Just A Thought On Collins And Murkowski


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
I suppose it doesn't matter because the GOP has the votes to confirm Barrett.

But maybe collins and murkowski didn't want to be threatened again...so they said they wont vote for a confirmation, and hold that position all the way thru the hearings...and then vote yes.

Like I said...it doesn't really matter...but it will be interesting to see how the vote in the end.
I agree. Murkowski is up for a vote. Here's hoping she loses.

Collins is up for re-election. Murkowski is not. Collins is being given cover by Mitch to say what she needs to in order to get re-elected. He has the votes to confirm Trump's nominee.
Republicans eating their own..priceless.
Republicans eating their own..priceless.

Not exactly.

I was thinking more about democrats threatening to kill her children. So for now they both say no when they intend to vote yes at the last minute.

Huh?? Who? Lisa Murkowski's children are grown and Susan Collins doesn't have any children. Searched for threats against both but could not find any. Explain.
Huh?? Who? Lisa Murkowski's children are grown and Susan Collins doesn't have any children.

Oy vey...They don't want to deal with death threats from democrats against themselves, their spouses, children, parents, or friends. Nor against aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins on their mothers side...grandparents...etc...etc...etc...
I agree. Murkowski is up for a vote. Here's hoping she loses.

Not for two more years. It's the other senator, Dan Sullivan, who's up for re-election.

Almost certain that, in two years, Lease-A Murkowski will run as an independent. Just as she did last time after she lost the Republican primary.

This time Sullivan has no "Democratic" opponent. Just a surgeon from Juneau running as "Independent" but nominated (against his will???) by The Democrat Party. He and Murkowski are well aware that if they wore their well-earned liberal Democrat labels they would be un-electable.
Two female republican senators voting on the confirmation of a thoroughly qualified woman appointed by a republican president. Why wouldn't they vote to confirm her?
Huh?? Who? Lisa Murkowski's children are grown and Susan Collins doesn't have any children. Searched for threats against both but could not find any. Explain.

Could be this?

I suppose it doesn't matter because the GOP has the votes to confirm Barrett.

But maybe collins and murkowski didn't want to be threatened again...so they said they wont vote for a confirmation, and hold that position all the way thru the hearings...and then vote yes.

Like I said...it doesn't really matter...but it will be interesting to see how the vote in the end.
I wonder what procedure is needed to bring up a confirmation vote? Is it a simple majority? What if a couple of Reps and Dems don't vote?
What if a couple of Reps and Dems don't vote?

Repubs need 50 votes and pence would break the tie.

But if some repubs DON'T VOTE (as opposed to voting no)...then repubs would only need 47 votes (because there are only 47 democrats in the senate). And pence would break the tie.

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