Just a reminder.

With all the denial of climate change missing after 20 comments here, it's an indication of the denialists being afraid of being the only extremist who doesn't accept the obvious facts.

Even Marvin is lost for words!

He'll recover!
who denies climate changes? name someone at least.
Leftists aren't a threat to this world. We all are. I don't give a fuck. We'll all be long gone before this world is long gone. Future generations can suck a dick.

The fact that my political ideology isn't the one causing the country to go to shit, only proves you're more of a threat to the world. Once again, here is what you leftist faggots have given this country in only two years.

Please put it all back the way it was when you get done fucking it up, mmmkay Bubba?

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the lower and middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a monumental trade imbalance with China, an exponentially- spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, hundreds of migrants dying while crossing the border, more than enough fentanyl to kill everyone in the country, 4 million more illegals within only two two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban, a weakened, emasculated military, the IRS arming and training to be home invaders, using the DOJ and the FBI to harass political opponents by conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China becoming energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that has cost us billions of dollars and is draining our own supply of weapons, and a president who is trying to incite a civil war against half the country.
If all the people who say they care about the environment did what they could to save it, it would be saved in short order. As it is there's a lot of virtue signaling but not much else.
Cool, yet another conservative group virtue-signaling thread. We just don't have enough of those here.

It's one of their standard deflections. They can't discuss the actual issues, so they all deflect with the same party-approved virtue signals.
so you can't describe the problem we're all supposed to be fearful from?
Actually, it's on the news every evening. People just don't make the connection. Perhaps if more people played with dominos.
Cool, yet another conservative group virtue-signaling thread. We just don't have enough of those here.

It's one of their standard deflections. They can't discuss the actual issues, so they all deflect with the same party-approved virtue signals.
It's long been out of the hands of politicians. It's in the hands of the people now.
The effects of climate change.
effects of what? I live in Chicago, it was once under a mile of ice, I live here now, that's the effects of climate change. Now what is it I'm experiencing that is an effect of climate change? Climate doesn't change during weather.
With all the denial of climate change missing after 20 comments here, it's an indication of the denialists being afraid of being the only extremist who doesn't accept the obvious facts.

Even Marvin is lost for words!

He'll recover!
Who here denied climate change?

Not me.


What I will deny is, raising taxes does not lower carbon emissions. Making us all drive EV's while charging them with fossil fuels does not lower carbon emissions. Now stopping farmers from farming, like they are doing now around the world, may lower carbon emissions. After all, the UN says that about 1 billion people will starve to death next year, so there will be lower carbon footprints
Who here denied climate change?

Not me.


What I will deny is, raising taxes does not lower carbon emissions. Making us all drive EV's while charging them with fossil fuels does not lower carbon emissions. Now stopping farmers from farming, like they are doing now around the world, may lower carbon emissions. After all, the UN says that about 1 billion people will starve to death next year, so there will be lower carbon footprints
me, I just want them to explain where the climate has changed in their lifetime. I thought that was simple. It's obviously one of the hardest exercises on the planet.

Then they can explain how taxes solve the problem they don't know exists.
me, I just want them to explain where the climate has changed in their lifetime. I thought that was simple. It's obviously one of the hardest exercises on the planet.

Then they can explain how taxes solve the problem they don't know exists.
The Left I think has proven over the years that taxation can solve virtually any problem in the universe

Even entropy.
The Left I think has proven over the years that taxation can solve virtually any problem in the universe

Even entropy.
not yet. Their restrictions haven't shown one thing how the money collected to date has helped since they're still whining about something they haven't a clue about.
If all the people who say they care about the environment did what they could to save it, it would be saved in short order. As it is there's a lot of virtue signaling but not much else.

Then there are those who actually put their money where their mouth is and get excoriated for being an idiot by people WHO STILL PAY ELECTRIC BILLS and who STILL FUEL UP THEIR CAR.

I installed solar on the last two homes I lived in and loved it. I've only paid a handful electricity bills in the last 15 years (less than 5 bills probably) and I don't even THINK about the cost of gas because I have an EV which I charge on my solar.

Sure there's some up-front cost but I'm at least living my beliefs.
well everyone knows climate has changed. Fk dude, I live in Chicago and it use to be under quite a lot of ice before I was here. What do you supposed was the cause of the ice melting so man could live here?

And, again, the ONLY reason a mouth-breather like YOU knows that Chicago was once under a giant sheet of ice is because scientists who BELIEVE IN AGW TOLD YOU IT WAS.

You have a child's view of the science. You don't understand what you are talking about.

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