Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

Who’s fault is that! Don’t blame Republicans that these whores ran to politicians and not the police!
"these whores"......gee, no evidence that the GOP is misogynist in anyway, is there?
I am a woman here my pu*8ie roar. Oh wait, , I am a conservative woman so I don’t count. Right?
You count. Of course you count. Who said that you don't? However, if you are a self-hating woman like Phyllis Schlafly was....I can certainly call you out on your self-hate....and also feel sorry for you.
Calling you a whore doesn’t mean I hate ewe!
I heard a guy the other day tell a black man that calling him the N word didn't mean he hated them. Yeah...I'm convinced. :71:
So who says I’m trying to convince ewe?
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.
That is the wrong question to be asking; a lot of victims NEVER come forward. However, the fact that none of the multiple women she says were gang raped ever reported something so criminal, gross and desperately aggressively wrong seems hard to believe. If it happened to me, you can betcha I would have talked about it and probably gone to the police about it because that is so beyond the pale of adolescent hi-jinks. Good God.

It is not even remotely plausible that multiple teenaged girls were gang-raped over apparently quite a period of time and it never came to the attention of anyone official. The man has been investigated repeatedly over the last 25 years, not just by the FBI, but by numerous people motivated to find anything and everything they could smear anyone connected with the Ken Starr investigation of Bill Clinton back in the day. Brett Kavanaugh's name was all over the place back then. I find it unbelievable that the likes of Larry Flynt and the Clinton Machine would not have turned up so much as a whiff of this crap back then, had it really existed.

And that's completely aside from how wildly improbable the story itself is.
Bill Cosby went to jail for this yesterday

Republicans want to make this guy Justice for life
There was evidence against Cosby....If there's evidence against Kavanaugh, you crackpots can impeach and remove him...Time for you betwetting stooges to STFU.

Did you read the statement. If not read it, or go back to bed.

Although she does not accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault specifically, Swetnick calls Kavanaugh's claims of being a virgin throughout high school and college a "lie" and says that Kavanaugh and others would "spike the punch" at parties with "Quaaludes" so that they could "gang rape" women in a side bedroom. She claims Kavanaugh and his friends would form a "train" and sexually assault women in groups.

Swetnick says she became the victim of one of these so-called "gang rape trains" at a party where Kavanaugh and Judge were "present," potentially implying that Kavanaugh and Judge ran a sophisticated gang-rape ring when the pair was only 15.
Nice - This lady has IMPECCABLE credentials and a bazillion security clearances.
All over but the shouting! :)

Oh yeah, because having high clearance credentials and working for the government means ones not biased in politics... Peter Strzok anyone?

Yeah, she's a political operative intent turning her life upside down, lying to the FBI, getting doxed, receiving death threats and being forced into hiding.
Makes perfect sense to .... NO ONE :rolleyes-41:
LOL the article says that boys were lining up to gang rape drunk girls in one of the rooms, and she THINKS she saw Kavanaugh in one of those lines. What she actually saw was guys lining up to get some alcohol that was being distributed in one of the rooms.

So now all college parties where are potential gang rape centers. You realize that this is basically the end of college kids partying, dating, and having a good time. Disgusting.

She mistook the line to the pisser for a rape line.
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
No it wouldn’t.
Raunchy frat boy stuff

Animal House came out at the same time

Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of stuff.....at least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

AS IS THE CASE DAMN NEAR EVERYWHERE. That is why this is such a friggin hoax. This is such an urban legend that these things even existed. BOYFRIENDS, BROTHERS, UNCLES and COUSINS would have KILLED the participants.
I keep hoping you're right because these allegations are really troubling me. For something like this to happen once, maybe. For it to be a regular activity at high school parties? My head is shaking no, all by itself, as I type this.
But that might be because I don't want to believe in stuff like that.
I started a poll in the FZ--I'll check it again, but last time, 9 of 10 posters had never personally been to a party where anything like that happened. One had heard of it from others but never attended himself.
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jekyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.

Wild frat boy
There are hundreds in politics

Al Franken was forced to resign for less

He was a wild frat boy at 15?
Use your calculator. In 1982, he would have been 17.

She said "approximately 1982"...could be 1980 - 82. So 15-17?

She's gonna wait until Ford pins down a date, then come up with hers. That's how reverse engineering works.
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

Check that, to a therapist who she says got the story wrong. So, what documentation?
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jekyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.

Wild frat boy
There are hundreds in politics

Al Franken was forced to resign for less

He was a wild frat boy at 15?
Use your calculator. In 1982, he would have been 17.

She said "approximately 1982"...could be 1980 - 82. So 15-17?

She's gonna wait until Ford pins down a date, then come up with hers. That's how reverse engineering works.

If girls knew these sorts of events happened at these parties why would they attend them?
Nice - This lady has IMPECCABLE credentials and a bazillion security clearances.
All over but the shouting! :)
So does Kavanaugh.

It is still her word against his

Sorry - there will be more. LOTS more.
This is going to be like an avalanche.
Got your emergency locator beacon in case you end up 6 feet under?

Nice - This lady has IMPECCABLE credentials and a bazillion security clearances.
All over but the shouting! :)

Oh yeah, because having high clearance credentials and working for the government means ones not biased in politics... Peter Strzok anyone?

Yeah, she's a political operative intent turning her life upside down, lying to the FBI, getting doxed, receiving death threats and being forced into hiding.
Makes perfect sense to .... NO ONE :rolleyes-41:

Who went to a sleazebag lawyer to get her story out instead of turning to one of Dr. Ford's lawyers which would have made both of their stories more believable... At least for me.
I have more faith in Deborah Ramirez's story about someone waving a wiener in her face that may or may not have been Kavanaugh than hers.
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

To her therapist
Four other witnesses came out yesterday saying she had told them the story
Kavanaugh is either the greatest Jeckyl & Hyde type in the history of historical histories, or this is getting ridiculous.
Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

That isn't worth much as far as documentation goes.
Wild frat boy
There are hundreds in politics

Al Franken was forced to resign for less

He was a wild frat boy at 15?
Use your calculator. In 1982, he would have been 17.

She said "approximately 1982"...could be 1980 - 82. So 15-17?

She's gonna wait until Ford pins down a date, then come up with hers. That's how reverse engineering works.

If girls knew these sorts of events happened at these parties why would they attend them?
To meet rich guys.
What she described would not be kept a secret for decades....nope
And yet, every single day, we read new accounts from women all over the country explaining why they were afraid to report these things when they happened. So I will go with the mountain of personal testimony over the gut feelings of a trump cultist.

I don't recall ever reading an account of multiple women ALL keeping "gang-rape parties" a secret for 30 years, so secret that 6 FBI investigations AND the smear machine of the Clinton White House never heard even a rumor about it.

Please link me to these accounts.

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