Just a reminder: 14,000 migrant kids are still in US custody

Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Send them back to the shitholes from whence they came!
So why hasn’t Trump arranged that? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
We can't deport minors.
So they’re going to live here and live off the government?
If they came on their own, they will have to stay here until they are adults and then, presumably be deported. If they were brought here by their parents, then if their parents agree to leave voluntarily, the children will leave with their parents. If the parents are ordered to leave by an immigration court, then it is not clear that the children will be reunited with their parents before the parents are deported, but ICE claims to be working on a system to reunite parents and children in these cases.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?

They should be set loose on the streets of LA. What could go wrong?

Or simply deported with their parents.
Or simply build the border fence and prevent all of this from happening.
Ellis Island is more cost effective.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
This would include the gang member right?
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Send them back to the shitholes from whence they came!
So why hasn’t Trump arranged that? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
We can't deport minors.

Especially without their parents. Screwed the pooch on that one.
When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
It's also painfully evident these lost souls have absolutely no life. So sad.

Just angry, bitter, hateful people.

Endless stream of hatred. If there is a evil force, he would be proud.
When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
It's also painfully evident these lost souls have absolutely no life. So sad.

Just angry, bitter, hateful people.
You just know I’m right and it pisses you off.
When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
It's also painfully evident these lost souls have absolutely no life. So sad.

Just angry, bitter, hateful people.

This is her 12th repeat thread

14,000 kids are currently being fed and housed on the tax payer dime thanks to Trump. Why is this a good thing? Go ahead - I’ll wait.

Was that like what you'd call an "opinion" or something? I mean, anyone can make up anything they want to but when they post a link substantiating what they said, then it becomes worth considering.
Uhm because 28,000 criminals are in jail?


Hey well, three square meals a day, loose shoes, and a warm place to take a crap.

What more does any criminal need?

Billy graduated from Yale and harvad ..

I am still trying to figure out what this means

Those children, as young as infants, are children? God you’re stupid

Not to worry... most of them are going home soon anyway.

This is merely the price of changing tactics in order to keep the riff-raff out.

And to send a message to others contemplating the journey.

Whatever we're spending to keep 'em penned-up is a bargain at TEN times the price.
Uhm because 28,000 criminals are in jail?

Those children, as young as infants, are children? God you’re stupid.

Those children, as young as infants, are children? God you’re stupid

Wait so wtf?

Enjoy my typo while you can. It’s the only victory you’ll get in life.

I have been smoking you since 2006 ..in that other forum..

Um what forum?

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