Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.
Very true......and Kavanaugh is not being prosecuted

All that is asked is that serious charges relating to his characterbe investigated
Then take the statements and evidence to the appropriate law enforcement.
The FBI.
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.
Dubya began the division. Obama, looked at objectively, was not the least bit extreme, but it was naive to think the 1st black President would be accepted smoothly. The amount of hatred stirred up in the GOP during that time against anybody who was different, Muslims, black people, hispanics, immigrants, gay people, etc. reached unprecedented levels. Then Rubio and Kasich stayed in the primary for too long, and the most twisted, sickening man in modern history to run for office managed to win with a plurality of the vote. Some Russian sabotage and a broken electoral system later, and we have a President that is openly laughed at by world leaders during speeches and who, by the way, keeps endorsing rapists.

IMO the 2012 campaign divided the country not the 2008.
Maybe you don’t remember republicans under Dubya regularly calling everybody that opposed the Iraq war a soldier hating traitor. Maybe you forget how instead of using Dubya’s 90% approval rating for the good of the nation, republicans instead villified their fellow Americans, not even just politicians, for YEARS in the name of securing political power.
We get it.

You hate Republicans.

All of that is irrelevant.
Who the fuck are you? Kindly walk away, inbred trash.
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

Bill Cosby went to jail for this yesterday

Republicans want to make this guy Justice for life
Who’s fault is that! Don’t blame Republicans that these whores ran to politicians and not the police!
"these whores"......gee, no evidence that the GOP is misogynist in anyway, is there?
I am a woman here my pu*8ie roar. Oh wait, , I am a conservative woman so I don’t count. Right?
Have you also noticed that all of Kavanaugh's accusers have no evidence or no witnesses?
The Dirty Democrats are obviously making false accusations.

I suggest you go to my post in the thread,

Franken 'Hunkers Down' As New Accusations Surface

in it my post exposes you and others of your ilk, as Damn Hypocrites, to wit:


Read your comment and those of the others.
also smell creepy porn lawyer
So the lawyer representing the porn star is creepy, but the creep who paid her for sex is not.

That is some special Trump cultist logic, there.

Bizarro world hacks.

What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.
Very true......and Kavanaugh is not being prosecuted

All that is asked is that serious charges relating to his characterbe investigated
Then take the statements and evidence to the appropriate law enforcement.
The FBI.

That would be outside their jurisdiction.

Exactly. Swetnick's sworn testimony is something the GOP cannot just casually ignore. From what I'm seeing/reading/hearing, it's shaking up things in Washington.
Republicans face a critical election in five weeks

Do they want to sweep this under the carpet?

Exactly. Swetnick's sworn testimony is something the GOP cannot just casually ignore. From what I'm seeing/reading/hearing, it's shaking up things in Washington.
Republicans face a critical election in five weeks

Do they want to sweep this under the carpet?
So you think Republicans and Independents are falling for this bullshit?
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

Bill Cosby went to jail for this yesterday

Republicans want to make this guy Justice for life
Who’s fault is that! Don’t blame Republicans that these whores ran to politicians and not the police!
"these whores"......gee, no evidence that the GOP is misogynist in anyway, is there?
I am a woman here my pu*8ie roar. Oh wait, , I am a conservative woman so I don’t count. Right?
You count. Of course you count. Who said that you don't? However, if you are a self-hating woman like Phyllis Schlafly was....I can certainly call you out on your self-hate....and also feel sorry for you.
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.

Maybe because she thought she would be harassed and nobody would believe her

Some people (conservatives) actually blame the victim
Hillary Clinton was a Conservative? Do tell
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

Bill Cosby went to jail for this yesterday

Republicans want to make this guy Justice for life
Who’s fault is that! Don’t blame Republicans that these whores ran to politicians and not the police!
"these whores"......gee, no evidence that the GOP is misogynist in anyway, is there?
I am a woman here my pu*8ie roar. Oh wait, , I am a conservative woman so I don’t count. Right?
You count. Of course you count. Who said that you don't? However, if you are a self-hating woman like Phyllis Schlafly was....I can certainly call you out on your self-hate....and also feel sorry for you.
Calling you a whore doesn’t mean I hate ewe!
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.
Very true......and Kavanaugh is not being prosecuted

All that is asked is that serious charges relating to his characterbe investigated
Then take the statements and evidence to the appropriate law enforcement.
The FBI.

That would be outside their jurisdiction.
Not true. They are the federal investigative arm....Kavenaugh is going for a federal position.

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