own country. He can withhold anything about himself with his sources and make good men look any way he wishes with private information, spun to the satisfaction of his agendaed handlers, eager to get power for nothing.

When good men do nothing to keep bad men from getting power, targeted enemies become anyone who disagrees with bad men.

Right now, he has all the makings and future of giving Australia the disenchantment of having a charismatic leader impeached in an imminent sex scandal like that of Bill Clinton's second administration that actually began when he was a state attorney general and was arranging hotel business with women so he could bite another mouth hard when he was done as his signature on his sick criminal act, repeated time and again with different women recruited by his hired hands, state and national policemen, who are not at liberty to discuss private acts of a President, governor, or whatever.

I would hope Australia could learn from America's mistakes and not make them all over in their bright and beautiful land.
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This thread is not about ad hominem, it's about two serious alleged crimes committed by person of interest and suspect, Julian Assange. In Sweden, one is a rapist if he or she endangers the sexual server by carelessness that could result in the server acquiring syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, papillomavirus, genital herpes, genital warts, or any other std.

Sweden is not happy to have anybody do that to any of their citizens. It is legal from their perspective to engage in prostitution, but if one who is served does not do his part and use protection, after he has been warned, and forces his unprotected self on the woman serving him. he is breaking Swedish law and should face the damn music.

If Assange goes, he will probably get a wrist slap and no more in Sweden.

There's enough trouble in the world without "educated" men spreading vermin.

The second crime for which Julian Assange is suspected is engaging in espionage. There is considered enough evidence against him to bring him for trial to determine his innocence or guilt. He needs to face the music here, too.

Actually this thread is about Julian Assange's intent to run for the Australian Senate. You chose to make it about ad hominems by engaging in childish name calling. As for the supposed crimes that Julian Assange is suspected of, why are they not bringing charges against him? They're holding him under house arrest without having charged him with any crime whatsoever in any country. It's an abuse of the European arrest warrant.
You're the one who called me a second grader. Julian Assange is a public figure who wants everybody else to do right, but he excepts himself from any responsibility when he makes intentional and egregious mistakes.

That is not a trustworthy trait. I hope the Australian people see through his carefully engendered public profile to do the same to his local enemies as he has done to my country. If I were an Australian citizen, I'd think about how the man acts when no one is looking if he is desiring huge and mortifying power in his own country. He can withhold anything about himself with his sources and make good men look any way he wishes with private information, spun to the satisfaction of his agendaed handlers, eager to get power for nothing.

When good men do nothing to keep bad men from getting power, targeted enemies become anyone who disagrees with bad men.

Right now, he has all the makings and future of giving Australia the disenchantment of having a charismatic leader impeached in an imminent sex scandal like that of Bill Clinton's second administration that actually began when he was a state attorney general and was arranging hotel business with women so he could bite another mouth hard when he was done as his signature on his sick criminal act, repeated time and again with different women recruited by his hired hands, state and national policemen, who are not at liberty to discuss private acts of a President, governor, or whatever.

I would hope Australia could learn from America's mistakes and not make them all over in their bright and beautiful land.

You were called a second grader because you called Assange "Assponge." As for intentional and egregious mistakes, I repeat, there are no charges against him anywhere in the world for any crimes.
Actually this thread is about Julian Assange's intent to run for the Australian Senate. You chose to make it about ad hominems by engaging in childish name calling. As for the supposed crimes that Julian Assange is suspected of, why are they not bringing charges against him? They're holding him under house arrest without having charged him with any crime whatsoever in any country. It's an abuse of the European arrest warrant.
You're the one who called me a second grader. Julian Assange is a public figure who wants everybody else to do right, but he excepts himself from any responsibility when he makes intentional and egregious mistakes.

That is not a trustworthy trait. I hope the Australian people see through his carefully engendered public profile to do the same to his local enemies as he has done to my country. If I were an Australian citizen, I'd think about how the man acts when no one is looking if he is desiring huge and mortifying power in his own country. He can withhold anything about himself with his sources and make good men look any way he wishes with private information, spun to the satisfaction of his agendaed handlers, eager to get power for nothing.

When good men do nothing to keep bad men from getting power, targeted enemies become anyone who disagrees with bad men.

Right now, he has all the makings and future of giving Australia the disenchantment of having a charismatic leader impeached in an imminent sex scandal like that of Bill Clinton's second administration that actually began when he was a state attorney general and was arranging hotel business with women so he could bite another mouth hard when he was done as his signature on his sick criminal act, repeated time and again with different women recruited by his hired hands, state and national policemen, who are not at liberty to discuss private acts of a President, governor, or whatever.

I would hope Australia could learn from America's mistakes and not make them all over in their bright and beautiful land.

You were called a second grader because you called Assange "Assponge." As for intentional and egregious mistakes, I repeat, there are no charges against him anywhere in the world for any crimes.
No, I was called a second grader because you are a habitual user of ad hominems against other posters at USMB.
You're the one who called me a second grader. Julian Assange is a public figure who wants everybody else to do right, but he excepts himself from any responsibility when he makes intentional and egregious mistakes.

That is not a trustworthy trait. I hope the Australian people see through his carefully engendered public profile to do the same to his local enemies as he has done to my country. If I were an Australian citizen, I'd think about how the man acts when no one is looking if he is desiring huge and mortifying power in his own country. He can withhold anything about himself with his sources and make good men look any way he wishes with private information, spun to the satisfaction of his agendaed handlers, eager to get power for nothing.

When good men do nothing to keep bad men from getting power, targeted enemies become anyone who disagrees with bad men.

Right now, he has all the makings and future of giving Australia the disenchantment of having a charismatic leader impeached in an imminent sex scandal like that of Bill Clinton's second administration that actually began when he was a state attorney general and was arranging hotel business with women so he could bite another mouth hard when he was done as his signature on his sick criminal act, repeated time and again with different women recruited by his hired hands, state and national policemen, who are not at liberty to discuss private acts of a President, governor, or whatever.

I would hope Australia could learn from America's mistakes and not make them all over in their bright and beautiful land.

You were called a second grader because you called Assange "Assponge." As for intentional and egregious mistakes, I repeat, there are no charges against him anywhere in the world for any crimes.
No, I was called a second grader because you are a habitual user of ad hominems against other posters at USMB.


I think you have me confused for somebody else, however, do you deny referring to Assange as "Assponge?"
You were called a second grader because you called Assange "Assponge." As for intentional and egregious mistakes, I repeat, there are no charges against him anywhere in the world for any crimes.
No, I was called a second grader because you are a habitual user of ad hominems against other posters at USMB.


I think you have me confused for somebody else, however, do you deny referring to Assange as "Assponge?"

Do you deny it's not back there? Silly questions could get you a silly answer, if any at all.

Calling someone a second grader is a primary use of an ad hominem to disparage another poster's standing in an online community, and I am not the least confused by who used that communication device on me.

I reserve the right to pillory public figures who probably deserve it. Our seals who got bin Laden did not deserve to have other Seals murdered by the same factions who masterminded 9/11. They're called enemies. I hate their behaviors of hurting fellow Americans.

I also hate the behaviors of people pulling my country's britches down for the world to see.
No, I was called a second grader because you are a habitual user of ad hominems against other posters at USMB.


I think you have me confused for somebody else, however, do you deny referring to Assange as "Assponge?"

Do you deny it's not back there? Silly questions could get you a silly answer, if any at all.

Calling someone a second grader is a primary use of an ad hominem to disparage another poster's standing in an online community, and I am not the least confused by who used that communication device on me.

I reserve the right to pillory public figures who probably deserve it. Our seals who got bin Laden did not deserve to have other Seals murdered by the same factions who masterminded 9/11. They're called enemies. I hate their behaviors of hurting fellow Americans.

I also hate the behaviors of people pulling my country's britches down for the world to see.

So you admit that you engaged in an ad hominem, and then pretend to get angry when somebody points out your childishness.
That is a disgusting communication device repeated.

Have yourself a nice conversation with your own belly button.
That is a disgusting communication device repeated.

Have yourself a nice conversation with your own belly button.

"Assponge" wasn't disgusting though, apparently.
In my mind, it's equally disgusting with the thought of Julian Assange's sundry behaviors with regard to my country, its citizens, and its soldiers guarding against people in hostile nations from eating their own and jeopardized by a fellow soldier being promised brownie points by a spy and illegally.
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That is a disgusting communication device repeated.

Have yourself a nice conversation with your own belly button.

"Assponge" wasn't disgusting though, apparently.
In my mind, it's equally disgusting with the thought of Julian Assange's sundry behaviors with regard to my country, its citizens, and its soldiers guarding against people in hostile nations from eating their own.

Well perhaps you should have taken the high road if you didn't want to be "disgusted" in return.
"Assponge" wasn't disgusting though, apparently.
In my mind, it's equally disgusting with the thought of Julian Assange's sundry behaviors with regard to my country, its citizens, and its soldiers guarding against people in hostile nations from eating their own.

Well perhaps you should have taken the high road if you didn't want to be "disgusted" in return.
Are you intimating that I am required to say what you think.

In my mind, it's equally disgusting with the thought of Julian Assange's sundry behaviors with regard to my country, its citizens, and its soldiers guarding against people in hostile nations from eating their own.

Well perhaps you should have taken the high road if you didn't want to be "disgusted" in return.
Are you intimating that I am required to say what you think.


No, you're not required to do anything, certainly not by me. However, the old saying "don't dish it out if you can't take it" comes to mind.
Well perhaps you should have taken the high road if you didn't want to be "disgusted" in return.
Are you intimating that I am required to say what you think.


No, you're not required to do anything, certainly not by me. However, the old saying "don't dish it out if you can't take it" comes to mind.
So if I dish out a little piece of my mind to a craven, America-smearing Julian Assange, like you're gonna dish it right back to me in the form of ad hominems like "second grader," "childishness," and other disparaging finger wags?

I'm hoping that if nothing good comes of this discussion, that there will at least be one woman who reviewed my post about Sweden's law to protect women will know why Sweden has that law. It is to protect unlearned people from doing harmful things to themselves and others.

Keep calling people versed in microbiological health issues "second graders," and shutting enough of us up with ad hominems and you'll perpetuate the attitude that nothing bad can come of having a little unprotected fun with no consequences to perpetrators.

That could mean the human race will see people with gifts lost to these and worse human pathogens, while the human race never gets to:

hear the world's most beautiful song, its writer an early victim
enjoy a millennium of peace only one victim could have effected
have total freedom from highway accidents because its only engineer didn't have enough years left to do the math and promote his idea due to his anathema

I personally think you're better than that. Your friend Assange wasn't.

Are you intimating that I am required to say what you think.


No, you're not required to do anything, certainly not by me. However, the old saying "don't dish it out if you can't take it" comes to mind.
So if I dish out a little piece of my mind to a craven, America-smearing Julian Assange, like you're gonna dish it right back to me in the form of ad hominems like "second grader," "childishness," and other disparaging finger wags?

I'm hoping that if nothing good comes of this discussion, that there will at least be one woman who reviewed my post about Sweden's law to protect women will know why Sweden has that law. It is to protect unlearned people from doing harmful things to themselves and others.

Keep calling people versed in microbiological health issues "second graders," and shutting enough of us up with ad hominems and you'll perpetuate the attitude that nothing bad can come of having a little unprotected fun with no consequences to perpetrators.

That could mean the human race will see people with gifts lost to these and worse human pathogens, while the human race never gets to:

hear the world's most beautiful song, its writer an early victim
enjoy a millennium of peace only one victim could have effected
have total freedom from highway accidents because its only engineer didn't have enough years left to do the math and promote his idea due to his anathema

I personally think you're better than that. Your friend Assange wasn't.

Whether or not your versed in microbiological health issues is irrelevant. You called a person "Assponge," which is a childish taunt worthy of a second grader. You don't get to be self righteous about using an ad hominem against Assange, and complain at the same time about somebody calling you a name in return. That's called hypocrisy.
No, you're not required to do anything, certainly not by me. However, the old saying "don't dish it out if you can't take it" comes to mind.
So if I dish out a little piece of my mind to a craven, America-smearing Julian Assange, like you're gonna dish it right back to me in the form of ad hominems like "second grader," "childishness," and other disparaging finger wags?

I'm hoping that if nothing good comes of this discussion, that there will at least be one woman who reviewed my post about Sweden's law to protect women will know why Sweden has that law. It is to protect unlearned people from doing harmful things to themselves and others.

Keep calling people versed in microbiological health issues "second graders," and shutting enough of us up with ad hominems and you'll perpetuate the attitude that nothing bad can come of having a little unprotected fun with no consequences to perpetrators.

That could mean the human race will see people with gifts lost to these and worse human pathogens, while the human race never gets to:

hear the world's most beautiful song, its writer an early victim
enjoy a millennium of peace only one victim could have effected
have total freedom from highway accidents because its only engineer didn't have enough years left to do the math and promote his idea due to his anathema

I personally think you're better than that. Your friend Assange wasn't.

Whether or not your versed in microbiological health issues is irrelevant. You called a person "Assponge," which is a childish taunt worthy of a second grader. You don't get to be self righteous about using an ad hominem against Assange, and complain at the same time about somebody calling you a name in return. That's called hypocrisy.
Public figures are fair game when they are accused of bad things and go into hiding, use their celebrity to get out of answering for crimes, etc.

It is not the same as doing an ad hominem on a fellow poster at a common message board, and it is therefore not hypocrisy at all. I suggest that since you cannot get the ad hom from me that you are fishing for you fish elsewhere.
So if I dish out a little piece of my mind to a craven, America-smearing Julian Assange, like you're gonna dish it right back to me in the form of ad hominems like "second grader," "childishness," and other disparaging finger wags?

I'm hoping that if nothing good comes of this discussion, that there will at least be one woman who reviewed my post about Sweden's law to protect women will know why Sweden has that law. It is to protect unlearned people from doing harmful things to themselves and others.

Keep calling people versed in microbiological health issues "second graders," and shutting enough of us up with ad hominems and you'll perpetuate the attitude that nothing bad can come of having a little unprotected fun with no consequences to perpetrators.

That could mean the human race will see people with gifts lost to these and worse human pathogens, while the human race never gets to:

hear the world's most beautiful song, its writer an early victim
enjoy a millennium of peace only one victim could have effected
have total freedom from highway accidents because its only engineer didn't have enough years left to do the math and promote his idea due to his anathema

I personally think you're better than that. Your friend Assange wasn't.

Whether or not your versed in microbiological health issues is irrelevant. You called a person "Assponge," which is a childish taunt worthy of a second grader. You don't get to be self righteous about using an ad hominem against Assange, and complain at the same time about somebody calling you a name in return. That's called hypocrisy.
Public figures are fair game when they are accused of bad things and go into hiding, use their celebrity to get out of answering for crimes, etc.

It is not the same as doing an ad hominem on a fellow poster at a common message board, and it is therefore not hypocrisy at all. I suggest that since you cannot get the ad hom from me that you are fishing for you fish elsewhere.

It's as rude to attack public figures as it is to attack private people on a message board.

As for fishing, it's too cold.
Whether or not your versed in microbiological health issues is irrelevant. You called a person "Assponge," which is a childish taunt worthy of a second grader. You don't get to be self righteous about using an ad hominem against Assange, and complain at the same time about somebody calling you a name in return. That's called hypocrisy.
Public figures are fair game when they are accused of bad things and go into hiding, use their celebrity to get out of answering for crimes, etc.

It is not the same as doing an ad hominem on a fellow poster at a common message board, and it is therefore not hypocrisy at all. I suggest that since you cannot get the ad hom from me that you are fishing for you fish elsewhere.

It's as rude to attack public figures as it is to attack private people on a message board.

As for fishing, it's too cold.
Sweden's Case against Julian Paul Assange

Initiated on or around February 2, 2012, it is still unresolved.

I will be rude to men who are accused of rape against two separate women in less than a week then flee in the middle of their hearings, using wealth, celebrity, and press bias to weasel out of ever having to appear to answer to the charges.

Get used to it.

In the meantime, I hope the people of Australia will reserve their votes for Mr. Assange for public office if he indeed files to run, until this matter is resolved with a hearing in Sweden on these egregious charges. If he is innocent, time will tell

It is not like Sweden to draw up papers on innocent men. And most men who are innocent at least obey instructions to stay in a country until their case is heard.

That was a most craven thing to do in its best light, and I hope voters do not think they're going to get fairness from a coward who refuses to face his accusers.
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Public figures are fair game when they are accused of bad things and go into hiding, use their celebrity to get out of answering for crimes, etc.

It is not the same as doing an ad hominem on a fellow poster at a common message board, and it is therefore not hypocrisy at all. I suggest that since you cannot get the ad hom from me that you are fishing for you fish elsewhere.

It's as rude to attack public figures as it is to attack private people on a message board.

As for fishing, it's too cold.
Sweden's Case against Julian Paul Assange

Initiated on or around February 2, 2012, it is still unresolved.

I will be rude to men who are accused of rape against two separate women in less than a week then flee in the middle of their hearings, using wealth, celebrity, and press bias to weasel out of ever having to appear to answer to the charges.

Get used to it.

In the meantime, I hope the people of Australia will reserve their votes for Mr. Assange for public office if he indeed files to run, until this matter is resolved with a hearing in Sweden on these egregious charges. If he is innocent, time will tell

It is not like Sweden to draw up papers on innocent men. And most men who are innocent at least obey instructions to stay in a country until their case is heard.

That was a most craven thing to do in its best light, and I hope voters do not think they're going to get fairness from a coward who refuses to face his accusers.

I'm going to say this for the last time: There have been no charges brought against Julian Assange for the alleged "rape" of these women, and he did not flee in the middle of his hearings because if there are no charges then there are no hearings. You have pronounced him guilty of a crime that he is not even charged with committing. He is also not in hiding as you stated in the post before this one. He is under house arrest in the United Kingdom despite never having been charged with a crime in Sweden, the United States, or any other country.

These are facts, whether you choose to acknowledge them or not.

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