Just a reminder: 14,000 migrant kids are still in US custody

Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
The future of the D Party.
So there answer to a inhumane treatment of children is to throw out a bunch of unfounded allegations...

This is the tactics of the NAZIs... The NAZIs did that when they were found out.

Why do you support NAZIs...

You Trumpcians must be NAZI lovers...

So I have now proven you to be NAZIs by your own brand of proof... Simple...

Now if you want to have a proper conversation I suggest you actually back allegations with some evidence...
BO did the same. So using your “logic,” he is a Nazi and so are you.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

This is unconscionable. Why haven’t they been deported yet?
Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

they are not migrants but invaders

you are afraid to stop lawless savages

Building a job creating southern border wall is a win-win situation for Americans

And the occasional MS-13 hitmen

14,000 immigrant kids are being used as political pawns for political gains.

Is that you?

Indeed not calling spade a spade is insanity. Also, letting you country get invaded is insanity the way Einstein defined it, doing stupid things over and over again.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

This is unconscionable. Why haven’t they been deported yet?
Because the Ruling Class doesn’t want it. The American people might, but that means little.

Amazingly there are many average Americans who have been duped into thinking we need millions of illiterate uneducated foreigners with allegiance to their home country, in our nation.
The "children" are invading Europe also! (Basically low IQ, ugly as sin males, average age 30)

Lol what the fuck is this?

You know very well what it is.

Mr. 17 year old.

Further as far as I am aware, they are not migrants but invaders. Migration would require a permit, which they don't and won't have. So indeed return them home as quickly as possible.

Yup. Kick all 14,000 back across the border into Mexico. Let the Mexicans will deal with them.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
The future of the D Party.
You might be stuck with the D party in the future.
The "children" are invading Europe also! (Basically low IQ, ugly as sin males, average age 30)

Lol what the fuck is this?

You know very well what it is.

Mr. 17 year old.

Further as far as I am aware, they are not migrants but invaders. Migration would require a permit, which they don't and won't have. So indeed return them home as quickly as possible.

Yup. Kick all 14,000 back across the border into Mexico. Let the Mexicans will deal with them.
Well gee why aren’t they just doing that then?
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
We should upgrade Ellis Island.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

And it is 100% the fault on the parents or other people who bought them here illegally.

This has gone on for decades, even under Obama (who claimed to deport more illegals than anyone), so don't bitch now.

We should not keep allowing people to pour in.

The left apparently defines 'refugee' as anyone from anywhere who enters illegally for any reason.

This is ridiculous. If we had a wall and more guards, the criminals wouldn't be in. Anyone caught sneaking in should be deported immediately. We would be able to vet people quicker if only real refugees came through the legal way. This shit about allowing people to flood in and get released onto our streets is mostly a leftist plan. That is why we have such a problem. And, no, eliminating borders is not the answer.

Last thing we need are more criminals, rapists, terrorists, and gang members. Stop pretending all immigrants are good. Some come from radical countries and bring their fucked up culture with them. Muslims demanding sharia law. Gangs and cartels engaging in human and drug trafficking. Fuck them.

If refugees are serious about becoming a citizens, come through legally. Otherwise, they should be sent home.

We have an Obama-appointed judge stopping Trump from banning people who enter illegally. This piece of shit isn't doing his job by upholding federal laws. It's not constitutional for a judge to uphold Obama's illegal executive order of ignoring federal laws. This kind of shit is what got Trump elected.

I guess you leftists would just leave the children with the child molesters, dangerous gang members, or potential human traffickers.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Send them back to the shitholes from whence they came!
So there answer to a inhumane treatment of children is to throw out a bunch of unfounded allegations...

This is the tactics of the NAZIs... The NAZIs did that when they were found out.

Why do you support NAZIs...

You Trumpcians must be NAZI lovers...

So I have now proven you to be NAZIs by your own brand of proof... Simple...

Now if you want to have a proper conversation I suggest you actually back allegations with some evidence...

Nazis are better than democrats.
Two-thirds of 'child refugees' quizzed about their age are found to be ADULTS | Daily Mail Online
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
That's too many. We should euthanize them.

Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Well let's send these poor kids back to their home country. Quickly.
And another 10 million illegals too.
For their own safety.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Well let's send these poor kids back to their home country. Quickly.
And another 10 million illegals too.
For their own safety.
That would be the Christian thing to do! Anchor babies and their parasitic parents too.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Good. They are better off for it

Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Do you consider it "sane" to take children on a long, very very dangerous journey in the company of bandits, rapists, killers, drug traffickers, and gangsters across mountains, desserts, and multiple gang/terrorist/paramilitary territories in order to illegally bring those children across several national borders? Does that strike you as sane? We are rightly outraged whenever a child is trafficked across the 'border' between, for example, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, but this kind of peril and illegality is ok with you? One can only conclude that you don't really give half a shit about the children.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth c
apturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Come legally problem solved
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Do you consider it "sane" to take children on a long, very very dangerous journey in the company of bandits, rapists, killers, drug traffickers, and gangsters across mountains, desserts, and multiple gang/terrorist/paramilitary territories in order to illegally bring those children across several national borders? Does that strike you as sane? We are rightly outraged whenever a child is trafficked across the 'border' between, for example, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, but this kind of peril and illegality is ok with you? One can only conclude that you don't really give half a shit about the children.
You are a mountain of ignorace. The reason why they flee their home countries is because the risk of dying is greater if they stayed due to gang violence and poverty.

Even if that wasn’t the case, what fucking sense does it make to separate these kids from their parents and house the children with no real goal in mind?
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

Do you consider it "sane" to take children on a long, very very dangerous journey in the company of bandits, rapists, killers, drug traffickers, and gangsters across mountains, desserts, and multiple gang/terrorist/paramilitary territories in order to illegally bring those children across several national borders? Does that strike you as sane? We are rightly outraged whenever a child is trafficked across the 'border' between, for example, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, but this kind of peril and illegality is ok with you? One can only conclude that you don't really give half a shit about the children.
You are a mountain of ignorace. The reason why they flee their home countries is because the risk of dying is greater if they stayed due to gang violence and poverty.

Even if that wasn’t the case, what fucking sense does it make to separate these kids from their parents and house the children with no real goal in mind?

Illegal actions have consequences

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