Jurors in Manafort trial send judge four questions

All it's gonna take is one braindead tRumpkin who will refuse to believe anything bad about Cheeto Jesus and his associates to get us a hung jury.

I pretty much expect that to be the result.

Then mayne we can get a retrial with an unbiased and presenile judge.
Oh, is Trump on trial here.....you lying fuck???

No he is not.

Do you lying fucks think he is???

You bet your ass!!!
You ain't real bright are you.

Of course he's not on trial directly but everyone is looking at this as a referendum on tRump vs Mueller. And in a way it is. A conviction would add veracity to Mueller's investigation, while an acquittal would in turn lend support to the tRumpkins.

Got I now? Let me know if you have trouble with the bigger words.
how? how will getting manafort for tax evasion help his russia investigation on trump?

come on 200w - you should be bright enough to link these 2.
We're talking about public opinion here, so no I can't link it. I'm sorry, if you can't understand it I can't help you.
if opinion - why do you insult people who opinion you do not share?

to me there is no link. manafort guilty, goes to jail, back to "investigation" with nothing further added to said "investigation". manafort not guilty, now there is a risk that mueller sold this as a connection and lost in court. IN MY OPINION the risk isn't worth mueller trying to link these together when in a black and white sense they have nothing to do with each other.

you are right about 1 thing. you can't help me. back to ignore. have a day.
You insulted fort, called me a liar.

Ignore is for snowflakes.

Enjoy it snowflake.
The jury doesn't need to be convinced. They're instructed on the crime and given evidence of that crime.

There is no foreign accounts listed on Manafort's tax returns yet bank records show Manafort making payments from a foreign account.

Case closed. Done.
All I suggested is that if the prosecution did provide the evidence and prove it, then that's not why the jurors asked the judge to instruct them on "reasonable doubt". You can "Case closed. Done" your ass off all day if you feel the need, but it isn't, and won't be, until the jurors decide.
The jury doesn't need to be convinced. They're instructed on the crime and given evidence of that crime.

There is no foreign accounts listed on Manafort's tax returns yet bank records show Manafort making payments from a foreign account.

Case closed. Done.
All I said is that if the prosecution did provide the evidence and prove it, then that's not why the jurors asked the judge to instruct them on "reasonable doubt". You can "Case closed. Done" your ass off all day if you feel the need, but it isn't and won't be until the jurors decide.

No. You questioned whether the 10k limit was too dificult for the jury to understand.

You said nothing of reasonable doubt.
That's why the judicial system in the US is one of the worst. You call people who have no clue about the law , can be biased or unfit to issue a judgement about a very complex case....oh and let's not forget how disruptive to ones life that can be showing up to court for weeks or maybe months.
I googled "how long is the average jury deliberation?" and the first hit said it was something like six hours, or less. However, hit two said it can go from a couple minutes to 55 days, or more.
With 18 charges to look at, it is probably going to take more than a few minutes.
That all just makes sense, but I see where the judge thinks it will be over soon.....
No. You questioned whether the 10k limit was too dificult for the jury to understand.

You said nothing of reasonable doubt.

No id didn't, I wondered how you could think that was the reason why the jury asked the question. The OP is about the reasonable doubt question in case you missed that in your hyperactive nonsense.
No. You questioned whether the 10k limit was too dificult for the jury to understand.

You said nothing of reasonable doubt.

No id didn't, I wondered how you could think that was the reason why the jury asked the question. The OP is about the reasonable doubt question in case you missed that in your hyperactive nonsense.
No id didn't, I wondered how you could think that was the reason why the jury asked the question.

I never made that assertion.
I googled "how long is the average jury deliberation?" and the first hit said it was something like six hours, or less. However, hit two said it can go from a couple minutes to 55 days, or more.
With 18 charges to look at, it is probably going to take more than a few minutes.
That all just makes sense, but I see where the judge thinks it will be over soon.....

Manafort was indicted with multiple charges, and it is unreasonable to assume that a question asked by the jury refers to all the charges. The fact people are already arguing about it pretty awesome though. You like mimosas, this could be fun?
I never made that assertion.
No, you made the assertion it wasn't when you said "case closed", and then I suggested the question may not refer to what you intended to represent the verdict to be based on. You can still try to lawyer your way out of it, but you won't.
The jury in the Paul Manafort trial asked four questions as they indicated they'd continue deliberations tomorrow.

Here's what they asked:

  1. They asked if Judge T.S. Ellis could "redefine" for them "reasonable doubt."
  2. They also asked two questions related to Manafort's tax filing and foreign bank account disclosure charges. The first question was whether a person is required to file a foreign banking disclosure if he or she owns less than 50% of a company and does not have signature authority over the account but does have the authority to disburse the accounts' funds.
  3. The second tax-related question was about the definition of a "shelf" company.
  4. Their last question was if the court could match exhibit numbers to indictments.
Where are the Russians in all this?

LOL this is Manaforts tax fraud case in Virginia.

.... the Russia case is set for September in DC
See you lib farts are now trying to play the “we never said that” baloney. There is no doubt, supported by hundreds of postings here, that libbies have linked Manafort to the Trump Witch Hunt from day one. Now that things are headed south, you are attempting to separate them.
Does not work here.
Regular people on the right (i.e. most people, even the ones you try to smear as alt right) know this is nothing more than a witch hunt.
And yet most people identify more with the democrat platform, and most people recognize the validity and importance of the investigation. So, are we supposed to be impressed that you know how to make stuff up?
Regular people on the right (i.e. most people, even the ones you try to smear as alt right) know this is nothing more than a witch hunt.
And yet most people identify more with the democrat platform, and most people recognize the validity and importance of the investigation. So, are we supposed to be impressed that you know how to make stuff up?

keep telling yourself that.

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