Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.
Yet it won’t...
It already has been, it must be again
Why? so you can find some more liars?
So Kavanaugh isn’t rewarded for being a serial rapist.
May you Meet hell soon bastard.
Don't worry... With his level of angst... After Kavanaughs appointment, and the failed attempt by Dems to take the house and Senate... It's entirely possible that he'll suck start a 12 gauge in the basement of whomever he lives with...
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
Avenatti says she's got proof.

Only a damned fool would believe Michael Avenatti if he said water was wet. When people talk about not trusting ambulance-chasing lawyers and used-car salesmen, he's the poster child for that sentiment.
I imagine that kids (or young adults) attending a party where underage drinking and whatever else may have been going on are not going to be all that keen to report any of the activity that occurred to the police, not even sexual assault simply for the fact that it would "get them in trouble" just for having been there.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?

Maybe because no one considered inventing this insane nonsense until just now?
As the proud father of two beautiful daughters, I guess I hope these accusations are proven to be true.

Because if not, I'd hope that anyone who played partisan political games with sexual assault would fucking rot in hell.
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Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.
As the proud father of two beautiful daughters, I guess I hope these accusations are proven to be true.

Because if not, I hope that anyone who played partisan political games with sexual assault can fucking rot in hell.

What about the opposite situation of someone with Sons now thinking any of them can be accused of something and the witch hunt will be on?
This guy has to be one of the luckiest SOBs in the world to do all this sexual assaulting and not get caught once...
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

And not one was reported to parents, college officials, or police... He's either really lucky or it's all bullshit.
Nice - This lady has IMPECCABLE credentials and a bazillion security clearances.
All over but the shouting! :)
As the proud father of two beautiful daughters, I guess I hope these accusations are proven to be true. Because if not, I hope that anyone who played partisan political games with sexual assault can fucking rot in hell.
What about the opposite situation of someone with Sons now thinking any of them can be accused of something and the witch hunt will be on?
Nice - This lady has IMPECCABLE credentials and a bazillion security clearances.
All over but the shouting! :)

Oh yeah, because having high clearance credentials and working for the government means ones not biased in politics... Peter Strzok anyone?
Just like Dr. Christine Ford, she can't even remember where she was. She even had the timing wrong.

Why would you want to believe both of them? Especially, if they can't even remember 36 years later?
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

AS IS THE CASE DAMN NEAR EVERYWHERE. That is why this is such a friggin hoax. This is such an urban legend that these things even existed. BOYFRIENDS, BROTHERS, UNCLES and COUSINS would have KILLED the participants.

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