Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame.

What do you think caused Bruce Jenner to try to change his gender?

  • Being born in the wrong body from day 1.

  • Being pushed to be a supermale, so that he wanted to "become female" to experience all of himself.

  • A narcissistic trait to get attention that he sees women get a lot more of in media.

  • Both the 2nd and 3rd responses.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)
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Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But talking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

By that logic....others pushed to be "super males"...should have a higher rate of chopping off their peckers.

Marines. Former football players. MMA fighters. SWAT members. All are cultures of super male emotions. But they dont turn female. They more often die early from the hell they put their bodies through....with a small grin on their faces.
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo
What an idiot you are jameson. By your logic, bulimics and anorexics should be left alone, since what they're doing isn't hurting anyone else. Except by setting the example to impressionable/suggestable youth that society approves tacitly of bulimia and anorexia....or so-called "transgenderism"..

By that logic....others pushed to be "super males"...should have a higher rate of chopping off their peckers.

Marines. Former football players. MMA fighters. SWAT members. All are cultures of super male emotions. But they dont turn female. They more often die early from the hell they put their bodies through....with a small grin on their faces.

Read the poll questions more carefully. I believe that narcissism and being an attention-whore also play into the mental mechanisms for claiming to be "born in the wrong body". Not all marines etc. express the angst by claiming to be transgender. This may be hard to believe, but not everything, including mental illness, revolves around sexual organs. Some, as you alluded to, just have mental breakdowns, heart disease and suicides from not being able to be allowed to access their gentler selves. You put enough pressure on something it's going to burst where it's natural hairline cracks are. They aren't the same for everyone.

Why not die of an older age with a satisfied smile on your face having been both a potent leader and defender AND having gazed at the clouds in the sky with your grandchildren playing with a puppy in the yard? I like martial arts because it combines both in men and women while not demanding they get a sex change operation..

But again, long story short, the cure for this particular hairline crack to too much pressure isn't genital amputation..
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Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

Unfortunately, neither end of the political spectrum believes in "live and let live".


Unfortunately, neither end of the political spectrum believes in "live and let live".


You don't let people who are mentally ill carry on believing they are normal. To do so is cruelty. After his operation, Bruce Jenner will still be 20 times more likely to kill himself than the rest of the population..
"and why did he wait so long? 65? and now he wants to be a woman?"

immaterial and not your business.
It's been just sick and twisted. the man needs mental health help. and you can thank these disgusting medias for it. they don't care who they Exploit.
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

Is Jenner a woman ?
Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

Many things culminating in the decision. Not the least of which it probably didn't go unnoticed by him his step-daughters became famous, desired (however superficially,) and rich for nothing more than being pretty. Whereas in his case, his only claim to fame is from his distant past, and being married to their Mom.

In his confused mind, "if I become a woman, I'll be thought of just like they are."
You say Caitlyn is 20X more likely to commit suicide than... who? People who haven't lived a lie for decades and who are not, today, being called freaks, or worse? Why doesn"t that seem strange to me. But she seems to be pretty strong. I hope she gets through this.

Why wait all these years? She already explained she didn't want to hurt the kids and tried to put themselves first. But as they became adults, strong enough to deal with the harsher realities of life, Bruce decided it was time to dp this for HERself.

I think Caitlyn will think less about suicide than Bruce did. Jmo
Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)
I wonder....when will you ever get a chance to meet him and address him as such?
Caitlyn will think less about suicide than most of the far right on the Board in my opinion.
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Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

Many things culminating in the decision. Not the least of which it probably didn't go unnoticed by him his step-daughters became famous, desired (however superficially,) and rich for nothing more than being pretty. Whereas in his case, his only claim to fame is from his distant past, and being married to their Mom.

In his confused mind, "if I become a woman, I'll be thought of just like they are."

Sorry if this offends anyone but I really hope Caitlyn has a LOT more class than her step-daughters. If not, well, shame on her.

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