Jurors in Manafort trial send judge four questions

I find it disturbing that liberals want to control what people do with their own money in countries other than the US>
These are GOP investigating, charging, and trying Manafort, Defiant1. We Americans are responsible to our laws in terms of taxation whether we reside in or out of the country.

Not my GOP.

We aren't talking about residence.
If I take money that I have paid all the taxes on and I want to invest it by opening a company in another country, the US has no right to any of that money unless I bring it back into the country.
Spoofing Marty's material is so easy.

The jury will do a good, I believe, with the case that has been presented.

I am willing to accept the outcome if it goes for or against Manafort, but the Alt Right want and will support only one verdict.

The Alt right doesn't care, they are too busy being WP morons.

Regular people on the right (i.e. most people, even the ones you try to smear as alt right) know this is nothing more than a witch hunt.
Some do, yes, and most know that Manafort is a bad dude getting his day in court. Will you accept the verdict?

What do mean by accept the verdict?

Even if he gets convicted it doesn't lead to anything else. If he gets acquitted Muller will continue on anyway.
this is a question of mine - what does this case have to do with trump and russia collusion? i get that "hey we found a crime we must prosecute" - go for it. put it in the system and let the system do their job. but why is mueller so heavy into this when it doesn't appear to have a thing to do wit russia or his core role today.
As a cop so to speak, he can't just ignore crimes he finds committed while looking into Trump's campaign's dealings. You ever seen a cop go into a home and ignore a meth cook because they were there on a dv charge? No? Same difference.
did you see me say this should not be followed up on?

let me put it in big bold letters for you.

"hey we found a crime we must prosecute" - go for it. put it in the system and let the system do their job.

again - i realize the herculean effort you'll need to put here, i do and i appreciate it; but stop being stupid and not even responding to what i say and instead having some strawman argument in your replies to me.
Saying that Manfort directed Gates to do all the things that happened IS their whole case. the documents themselves don't implicate Manfort directly enough to work without Gates' testimony, which is why he got such a plum deal to testify.
Saying that Manfort directed Gates to do all the things that happened IS their whole case. the documents themselves don't implicate Manfort directly enough to work without Gates' testimony, which is why he got such a plum deal to testify.
You're simply wrong. You obviously have not followed this trial at all.

And yet you provide no backup as to why I am wrong.

The reason for the jury to ask about reasonable doubt is because they have a choice between believing Gates or not.

No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....
'Jury questions potentially a good sign for Manafort'



If Mueller loses this case, he and Rosenstein are left with:

Indicted for Lying to the FBI. Flynn lied about something that was not even illegal. Some surmise he got flustered and Strzok - a seasoned interrogator and experienced Counter-Intelligence agent - intimidated / pressured him into pleating guilty.

- The US IG reported he found the FBI altered testimony after the fact.
(I am not saying they altered Flynn's testimony)

- Then Director of the FBI Comey testified under oath that his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview.

- Evidence shows Strzok also interviewed Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, that according to the transcripts of their testimony they lied about not knowing about Hillary's server. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It is the same crime Strzok indicted Flynn over ... yet he refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime (but there was no bias involved).


The FBI got a 'tip' from someone that a Trump campaign Associate met with an Australian Diplomat and told the diplomat that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.

1. The tip ended up coming from the Australian Diplomat.

2. The Australian turned out to be a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor.

3. Papa was not a Trump Associate but instead a self-important, UNPAID Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER.

4. Papa was indicted because of a 'drunken conversation Papa and the Australian Rep had in the bathroom of a British pub.


- This was OBVIOUSLY a set-up. A huge Hillary donor agrees talks to Papa, tips off the FBI. (which makes it look more and more like the FBI was working FOR / WITH Hillary Clinton - no indictment of Abedin / Mills, Stzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary's server scandal which kept her from being indicted, got the Dossier from Hillary and used it to get warrants on Trump....)

- A DRUNKEN (the FBI's words) conversation in the bathroom of a British pub. How Drunk? Can you trust anything a drunk says? Usually when a guy gets drunk his ego and mouth get bigger and his intellect and standards (regarding women) get smaller. I mean, he called himself a Trump Associate - part of Trump's team. HE WAS AN UNPAID TRUMP CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER. That exaggeration alone proves he was self-important and running his mouth to make himself seem bigger than he was...

There are actuallty2 separate groups of Russians that have been indicted. The 1st group - that has nothing to do with Trump - is still waiting trial because Mueller keeps pushing the date of their trial back, violating their right, I might add, to a speedy trial. Whether or not Mueller ever decides to go ahead with the trial is anyone's guess.

The 2nd group of Russians are the ones working for the Russian govt, the ones Obama knew were interfering back n 2014 yet did nothing to stop. How convenient it is to indict 'the boogeymen' (don't get me wrong, they most probably are the ones who did what they are being accused of) who will NEVER be interviewed by the DOJ / Special Counsel, who will NEVER be able to tell their side / defend themselves, who will NEVER be extradited, and who will NEVER be brought to Justice.

Even if Manafort is found guilty...Even if Flynn is found guilty...Even if Papadopoulos is found Guilty...Mueller still has ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians or involving Trump with the Russian Interference Obama and his administration ALREADY KNEW was going on. Mueller will be left with ZERO evidence of such a crime, which was / is the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel.

You're simply wrong. You obviously have not followed this trial at all.

And yet you provide no backup as to why I am wrong.

The reason for the jury to ask about reasonable doubt is because they have a choice between believing Gates or not.

No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.
'Jury questions potentially a good sign for Manafort'



If Mueller loses this case, he and Rosenstein are left with:

Indicted for Lying to the FBI. Flynn lied about something that was not even illegal. Some surmise he got flustered and Strzok - a seasoned interrogator and experienced Counter-Intelligence agent - intimidated / pressured him into pleating guilty.

- The US IG reported he found the FBI altered testimony after the fact.
(I am not saying they altered Flynn's testimony)

- Then Director of the FBI Comey testified under oath that his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview.

- Evidence shows Strzok also interviewed Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, that according to the transcripts of their testimony they lied about not knowing about Hillary's server. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It is the same crime Strzok indicted Flynn over ... yet he refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime (but there was no bias involved).


The FBI got a 'tip' from someone that a Trump campaign Associate met with an Australian Diplomat and told the diplomat that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.

1. The tip ended up coming from the Australian Diplomat.

2. The Australian turned out to be a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor.

3. Papa was not a Trump Associate but instead a self-important, UNPAID Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER.

4. Papa was indicted because of a 'drunken conversation Papa and the Australian Rep had in the bathroom of a British pub.


- This was OBVIOUSLY a set-up. A huge Hillary donor agrees talks to Papa, tips off the FBI. (which makes it look more and more like the FBI was working FOR / WITH Hillary Clinton - no indictment of Abedin / Mills, Stzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary's server scandal which kept her from being indicted, got the Dossier from Hillary and used it to get warrants on Trump....)

- A DRUNKEN (the FBI's words) conversation in the bathroom of a British pub. How Drunk? Can you trust anything a drunk says? Usually when a guy gets drunk his ego and mouth get bigger and his intellect and standards (regarding women) get smaller. I mean, he called himself a Trump Associate - part of Trump's team. HE WAS AN UNPAID TRUMP CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER. That exaggeration alone proves he was self-important and running his mouth to make himself seem bigger than he was...

There are actuallty2 separate groups of Russians that have been indicted. The 1st group - that has nothing to do with Trump - is still waiting trial because Mueller keeps pushing the date of their trial back, violating their right, I might add, to a speedy trial. Whether or not Mueller ever decides to go ahead with the trial is anyone's guess.

The 2nd group of Russians are the ones working for the Russian govt, the ones Obama knew were interfering back n 2014 yet did nothing to stop. How convenient it is to indict 'the boogeymen' (don't get me wrong, they most probably are the ones who did what they are being accused of) who will NEVER be interviewed by the DOJ / Special Counsel, who will NEVER be able to tell their side / defend themselves, who will NEVER be extradited, and who will NEVER be brought to Justice.

Even if Manafort is found guilty...Even if Flynn is found guilty...Even if Papadopoulos is found Guilty...Mueller still has ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians or involving Trump with the Russian Interference Obama and his administration ALREADY KNEW was going on. Mueller will be left with ZERO evidence of such a crime, which was / is the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel.

even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues.

but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA?

can someone link that up for me?
And yet you provide no backup as to why I am wrong.

The reason for the jury to ask about reasonable doubt is because they have a choice between believing Gates or not.

No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

and yet here we are on day two of jury deliberations....
'Jury questions potentially a good sign for Manafort'



If Mueller loses this case, he and Rosenstein are left with:

Indicted for Lying to the FBI. Flynn lied about something that was not even illegal. Some surmise he got flustered and Strzok - a seasoned interrogator and experienced Counter-Intelligence agent - intimidated / pressured him into pleating guilty.

- The US IG reported he found the FBI altered testimony after the fact.
(I am not saying they altered Flynn's testimony)

- Then Director of the FBI Comey testified under oath that his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview.

- Evidence shows Strzok also interviewed Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, that according to the transcripts of their testimony they lied about not knowing about Hillary's server. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It is the same crime Strzok indicted Flynn over ... yet he refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime (but there was no bias involved).


The FBI got a 'tip' from someone that a Trump campaign Associate met with an Australian Diplomat and told the diplomat that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.

1. The tip ended up coming from the Australian Diplomat.

2. The Australian turned out to be a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor.

3. Papa was not a Trump Associate but instead a self-important, UNPAID Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER.

4. Papa was indicted because of a 'drunken conversation Papa and the Australian Rep had in the bathroom of a British pub.


- This was OBVIOUSLY a set-up. A huge Hillary donor agrees talks to Papa, tips off the FBI. (which makes it look more and more like the FBI was working FOR / WITH Hillary Clinton - no indictment of Abedin / Mills, Stzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary's server scandal which kept her from being indicted, got the Dossier from Hillary and used it to get warrants on Trump....)

- A DRUNKEN (the FBI's words) conversation in the bathroom of a British pub. How Drunk? Can you trust anything a drunk says? Usually when a guy gets drunk his ego and mouth get bigger and his intellect and standards (regarding women) get smaller. I mean, he called himself a Trump Associate - part of Trump's team. HE WAS AN UNPAID TRUMP CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER. That exaggeration alone proves he was self-important and running his mouth to make himself seem bigger than he was...

There are actuallty2 separate groups of Russians that have been indicted. The 1st group - that has nothing to do with Trump - is still waiting trial because Mueller keeps pushing the date of their trial back, violating their right, I might add, to a speedy trial. Whether or not Mueller ever decides to go ahead with the trial is anyone's guess.

The 2nd group of Russians are the ones working for the Russian govt, the ones Obama knew were interfering back n 2014 yet did nothing to stop. How convenient it is to indict 'the boogeymen' (don't get me wrong, they most probably are the ones who did what they are being accused of) who will NEVER be interviewed by the DOJ / Special Counsel, who will NEVER be able to tell their side / defend themselves, who will NEVER be extradited, and who will NEVER be brought to Justice.

Even if Manafort is found guilty...Even if Flynn is found guilty...Even if Papadopoulos is found Guilty...Mueller still has ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians or involving Trump with the Russian Interference Obama and his administration ALREADY KNEW was going on. Mueller will be left with ZERO evidence of such a crime, which was / is the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel.

even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues.

but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA?

can someone link that up for me?

Nice way to abandon your thread premise in favor of a more desireable strawman narrative. :laugh2:
No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

and yet here we are on day two of jury deliberations....

So what? There are 18 counts that have to be deliberated.
I find it disturbing that liberals want to control what people do with their own money in countries other than the US>
These are GOP investigating, charging, and trying Manafort, Defiant1. We Americans are responsible to our laws in terms of taxation whether we reside in or out of the country.

Not my GOP.

We aren't talking about residence.
If I take money that I have paid all the taxes on and I want to invest it by opening a company in another country, the US has no right to any of that money unless I bring it back into the country.
Your opinion is the law?
No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

and yet here we are on day two of jury deliberations....
Manafort will lose 'in a landslide'....

And yet you provide no backup as to why I am wrong.

The reason for the jury to ask about reasonable doubt is because they have a choice between believing Gates or not.

No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

So what, that isn't "illegal".
Jurors in Manafort trial send judge four questions, including asking him to redefine reasonable doubt

asking to define/redefine "reasonable doubt". now each side will twist this to mean he's guilty/innocent depending on what you thought before this question from the jury was asked, but what does it really mean?

to me it sounds like someone or some people in the jury want to know how to put that against what meuller presented. does it apply or doesn't it? there must be some concerns around whether or not he did or this wouldn't come up. if some jurors were saying there was "reasonable doubt" it would come up. someone else would have to say "no there wasn't" - hence the clarification.

that alone says someone is questioning that on the jury.

if manafort is failed to be charged with a majority of the 18 charges, mueller's case against trump takes a huge it and things start falling apart. i'm glad to see the jury take this seriously and ask these questions for their own clarification. we'll see what they decide hopefully soon so we can at least get this behind us.

In simple form, asking for definition of "reasonable doubt" would identify to what degree a member or members of the jury should believe the prosecution has proven the intent of the defendant, or the degree to which they should view the strength of the evidence provided by the prosecution. Other than that, all you can assume is that at least one member of the jury doubts the strength of the prosecution's case, which leaves it to the judge to instruct them as to what they should view as "reasonable".
even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues. but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA? can someone link that up for me?
His innocence or guilt has nothing to do with Trump and Russia. That's the point.
'Jury questions potentially a good sign for Manafort'



If Mueller loses this case, he and Rosenstein are left with:

Indicted for Lying to the FBI. Flynn lied about something that was not even illegal. Some surmise he got flustered and Strzok - a seasoned interrogator and experienced Counter-Intelligence agent - intimidated / pressured him into pleating guilty.

- The US IG reported he found the FBI altered testimony after the fact.
(I am not saying they altered Flynn's testimony)

- Then Director of the FBI Comey testified under oath that his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview.

- Evidence shows Strzok also interviewed Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, that according to the transcripts of their testimony they lied about not knowing about Hillary's server. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It is the same crime Strzok indicted Flynn over ... yet he refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime (but there was no bias involved).


The FBI got a 'tip' from someone that a Trump campaign Associate met with an Australian Diplomat and told the diplomat that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.

1. The tip ended up coming from the Australian Diplomat.

2. The Australian turned out to be a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor.

3. Papa was not a Trump Associate but instead a self-important, UNPAID Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER.

4. Papa was indicted because of a 'drunken conversation Papa and the Australian Rep had in the bathroom of a British pub.


- This was OBVIOUSLY a set-up. A huge Hillary donor agrees talks to Papa, tips off the FBI. (which makes it look more and more like the FBI was working FOR / WITH Hillary Clinton - no indictment of Abedin / Mills, Stzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary's server scandal which kept her from being indicted, got the Dossier from Hillary and used it to get warrants on Trump....)

- A DRUNKEN (the FBI's words) conversation in the bathroom of a British pub. How Drunk? Can you trust anything a drunk says? Usually when a guy gets drunk his ego and mouth get bigger and his intellect and standards (regarding women) get smaller. I mean, he called himself a Trump Associate - part of Trump's team. HE WAS AN UNPAID TRUMP CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER. That exaggeration alone proves he was self-important and running his mouth to make himself seem bigger than he was...

There are actuallty2 separate groups of Russians that have been indicted. The 1st group - that has nothing to do with Trump - is still waiting trial because Mueller keeps pushing the date of their trial back, violating their right, I might add, to a speedy trial. Whether or not Mueller ever decides to go ahead with the trial is anyone's guess.

The 2nd group of Russians are the ones working for the Russian govt, the ones Obama knew were interfering back n 2014 yet did nothing to stop. How convenient it is to indict 'the boogeymen' (don't get me wrong, they most probably are the ones who did what they are being accused of) who will NEVER be interviewed by the DOJ / Special Counsel, who will NEVER be able to tell their side / defend themselves, who will NEVER be extradited, and who will NEVER be brought to Justice.

Even if Manafort is found guilty...Even if Flynn is found guilty...Even if Papadopoulos is found Guilty...Mueller still has ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians or involving Trump with the Russian Interference Obama and his administration ALREADY KNEW was going on. Mueller will be left with ZERO evidence of such a crime, which was / is the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel.

even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues.

but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA?

can someone link that up for me?

Nice way to abandon your thread premise in favor of a more desireable strawman narrative. :laugh2:
a simple "no, i can't do that" would be sufficient.

you get more stupid by the minute.
even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues. but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA? can someone link that up for me?
His innocence or guilt has nothing to do with Trump and Russia. That's the point.
then why is mueller spending his time on this case to try it when there are many other qualified prosecutors who can do this and allow him to return to the investigation?
'Jury questions potentially a good sign for Manafort'



If Mueller loses this case, he and Rosenstein are left with:

Indicted for Lying to the FBI. Flynn lied about something that was not even illegal. Some surmise he got flustered and Strzok - a seasoned interrogator and experienced Counter-Intelligence agent - intimidated / pressured him into pleating guilty.

- The US IG reported he found the FBI altered testimony after the fact.
(I am not saying they altered Flynn's testimony)

- Then Director of the FBI Comey testified under oath that his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview.

- Evidence shows Strzok also interviewed Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, that according to the transcripts of their testimony they lied about not knowing about Hillary's server. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It is the same crime Strzok indicted Flynn over ... yet he refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime (but there was no bias involved).


The FBI got a 'tip' from someone that a Trump campaign Associate met with an Australian Diplomat and told the diplomat that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.

1. The tip ended up coming from the Australian Diplomat.

2. The Australian turned out to be a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor.

3. Papa was not a Trump Associate but instead a self-important, UNPAID Trump Campaign VOLUNTEER.

4. Papa was indicted because of a 'drunken conversation Papa and the Australian Rep had in the bathroom of a British pub.


- This was OBVIOUSLY a set-up. A huge Hillary donor agrees talks to Papa, tips off the FBI. (which makes it look more and more like the FBI was working FOR / WITH Hillary Clinton - no indictment of Abedin / Mills, Stzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary's server scandal which kept her from being indicted, got the Dossier from Hillary and used it to get warrants on Trump....)

- A DRUNKEN (the FBI's words) conversation in the bathroom of a British pub. How Drunk? Can you trust anything a drunk says? Usually when a guy gets drunk his ego and mouth get bigger and his intellect and standards (regarding women) get smaller. I mean, he called himself a Trump Associate - part of Trump's team. HE WAS AN UNPAID TRUMP CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER. That exaggeration alone proves he was self-important and running his mouth to make himself seem bigger than he was...

There are actuallty2 separate groups of Russians that have been indicted. The 1st group - that has nothing to do with Trump - is still waiting trial because Mueller keeps pushing the date of their trial back, violating their right, I might add, to a speedy trial. Whether or not Mueller ever decides to go ahead with the trial is anyone's guess.

The 2nd group of Russians are the ones working for the Russian govt, the ones Obama knew were interfering back n 2014 yet did nothing to stop. How convenient it is to indict 'the boogeymen' (don't get me wrong, they most probably are the ones who did what they are being accused of) who will NEVER be interviewed by the DOJ / Special Counsel, who will NEVER be able to tell their side / defend themselves, who will NEVER be extradited, and who will NEVER be brought to Justice.

Even if Manafort is found guilty...Even if Flynn is found guilty...Even if Papadopoulos is found Guilty...Mueller still has ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians or involving Trump with the Russian Interference Obama and his administration ALREADY KNEW was going on. Mueller will be left with ZERO evidence of such a crime, which was / is the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel.

even so i'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE on any side to tell me what this tax evasion has to do with RUSSIA to begin with. potential crime yes. prosecute and give him his trial like we'd all get. no issues.

but even if he's found guilty, what impact does *this* have to do with RUSSIA?

can someone link that up for me?

Nice way to abandon your thread premise in favor of a more desireable strawman narrative. :laugh2:
How is it 'abandoning the thread premise', which was not even a 'premise'. It was a statement of fact.
Jurors in Manafort trial send judge four questions, including asking him to redefine reasonable doubt

asking to define/redefine "reasonable doubt". now each side will twist this to mean he's guilty/innocent depending on what you thought before this question from the jury was asked, but what does it really mean?

to me it sounds like someone or some people in the jury want to know how to put that against what meuller presented. does it apply or doesn't it? there must be some concerns around whether or not he did or this wouldn't come up. if some jurors were saying there was "reasonable doubt" it would come up. someone else would have to say "no there wasn't" - hence the clarification.

that alone says someone is questioning that on the jury.

if manafort is failed to be charged with a majority of the 18 charges, mueller's case against trump takes a huge it and things start falling apart. i'm glad to see the jury take this seriously and ask these questions for their own clarification. we'll see what they decide hopefully soon so we can at least get this behind us.

In simple form, asking for definition of "reasonable doubt" would identify to what degree a member or members of the jury should believe the prosecution has proven the intent of the defendant, or the degree to which they should view the strength of the evidence provided by the prosecution. Other than that, all you can assume is that at least one member of the jury doubts the strength of the prosecution's case, which leaves it to judge to instruct them as to what they should view as "reasonable".
that's my assumption as well, but i also see how it can apply either way. on it's own it's just a question. with no context around it, we take it and run to make it mean something to us. i'm trying to NOT do that but lord, the trolls.
No. Fifteen other people testified besides Gates. The fact that you continue to assert that it is all about Gates only highlights your ignorance of the trial.

Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

So what, that isn't "illegal".

So what, that isn't "illegal".

Obviously it is, dope.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

If the jury thinks he is just covering his own ass, you have reasonable doubt, and then at worst for Manfort a hung jury, at best acquittals.
Gates is the crux of their case, because he was the one with the hands on the levers.

He's not. Gates had nothing to do with Manafort's personal tax filings. By all means though, continue to be a fool.

If Gates was really pulling the strings Manfort's personal tax filings relied on information from Gates and the corporations.

Fruit of the poisoned pill.....

No, dope. Manafort knew he had overseas accounts because he bought things with wire transfers. That was in the evidence, fool.

You don't even understand the charges let alone the case made in the trial.

and yet here we are on day two of jury deliberations....

So what? There are 18 counts that have to be deliberated.

Yep, keep telling yourself that.

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