June Jobs Report: 523K full-time jobs lost,799 part-time (no benefits) gained


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
You might have heard a rosy-sounding report that we gained jobs.

Umm.... not jobs you can support a family comfortably on. Those fell, huge.

But we got a lot more part-time jobs. The ones with no benefits, no medical, no 401K etc.

Welcome to the Democrats' New World Order.

(Haven't the liberals been insisting throughout the min-wage debates, that only a job that can support an entire family well, is worth having?)


June Full-Time Jobs Plunge By Over Half A Million, Part-Time Jobs Surge By 800K, Most Since 1993 | Zero Hedge

June Full-Time Jobs Plunge By Over Half A Million, Part-Time Jobs Surge By 800K, Most Since 1993

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014 09:29 -0400

Is this the reason for the blowout, on the surface, payroll number? In June the BLS reports that the number of full-time jobs tumbled by 523K to 118.2 million while part-time jobs soared by 799K to over 28 million!

Imagine if Republicans actually did something to help the country instead of blocking everything.

And I thought the GOP loved less than the minimum wage with no benefits. Isn't that what they are fighting for?

Too bad Red States try to poach workers from Blue States. I'm guessing their leaders think if the base is stupid enough to vote them into office, they are too stupid to "learn".
Imagine if Republicans actually did something to help the country instead of blocking everything.

As usual, the leftist fanatics oppose blocking the things that have been wrecking the economy.

And when it finally starts a miniscule recovery, they start shouting their usual lies again. :cuckoo:

A lot of people hold more than one part time job. The jobs picture is even worse if adjusted for actual human beings who are working.
Of course, the OP is only taking a carefully framed snapshot of a convenient moment in time.

Pulling back and looking at the big picture:

Looking at the breakdown of full and part-time jobs so far in 2014, we find that 926K full-time jobs were added to the US economy. The offset: 646K part-time jobs.

So the number of full time jobs has risen. The number of part time has fallen.

I took a lot of time to show employment figures going back for years on this forum a while ago. It totally obliterated the meme that ObamaCare is resulting in full time jobs being eliminated and part time jobs increasing.
We aren't even creating enough jobs to keep up with population growth. If we had had a proper recovery, there would be 5M more fully employed people today. The fact that the economy is limping along with minimal job creation doesn't disprove the negative impact of Obamanomics and Obamacare in particular.
You'd have to be a retard to blame a single data point for the sluggish economy.

A much bigger factor is the fact we crossed a very important line around the year 2000. Total public and private debt exceeded 275% of GDP. Once you cross that line, you lose economic growth and have a much tougher time recovering from down cycles.

I wholeheartedly agree that Obama and Democrats only know how to spread wealth around instead of creating it. But I am sick and tired of Republicans being let entirely off the hook. Our entire American Politboro is responsible for this mess. The GOP just wants to get back in power so they can be the ones spending like drunken sailors again.

Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend

Let's not forget it was a Republican at the helm for eight years when our economy went off the cliff that we still have not climbed back up from.

And let's not forget he had a Republican Congress that never balanced a single budget.

And let's not forget before that we had a Republican Congress and Democratic President who completely deregulated the financial services sector which led directly to the global derivatives bubble which brought down the planet.

There aren't enough fingers on your hands to point at all the parties who are to blame for this shit.
523,000 full-time jobs LOST.

I see the Obama flacks' posts are getting longer and longer, with the word count exploding, as they try to explain to everyone why it's not so bad after all.

You'd have to be a retard to blame a single data point for the sluggish economy.

A much bigger factor is the fact we crossed a very important line around the year 2000. Total public and private debt exceeded 275% of GDP. Once you cross that line, you lose economic growth and have a much tougher time recovering from down cycles.

I wholeheartedly agree that Obama and Democrats only know how to spread wealth around instead of creating it. But I am sick and tired of Republicans being let entirely off the hook. Our entire American Politboro is responsible for this mess. The GOP just wants to get back in power so they can be the ones spending like drunken sailors again.

Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend

Let's not forget it was a Republican at the helm for eight years when our economy went off the cliff that we still have not climbed back up from.

And let's not forget he had a Republican Congress that never balanced a single budget.

And let's not forget before that we had a Republican Congress and Democratic President who completely deregulated the financial services sector which led directly to the global derivatives bubble which brought down the planet.

There aren't enough fingers on your hands to point at all the parties who are to blame for this shit.
Sometimes I wonder if you have squirrels running across your keyboard. They couldt make less sense than you do.
First off, why is 275% of GDP significant? WHy not 300%? Why not 100%? England in the 19th century ran deficits much higher but it didnt matter.
Second, what difference does total debt, private and public, to GDP make? Why is that a magic ratio?
No one is letting Republicans off the hook. But hey, who has controlled government for the last 5 years, and Congress for longer than that?
What is this GOP Congress that never balanced a budget? Arent libs always screaming that Bush inherited a balanced budget? Didnt that happen under Clinton when Gingrich was Speaker of the House?
Yes Congress spends way too much. And a lot of that is because of crony constitutent spending BUt propose one spending cut here to some domestic program and you're branded anti education, anti ecology, anti whatever because you want to cut spending on some useless piece of crap program that hasnt helped anyone excapt bureaucrats. Thats the problem.
I think every GOP candidate for November should follow the OP's lead by telling their constituents that we are losing jobs.
Imagine if Republicans actually did something to help the country instead of blocking everything.

As usual, the leftist fanatics oppose blocking the things that have been wrecking the economy.

And when it finally starts a miniscule recovery, they start shouting their usual lies again. :cuckoo:


I would ask for examples, but your kind think tax cuts for billionaires and corporation, lowering the minimum wage, cutting health care, cutting education and not spending on America's infrastructure are the only ways to prosperity.
Corporate profits are at an all time high. Our politicians are not failing the "job creators".

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