Just a reminder: 14,000 migrant kids are still in US custody

Do you consider it "sane" to take children on a long, very very dangerous journey in the company of bandits, rapists, killers, drug traffickers, and gangsters across mountains, desserts, and multiple gang/terrorist/paramilitary territories in order to illegally bring those children across several national borders? Does that strike you as sane? We are rightly outraged whenever a child is trafficked across the 'border' between, for example, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, but this kind of peril and illegality is ok with you? One can only conclude that you don't really give half a shit about the children.
You are a mountain of ignorace. The reason why they flee their home countries is because the risk of dying is greater if they stayed due to gang violence and poverty.

Even if that wasn’t the case, what fucking sense does it make to separate these kids from their parents and house the children with no real goal in mind?

Illegal actions have consequences
Seeking asylum isn’t illegal you dick.

We are not required to allow all of south America into our country
I didn’t say we should you idiot. You just want to pretend this established law never existed. Obviously we should have secure borders, but the morality of allowing asylum policy is still important. But whatever, not sure why I bother explaining it to you. You don’t give a shit about brown kids either wat.

You don't anything about any of us. If we think differently than you we are racist, homophobic, xenophobic monsters. We can't solve the worlds problems, nor afford to take in South America. Bad shit happens to good people. Just because your Country is poor and you've allowed gangs to ruin your nation is no reason for us to "have" to accept person who comes knocking at the door. Your idea of compassion is compulsion, you don't give anything at all to help them but think you have the moral high ground because you want to force everyone ELSE to do what YOU think is right.

Get off your high horse, you've never done anything for anyone but you.
14,000 kids are currently being fed and housed on the tax payer dime thanks to Trump. Why is this a good thing? Go ahead - I’ll wait.

Number of migrant children in US custody hits record high

So now you're concerned?

Over half of the legal immigrants here today are on some sort of welfare program, and many on multiple programs. WTF do you think that costs taxpayers? And you're all of a sudden worried about the cost of 14,000?

Okay, so we want to do something about it. We want to build a wall. No.
We want to stop illegals from coming to this country. No.
We want to raise the standards of asylum. No.
We want to get rid of lottery immigration. No.
We want to get rid of chain migration. No.

Everything we're trying to do to stop these taxpayer funded problems, the answer is NO by the left.

Now Trump stopped people who were coming here for asylum. They are not getting into the country, and then run away for about four years until their asylum hearing. What does the left think about that? NO!

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Uhm because 28,000 criminals are in jail?

Those children, as young as infants, are children? God you’re stupid.

What? LOL You channeling Alexandria Cortez?

Those children, as young as infants, are children? God you’re stupid.

??? Sassy ...

I need help .

Leftist dumb makes my head hurt

ZomboMeme 20112018173448.jpg
When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
It's also painfully evident these lost souls have absolutely no life. So sad.

Just angry, bitter, hateful people.
You just know I’m right and it pisses you off.

Right about what, exactly?
14,000 kids are currently being fed and housed on the tax payer dime thanks to Trump. Why is this a good thing? Go ahead - I’ll wait.

Number of migrant children in US custody hits record high
You do know that these so called Kids are adults in their own Nation, and they are here for the free stuff. As soon as they are let go from detention the MS gangs will force them into transportation and selling of drugs. They need to go back and build their Nation into the Nation they want it to be. Don't expect the Americans to foot the bill for you to live and send money home. Sell drugs and you go to prison. So look into your options. We need to return this group and make room for the next group.
14,000 kids are currently being fed and housed on the tax payer dime thanks to Trump. Why is this a good thing? Go ahead - I’ll wait.

Number of migrant children in US custody hits record high
I got a real good idea. Send them back to their parents in the country that abandoned them. Not only do we stop paying to keep these abortion surviving babies alive on our dime, but unite them with their poor family that was torn asunder because of Obama....

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