Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.
The country is already SERIOUSLY divided among party lines, thanks to Mr. Donald 'Only Play To My Base' Trump.
Thanks to “let Ferguson burn”.
As long as there are no consequences for making these false allegations, they will never end

I think you will find that there is a consequence for everything.

Dims just are not that bright to realize it.................yet.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

Maybe if Trump appoints every man in the US to SCOTUS we can finally weed them all out once and for all.

It is much more effective than the Metoo movement.
No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.
Yet it won’t...
Yes, it will. This new, sworn affidavit is serious business.

No, it's not...... she is lying like the other 2.....there are no legal consequences for lying here....... no one will go after her so she can say whatever she wants........you guys are morons and you are vile to support this monstrous behavior from the democrats...

Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians....remember this crap in November.......punish them at the ballot box or it will never end.....
How do you know she's lying?
Many were, and still are to this day, for matters unrelated.

Trying to undermine the country rather deprives you of the title "American".
Ah there it is. Fuck you, trash. Trump even ran on Dubya being a retarded little idiot who was a fool for going to Iraq and you bitches are it up. You kept sending soldiers to die for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and you call Americans who opposed that traitors.

Bush was a Halfacrat. While I supported smacking down Iran on general principle, and supported our troops, I questioned the wisdom of removing a leader who was prone to tossing Islamists into plastic shredders.

Later, Obama did the same thing in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. That got turned around real quick, however.
Obama invaded Egypt and villainized anyone who opposed it? Oops... :fu:

I see you are all kinds of idiot. Obama did not invade Egypt. He supported the Islamists.
That’s weird, you claimed Obama “did the same thing,” and now you back away from it. Then you parrot a complete lie that was drilled into you by the GOP Geobbels apparatus. Pathetic.

The only weird thing here is between your ears.

Bush removed Saddam.

Obama helped to remove Mubarak.

Stop trying to nation-build.
It already has been, it must be again
Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
Would you be happy with a Black lesbian?

I highly doubt Black Fag is qualified to sit on the SC.
As long as there are no consequences for making these false allegations, they will never end
What makes you think they’re false? Doesn’t Brett Kavanaugh in his yearbook corroborate a lot of this new information?

Since when are allegations proof?

What you said was slander.

But alas, when people become famous the laws say that slander no longer is a crime.

Accuser: Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me

Investigator: Where and when?

Accuser: I don't know, I was drunk.

Investigator: Ok, any witnesses?

Accuser: No, we were all drunk.

Investigator: Ok, so you are sure that it was Kavanaugh?

Accuser: Absolutely, I remember it like it was yesterday!
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.
What if they are never ending?

Why would you want to confirm a rapist?
I really believe that Republicans think that men who rape women are heterosexual and manly. They’re not soft.
Brett Kavenaugh lied in his choirboy claims on Fox
I knew he was lying the whole time.

It was written all over his face. And his poor wife had the deer-in-the-headlights look on her face.

He forced her up there in the interview, but it wasn't a good look.

He's TOAST!!!!
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

Thanks Penelope
Even if Kavanaugh did not participate as he claims,
if he was present and/or 'has knowledge' of these events,
if he did nothing but denies such under oath,
he could still get caught committing perjury if he says false denials under oath.

What I ultimately hope comes out of all this outting, Penelope
we REALLY need a separate court process for addressing
rape and abuse, including causes, corrections, restitution and healing/recovery.

Currently the legal process works by adversarial approach,
and all the defense has to focus on is "creating doubt" in the mind of the jury,
which is done cheapest by attacking the credibility of the victim.

So where is the "due process" of assuming the victim is innocent until proven guilty?
There is not equal protection of the laws for all witnesses.
And where is the punishment for slander, libel or defamation and damages
if false testimony is given?

I see greater things coming out of this whole process.
Now that the conservatives and men are on the side of the accused,
suddenly we see a different response coming out.

So maybe at last we will understand what it means
to put ourselves in the shoes of the accused.
When both sides are accused, then we have the opportunity
to understand both sides and what process is needed
to be fair to both in reaching a just solution to the grievances.

Thanks Penelope
I hope more women and abuse victims end up
gaining a whole lot more out of this, such as setting
up a separate court system and legal process of
mitigation and restitution for damages caused by rape, abuse and trafficking
so that victims can receive help and support to recover to where they
would have been had it not been for the attacks or abuses (including legal and judicial abuse
in addition to the physical assault and injuries.)
A separate court?

This can only mean a court where due process and presumption of innocence is gone.

Victims of every crime except one might wish for this.

That exception is the crime of making false accusations.

The only basis for supporting a new court system would be that accusers are always to be believed and none of them lie.

Due process and presumption of innocence ( to include attacking credibility ) protects all.

A separate court would strip that protection from some. Specifically men.

No amount of accusations justifies the crime of subjecting people to witch hunts.
As long as there are no consequences for making these false allegations, they will never end
What makes you think they’re false? Doesn’t Brett Kavanaugh in his yearbook corroborate a lot of this new information?

Since when are allegations proof?

What you said was slander.

But alas, when people become famous the laws say that slander no longer is a crime.

Accuser: Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me

Investigator: Where and when?

Accuser: I don't know, I was drunk.

Investigator: Ok, any witnesses?

Accuser: No, we were all drunk.

Investigator: Ok, so you are sure that it was Kavanaugh?

Accuser: Absolutely, I remember it like it was yesterday!
If that’s what you think happened then you haven’t been watching the news. Educate yourself a little bit before you make yourself look so dumb.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.

How can you rush a vote without investigating?

Because what he did or didn't do as a teenager has no bearing on his performance of SCOTUS.
Really? So everyone gets a bye on what they do as teenagers? A lot of people currently in prison or struggling to get decent jobs will be happy to hear that. When does that rule go into effect?
Her claim is absurd and untrue...

If anyone has half a brain would think otherwise.

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