Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans.

Curious minds naturally reject conservatism.

Which is why only 6% of scientists are Republican?


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

To be anti science and then say you have a curious mind is, well, "curious".
I'm surprised there are that many working in the media.

The left is nothing if not organized. The plan decades ago was to infiltrate the press and the schools. They've done that and are doing a fairly good job of shaping public opinion by indoctrinating students and putting out propaganda under the guise of reporting news.

We can only hope there are enough smart people left to turn this around.
There haven't been any real journalists for years. Being on one side just slants everything and you can't be honest.
Curious minds naturally reject conservatism.

This is backwards. Journalists are products of liberal arts educations. Such people have never learned critical thinking and believe in consensus reality. So it is no wonder that they are mostly collectivists, and no wonder that collectivists are mostly Democrats. They all share the inability to distinguish dogma from reality.

In my 18 years in that business, I can think of two hardcore conservatives. Maybe ten percent of us were cranky independents, the rest were clearly liberal. I remember seeing one survey asking people why they went into journalism, and the top response was "to change the world". Huh? I had thought it was to accurately report what was happening, but no - they have an agenda to promote and journalism is by far the most effective and efficient way to do so.

There were several methods used to slant stories:

  • Whether you cover a story at all
  • Where it is placed in the order of the broadcast
  • How much, if any, significance is given to facts that are contrary to the premise of the piece
  • The overall tone & tenor of the piece
  • Any combination therein
Lefties, of course, like the way the media behaves because it comports with their worldview. Add that to the fact that the media is so effective in getting that worldview out, and they'll support to the bitter end. Which will never come, by the way.

Are there exceptions, will the press report on stories that fly in the face of, or damage, their worldview? Yes, because there is one (1) thing that takes a higher priority than politics to them, and that is their lofty view of themselves, "media as the world's watchdog". Challenge their integrity and they'll protect it like a mama bear, and they won't care which party you're in. Ironic, since most of their energy is spent spinning.

But the Left doesn't do much of that, they don't challenge the media much (why would they?), so their relationship with the media remains cozy.

About time we hear from someone with actual knowledge and common sense. Right on.
Curious minds naturally reject conservatism.

This is backwards. Journalists are products of liberal arts educations. Such people have never learned critical thinking and believe in consensus reality. So it is no wonder that they are mostly collectivists, and no wonder that collectivists are mostly Democrats. They all share the inability to distinguish dogma from reality.

they also do not have the ability to THINK.., look at their words and how liberfools always use the word FEEL.., they rarely ever think or believe, it is always FEEEEEEEL with them.

i believe if a libernut were to apply the thought process their head would explode.
left-wing nutjobs pretending to be curious?

LMAO!! gotta love the self-delusional Left!

where is the intellectual curiosity that should be asking why Democrats claim to much improvement on jobs and trun around and scream that Republicans are mean and without souls for having the nerve to ask why, if things are so good now; that welfare, food stamps and unemployment compensation cant be cut by one penny or one day of eligibility from their current RECORD levels set AT THE HEIGHT OF THE "BUSH" RECESSION AND THE BEGINNING OF THE OBAMA YEARS?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And your point is?

Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

May 6 at 12:52 pm

A majority of American journalists identify themselves as political independents although among those who choose a side Democrats outnumber Republicans four to one, according to a new study of the media conducted by two Indiana University professors.

Write Lars Wilnat and David Weaver, professors of journalism at Indiana, of their findings:

Compared with 2002, the percentage of full-time U.S. journalists who claim to be Democrats has dropped 8 percentage points in 2013 to about 28 percent, moving this figure closer to the overall population percentage of 30 percent, according to a December 12-15, 2013, ABC News/Washington Post national poll of 1,005 adults. This is the lowest percentage of journalists saying they are Democrats since 1971. An even larger drop was observed among journalists who said they were Republicans in 2013 (7.1 percent) than in 2002 (18 percent), but the 2013 figure is still notably lower than the percentage of U.S. adults who identified with the Republican Party (24 percent according to the poll mentioned above).



and there you have it

Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The number who claim to be Democratic are also at a historical low.

The vast majority are Independent.
And your point is?

Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

May 6 at 12:52 pm

A majority of American journalists identify themselves as political independents although among those who choose a side Democrats outnumber Republicans four to one, according to a new study of the media conducted by two Indiana University professors.

Write Lars Wilnat and David Weaver, professors of journalism at Indiana, of their findings:

Compared with 2002, the percentage of full-time U.S. journalists who claim to be Democrats has dropped 8 percentage points in 2013 to about 28 percent, moving this figure closer to the overall population percentage of 30 percent, according to a December 12-15, 2013, ABC News/Washington Post national poll of 1,005 adults. This is the lowest percentage of journalists saying they are Democrats since 1971. An even larger drop was observed among journalists who said they were Republicans in 2013 (7.1 percent) than in 2002 (18 percent), but the 2013 figure is still notably lower than the percentage of U.S. adults who identified with the Republican Party (24 percent according to the poll mentioned above).



and there you have it


Holy shit.

We have statistical evidence as to why there are so many brain dead morons who have no ability to think for themselves and are very influenced by a left wing media with an obvious left wing agenda.

I mean the left is so stupid that they actually blame the failed economy and housing bubble burst in 2008 on Bush. I mean can you believe how fucking stupid someone has to be to only blame Bush for that?

Of course the left have nothing but cliches and those cliches are put forth constantly by those same morons in the media who are overwhelmingly left wing.

You mean to tell me you could not figure all of that for yourself?

Wait, you are one of those morons who still believe Bush lied about wmds even though the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Bush took office. Yeah, since you are one of those assholes that still blames him for that while not having a problem with Obama not investigating such blatant crimes (considering how they led to mass murder on a mass scale according assholes like you that are fed such shit from the media that is indeed left wing). I mean why don't any of you care or ever question why Obama never led investigations......oh.....never mind.

I keep forgetting. Liberals stand for nothing, and are truly nothing but bloviated, know it all, hypocrites. Therefore, of course you would not care about any of those things.

Anyway, you getting a clearer picture now about the fucking point?

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