Junteenth, just a symbolic passifier,Blacks really need Cash reparations. White people just to Cheap.

This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
Juneteenth----really should be renamed WE WANT MO' GOVERNMENT MONEY and we's lie and rewrite history to create white quilt to do so. Juneteeth---is White Guilt by hook or crook Day.
Juneteenth is democrat racist bigotry pure and simple. Screw Juneteenth--it is commemorating the fact that news traveled exceedingly slow in 1865. No more, no less. June 19th, just another day, BFD.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
Juneteenth----really should be renamed WE WANT MO' GOVERNMENT MONEY and we's lie and rewrite history to create white quilt to do so. Juneteeth---is White Guilt by hook or crook Day.
So youre saying white people lied about going to Texas and freeing the last slaves on June 19th?
I am june 19 is a nonsense day and whatever happened in Texas on this day is irregardless. Cramming the "holiday" quickly through coincides with the NEGRO WALLSTREET BS story and is all being used by RACE HOs looking for mo' money mo' money that they dont' want to work for---they are trying to rewrite history to guilt white people to justify Biden adminstration again stealing money from taxpayers to pay off supporters in the RACE HO ranks. I am tired of the lies, the scams to get money, the white guilt, and the rewriting of history. It's disgusting and it needs to end.
Again you said "rewrite history". Again i ask you if you feel the event took place?
Which event....

the june 19 even likely took place atleast in some shape but it is meaningless with no reason to celebrate it other than it is in June with no existing holidays so that makes it more likely to be celebrated and not combined with other holidays and it is close enough to July 4 for the marxists and communists to move on to their next step which is already trying to get the black holiday to replace the 4th of july along with the mo money reparation nonsense.

Greenwood didn't happen as the black race hos are pretending--------the hotel owner was a gangster who tried to break his boy diamond dick out of jail twice killing several whites---of course the crowds hunted down his mob of murderers and burned the businesses that the gangster owned trying to get them out.
The Democrats were trying to keep their slaves so soldiers were sent to free the illegally enslaved blacks. Now Democrats have turned it into a holiday. These creatures are insane.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
Yup, nobody cared about it when the Hussein was in office.

Why didn’t the Hussein make it a national holiday?
I heard a wild estimate that every descendant of slaves would end up getting about $600 .......so give it to them...but then the bitching and blaming must stop....I know that will never happen....
You're way off son.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
Yup, nobody cared about it when the Hussein was in office.

Why didn’t the Hussein make it a national holiday?
You guys would have lost your minds and one of you racists would have tried to kill Obama.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
You are correct.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
Juneteenth----really should be renamed WE WANT MO' GOVERNMENT MONEY and we's lie and rewrite history to create white quilt to do so. Juneteeth---is White Guilt by hook or crook Day.

Did somebody white talk about people wanting something from the government?

The Homestead Act that went from 1862 until 1934 gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, to include white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or basically the equivalent of a minimum of 500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, that is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

Shut up dumb ass white racist female, the government has probabky given those like you more than anyone.

Title 4 or IV of the social security act of 1935 called for grants in aid to be provided to each stated as Aid To Dependent Children. “ For the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial assistance, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to needy dependent children, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, the sum of $24,750,000, and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year thereafter a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Board, State plans for aid to dependent children.”

Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children without daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Seems that Sowell is unable to point this out and in fact this is part of long tradition of taking care of poor single parent white families.

The ADC plan was written by then previous and current directors of the U.S. Children’s Bureau in the Department of Labor, Grace Abbott and Katherine Lenroot. They lobbied hard to get this program added to the Social Security bill, which was aimed at male breadwinners, reflecting the masculinist assumptions and composition of the Committee on Economic Security (CES) that wrote the bill. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers lacked the support of a breadwinner, no matter how they got to that position.

From 1910 until 1965 single white females with children were provided money from the government to the tune of billions.

And then:

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”

Sally Kohn

The National Womens Law Center did a study on Affirmatives Action and found that: “Women of color have lagged particularly far behind in both employment and education. For example, in 1998, the median weekly salary for Black women was $400 compared to $468 for white women and $615 for white men. Hispanic women earned a median weekly income of only $337. Even in sectors where women have made inroads into management, minority women continue to be underrepresented. In the banking industry, only 2.6% of executive, managerial and administrative jobs were held by Black women, and 5% by Hispanic women, compared to 37.6% by white women. In the hospital industry, Black and Hispanic women each held 4.6% of these jobs, while white women held 50.2%. At the top, women of color represented only 11.2% of all corporate officers in Fortune 500 companies. Women of color also earn fewer college degrees than white women. In 1997, white women made up 39% of college undergraduates and 42% of graduate students; minority women were only 16% of undergraduates and 10% of graduate students.”

From: “Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action”

The gender benefits of affirmative action have extended beyond economically privileged women, expanding opportunity for working-class women as well: The 1985 Perkins Act, which requires states to set aside 10.5% of federal vocational-education funds for girls and women — such as displaced homemakers and single-mothers — has helped these women find new jobs to support themselves and their families. In Florida, thanks to this program, more than 70% of women receiving voc-ed funds found new jobs, at pay levels averaging twice their prior salaries (National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education 1995).”

So really white folks, stop talking about everybody else getting handouts.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
if we are then so are you !
The Democrats were trying to keep their slaves so soldiers were sent to free the illegally enslaved blacks. Now Democrats have turned it into a holiday. These creatures are insane.
As always, if you can point out any current Democrats who participated in illegally keeping those slaves, I promise I will not vote for them.
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
So, would mixed-race couples get half the amount of reparations? What about their kids?
This Junteenth is just a cheap passifier being used to appease blacks. What blacks really need is robust slavery reparations. White people just very cheap with their wallets. Todays whites feel they had nothing to do with slavery.But they are reaping the benefits from slavery today.
why are trying to start a tax revolt ?
The Democrats were trying to keep their slaves so soldiers were sent to free the illegally enslaved blacks. Now Democrats have turned it into a holiday. These creatures are insane.
As always, if you can point out any current Democrats who participated in illegally keeping those slaves, I promise I will not vote for them.
and if you can point out any white people that owned slaves we should make them pay up .
All the money in the world can't civilize the negroid
All the education in the world cant tame the caucasoid. No wonder they devolved during the Dark Ages

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