Just a reminder: 14,000 migrant kids are still in US custody

You are a mountain of ignorace. The reason why they flee their home countries is because the risk of dying is greater if they stayed due to gang violence and poverty.

That's not a true amnesty situation. Unless their GOVERNMENT is persecuting or shooting at them, it's an internal political/economic problem. Like much of the world is.

Can't STOP IT by opening our borders to all comers can we? In fact we're PERPETUATING the poverty and lack of law in those countries by taking so many.. We can't fix incompetence, and lack of justice in OUR country. Or even in Chicago.. What is ENCOURAGING them to leave gonna do to PERMANENTLY fix the source of their plight?
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Did anyone put a gun to the heads of the criminals who dragged these kids across our borders illegally?
Thought Uncle Sam ran the world's largest orphanage or something..

Not too well...

Did anyone put a gun to the heads of the criminals who dragged these kids across our borders illegally?

Contorted point....

How many M.E. countries are we in ,or have been in pointing our guns at criminal drug lords?

Why can't we get these guys>
List of Mexico's 37 most-wanted drug lords - Wikipedia
The right wing refuses to pay war time tax rates for our merely alleged, war on drugs.

Been losing these kids for a decade now. What do you expect from the Federal Govt.. Lost more 10,000 when those "children's caravans" were encouraged to come up in 2013 or so... UNACCOMPANIED children at that. Thought Uncle Sam ran the world's largest orphanage or something..

Those kids are not really lost. When they were separated from the adults, the government contacted family members here to take care of them. If they had no family members, they sought people living here from their own country to care for them.

When the government went back to followup on these children, the caregivers didn't answer phone calls or answer the door because many of them were illegal themselves. They feared the children being taken away or the government deporting all of them.
Billy000 believes all children must be let into the USA for the asking. He's unaware there are laws requiring a court process to review one's claim of asylum, which to a progressive, means ice cream isn't readily available from where they come.

I guess we let the children do what they want unaccounted for, while their parents wait court.

But in the reality of Billy's world, we just let everyone do what they want to.
Sometimes thinking about Trump being president is so surreal. I mean obviously he is a complete moron, but he is also a sociopath.

More than 14,000 immigrant children are in U.S. custody, an all-time high

I get that republicans justify this shit with “well, it’ll scare migrants away from the border!”. That may very well happen, but was it really worth capturing 14,000 children to get the point across? Don’t you realize how fucking insane that is?
Send them back to the shitholes from whence they came!
So why hasn’t Trump arranged that? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
We can't deport minors.

Especially without their parents. Screwed the pooch on that one.
No, we can't deport them at all. If their parents leave voluntarily they can take their children with them, but if they are deported or for other reasons refuse to take their children with them, we'll have to keep them until they become adults.

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