Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame.

What do you think caused Bruce Jenner to try to change his gender?

  • Being born in the wrong body from day 1.

  • Being pushed to be a supermale, so that he wanted to "become female" to experience all of himself.

  • A narcissistic trait to get attention that he sees women get a lot more of in media.

  • Both the 2nd and 3rd responses.

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Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

Many things culminating in the decision. Not the least of which it probably didn't go unnoticed by him his step-daughters became famous, desired (however superficially,) and rich for nothing more than being pretty. Whereas in his case, his only claim to fame is from his distant past, and being married to their Mom.

In his confused mind, "if I become a woman, I'll be thought of just like they are."

Sorry if this offends anyone but I really hope Caitlyn has a LOT more class than her step-daughters. If not, well, shame on her.

Not a very highly placed bar...:)
Amen to this! If they can't show any respect for our opinions and beliefs, they shouldn't expect any in return for whatever their opinions and beliefs are. If they don't want us in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

It's completely disrespectful to actual females to call Bruce Caitlyn.

Bruce has dealt with NOTHING and actual woman has, and never will

Women are more than a pair of breasts and gobs of makeup.

You call him anything you want, but if you call HIM she, you show complete and utter distain for actual FEMALES.

That helps no one
You say Caitlyn is 20X more likely to commit suicide than... who? People who haven't lived a lie for decades and who are not, today, being called freaks, or worse? Why doesn"t that seem strange to me. But she seems to be pretty strong. I hope she gets through this.

Why wait all these years? She already explained she didn't want to hurt the kids and tried to put themselves first. But as they became adults, strong enough to deal with the harsher realities of life, Bruce decided it was time to dp this for HERself.

I think Caitlyn will think less about suicide than Bruce did. Jmo

If the stats are true, find one other elective surgery that results in such high suicide rates?
It's completely disrespectful to actual females to call Bruce Caitlyn.

Bruce has dealt with NOTHING and actual woman has, and never will

Women are more than a pair of breasts and gobs of makeup.

You call him anything you want, but if you call HIM she, you show complete and utter distain for actual FEMALES.

That helps no one

It's society's fault at its core. I'd venture to point the finger of blame in the direction of GLAAD to be more specific. It's the media controlled by this cult that has gotten it to this state of "acceptance" (by force, coercion and bullying). They've been grooming a couple of generations now to be on board with the Agenda. They sit drooling as the suggestive erstwhile children they reached through the boob tube now grow old enough to vote in the Agenda, fearing they too will be ostracized (called haters) for refusing to do so..

That's why they need the psychological club component. To MAKE SURE these kids vote their way behind the curtain. A simple anti-propaganda media campaign would reverse that trend. And that's why it's so important that McHugh "came out" to the Wall Street Journal. We need at least one of these revelations a month and new TV programming.

It's why they hated Duggar so much and sought to kill "19 kids and counting" by extension. His struggles to overcome what he did are what really has the LGBTs hot under the collar. His "saying" to the world that you can be caught up in sexual crimes/deviance and struggle to nip it in the bud and be honest about doing that while you're young that really pisses off the LGBT cult. The reverence of promoting clean living (while sometimes falling short and having to live up to and change those sins) is what the LGBTs HATE about the Duggars. Given their way, (on the down-low for now) we'd all embrace what was done to the girls by the Duggar boy. Their reverence of Harvey Milk makes their faux-outrage about the child victims in the Duggar matter a complete and invisible farce.
Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

Many things culminating in the decision. Not the least of which it probably didn't go unnoticed by him his step-daughters became famous, desired (however superficially,) and rich for nothing more than being pretty. Whereas in his case, his only claim to fame is from his distant past, and being married to their Mom.

In his confused mind, "if I become a woman, I'll be thought of just like they are."

Sorry if this offends anyone but I really hope Caitlyn has a LOT more class than her step-daughters. If not, well, shame on her.

what? didn't HE have a hand in RAISING those? He didn't have any class then and he has even less now.
He reminds of a prostitute selling his body for money
Reading before the debate here: How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits Against Religion States Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain". So I'll just nip that one in the bud before we start here.

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body".

What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". The same applies in the opposite to females being told they can never be angry, never be strong or potent. Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain since birth but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition. Likewise, the incorrect perception that one is the gender that one's genitals says they are not, can also be rewired in the brain to reflect actual reality; and more importantly, to embrace those qualities sterotyped by this society as "belonging exclusively and ONLY to the opposite gender". That right there is the source of about 90% of LGBT mental illness.

But taking the long story short: the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals. Sorry to have to tell you this now Bruce. Your therapist and MD's should have told you this over and over and over. But they feel like they might lost their licenses to practice because of new machiavellian-laws in the state where you live. And because the cult who misled you and other fellow patients took over the diagnostic machine for themselves in the 1970s: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (watch the youtube video for details on that coup)

Many things culminating in the decision. Not the least of which it probably didn't go unnoticed by him his step-daughters became famous, desired (however superficially,) and rich for nothing more than being pretty. Whereas in his case, his only claim to fame is from his distant past, and being married to their Mom.

In his confused mind, "if I become a woman, I'll be thought of just like they are."

Sorry if this offends anyone but I really hope Caitlyn has a LOT more class than her step-daughters. If not, well, shame on her.

what? didn't HE have a hand in RAISING those? He didn't have any class then and he has even less now.
He reminds of a prostitute selling his body for money

Prostitutes are to be admired for their honesty. Reality show types expose their private lives for others' amusement but deny they're prostitutes.

Strictly speaking, if you only do your job and work because you're being paid, you're a prostitute too. Why when I bake and give out cookies every week I a) don't accept money though it's been fofered, and b) give out 14 instead of 13 (a baker's dozen.)

I'm better than a baker who's only doing it for money. :)
Prostitutes are to be admired for their honesty. Reality show types expose their private lives for others' amusement but deny they're prostitutes.

Strictly speaking, if you only do your job and work because you're being paid, you're a prostitute too. Why when I bake and give out cookies every week I a) don't accept money though it's been fofered, and b) give out 14 instead of 13 (a baker's dozen.)

I'm better than a baker who's only doing it for money. :)

I hear the lastest LGBT faux-outrage about the Duggars is that they were pimping their kids for fame and money. I'd say given the modesty and the focus on striving for chastity and family values is like an antidote to pimping. So they used the vehicle to defeat the monster. Bully for them.

Nobody can say otherwise. 19 kids and counting isn't "Honey Boo Boo" caliber. Duggars just sought to show a humble Christian life with a huge family. There is no edict in the Bible saying "you are assumed to be perfect 100% of the time in order to be a Christian". In fact, the main qualification of becoming a Christian is to daily-admit that you are a sinner, imperfect and constantly needing the guidance of God.

Right now I'll assume the Duggars are doing a lot of being humble and praying for strength to continue to fight the good fight. The cult that levelled the political hit at that family would rather they carry Harvey Milk postage stamps in their purses and wallets and just "give up to what feels good in the now"; wholesale-reject God's guidance. Just like Bruce Jenner thought was a good idea. I hope someone has him on suicide watch now for the rest of his life. Welcome to the demographic Bruce. The dark force likes suicides. By example they foster hopelessness. It's hoping for a big harvest soon..
Prostitutes are to be admired for their honesty. Reality show types expose their private lives for others' amusement but deny they're prostitutes.

Strictly speaking, if you only do your job and work because you're being paid, you're a prostitute too. Why when I bake and give out cookies every week I a) don't accept money though it's been fofered, and b) give out 14 instead of 13 (a baker's dozen.)

I'm better than a baker who's only doing it for money. :)

I hear the lastest LGBT faux-outrage about the Duggars is that they were pimping their kids for fame and money. I'd say given the modesty and the focus on striving for chastity and family values is like an antidote to pimping. So they used the vehicle to defeat the monster. Bully for them.

Nobody can say otherwise. 19 kids and counting isn't "Honey Boo Boo" caliber. Duggars just sought to show a humble Christian life with a huge family. There is no edict in the Bible saying "you are assumed to be perfect 100% of the time in order to be a Christian". In fact, the main qualification of becoming a Christian is to daily-admit that you are a sinner, imperfect and constantly needing the guidance of God.

Right now I'll assume the Duggars are doing a lot of being humble and praying for strength to continue to fight the good fight. The cult that levelled the political hit at that family would rather they carry Harvey Milk postage stamps in their purses and wallets and just "give up to what feels good in the now"; wholesale-reject God's guidance. Just like Bruce Jenner thought was a good idea. I hope someone has him on suicide watch now for the rest of his life. Welcome to the demographic Bruce. The dark force likes suicides. By example they foster hopelessness. It's hoping for a big harvest soon..
God may forgive Josh but to society he's a child molester, and his parents tried to cover that up, being so cocky that they assumed one of their children molesting four others would never come up while they denounced other people as a danger to children. For that you get spanked by the fates, as they are now being.

Say goodbye to fame and fortune dirtbags, you just proved that you live a lie and it was for sale.
Prostitutes are to be admired for their honesty. Reality show types expose their private lives for others' amusement but deny they're prostitutes.

Strictly speaking, if you only do your job and work because you're being paid, you're a prostitute too. Why when I bake and give out cookies every week I a) don't accept money though it's been fofered, and b) give out 14 instead of 13 (a baker's dozen.)

I'm better than a baker who's only doing it for money. :)

I hear the lastest LGBT faux-outrage about the Duggars is that they were pimping their kids for fame and money. I'd say given the modesty and the focus on striving for chastity and family values is like an antidote to pimping. So they used the vehicle to defeat the monster. Bully for them.

Nobody can say otherwise. 19 kids and counting isn't "Honey Boo Boo" caliber. Duggars just sought to show a humble Christian life with a huge family. There is no edict in the Bible saying "you are assumed to be perfect 100% of the time in order to be a Christian". In fact, the main qualification of becoming a Christian is to daily-admit that you are a sinner, imperfect and constantly needing the guidance of God.

Right now I'll assume the Duggars are doing a lot of being humble and praying for strength to continue to fight the good fight. The cult that levelled the political hit at that family would rather they carry Harvey Milk postage stamps in their purses and wallets and just "give up to what feels good in the now"; wholesale-reject God's guidance. Just like Bruce Jenner thought was a good idea. I hope someone has him on suicide watch now for the rest of his life. Welcome to the demographic Bruce. The dark force likes suicides. By example they foster hopelessness. It's hoping for a big harvest soon..
God may forgive Josh but to society he's a child molester, and his parents tried to cover that up, being so cocky that they assumed one of their children molesting four others would never come up while they denounced other people as a danger to children. For that you get spanked by the fates, as they are now being.

Say goodbye to fame and fortune dirtbags, you just proved that you live a lie and it was for sale.

I would say the Duggars are ashamed, not "cocky". Cocky is reserved for people who worship Harvey Milk and profess outrage at what the Duggar boy did when he was 14; all the while shrouding their real MO, which was an orchestrated and timed political hit. As bad as it was, at least Josh Duggar wasn't 40 and anally penetrating minor boys like your hero did...

Yes, "Cocky" is your label, not the Duggars. They are mortified with shame. Something Harvey Milk never was; nor are any of those who emulate his sexual-orientation..
Prostitutes are to be admired for their honesty. Reality show types expose their private lives for others' amusement but deny they're prostitutes.

Strictly speaking, if you only do your job and work because you're being paid, you're a prostitute too. Why when I bake and give out cookies every week I a) don't accept money though it's been fofered, and b) give out 14 instead of 13 (a baker's dozen.)

I'm better than a baker who's only doing it for money. :)

I hear the lastest LGBT faux-outrage about the Duggars is that they were pimping their kids for fame and money. I'd say given the modesty and the focus on striving for chastity and family values is like an antidote to pimping. So they used the vehicle to defeat the monster. Bully for them.

Nobody can say otherwise. 19 kids and counting isn't "Honey Boo Boo" caliber. Duggars just sought to show a humble Christian life with a huge family. There is no edict in the Bible saying "you are assumed to be perfect 100% of the time in order to be a Christian". In fact, the main qualification of becoming a Christian is to daily-admit that you are a sinner, imperfect and constantly needing the guidance of God.

Right now I'll assume the Duggars are doing a lot of being humble and praying for strength to continue to fight the good fight. The cult that levelled the political hit at that family would rather they carry Harvey Milk postage stamps in their purses and wallets and just "give up to what feels good in the now"; wholesale-reject God's guidance. Just like Bruce Jenner thought was a good idea. I hope someone has him on suicide watch now for the rest of his life. Welcome to the demographic Bruce. The dark force likes suicides. By example they foster hopelessness. It's hoping for a big harvest soon..
God may forgive Josh but to society he's a child molester, and his parents tried to cover that up, being so cocky that they assumed one of their children molesting four others would never come up while they denounced other people as a danger to children. For that you get spanked by the fates, as they are now being.

Say goodbye to fame and fortune dirtbags, you just proved that you live a lie and it was for sale.

I would say the Duggars are ashamed, not "cocky". Cocky is reserved for people who worship Harvey Milk and profess outrage at what the Duggar boy did when he was 14; all the while shrouding their real MO, which was an orchestrated and timed political hit. As bad as it was, at least Josh Duggar wasn't 40 and anally penetrating minor boys like your hero did...

Yes, "Cocky" is your label, not the Duggars. They are mortified with shame. Something Harvey Milk never was; nor are any of those who emulate his sexual-orientation..
Their shame is why they engaged in a coverup. Now it's out and they are embarrassed and fucked because they have completely undermined their Holier Than Thou way of life. Now they are the people who hid the child molester who molested their own daughters.

And Milk should have kept his pants on. I'll not say it again.
Their shame is why they engaged in a coverup. Now it's out and they are embarrassed and fucked because they have completely undermined their Holier Than Thou way of life. Now they are the people who hid the child molester who molested their own daughters.

And Milk should have kept his pants on. I'll not say it again.

I've got a question I've been meaning to ask you, oh Harvey Milk apologist...(since I haven't seen any threads from you demanding to remove Milk from the LGBT throne or to recall those postage stamps with the rainbow logo on them still being issued with his image on them)

What would you have proposed they did with the 14 year old boy apart from what they already did? Would you demand he have been forcibly placed in reparative therapy for what was shaping up to be a terrible sexual orientation? Because as you know, early intervention in reparative therapy is best for those dabbling in an unacceptably-deviant type of sexuality.

Your' thougths? :popcorn:
Their shame is why they engaged in a coverup. Now it's out and they are embarrassed and fucked because they have completely undermined their Holier Than Thou way of life. Now they are the people who hid the child molester who molested their own daughters.

And Milk should have kept his pants on. I'll not say it again.

I've got a question I've been meaning to ask you, oh Harvey Milk apologist...(since I haven't seen any threads from you demanding to remove Milk from the LGBT throne or to recall those postage stamps with the rainbow logo on them still being issued with his image on them)

What would you have proposed they did with the 14 year old boy apart from what they already did? Would you demand he have been forcibly placed in reparative therapy for what was shaping up to be a terrible sexual orientation? Because as you know, early intervention in reparative therapy is best for those dabbling in an unacceptably-deviant type of sexuality.

Your' thougths? :popcorn:
What boy, the Duggar kid who should have been in juvenile detention and mandatory therapy, also never allowed around children unsupervised, ever, and not allowed back into the homes of his victims? Is that who you mean?
Mandatory therapy, but not the type that seeks to repair his disturbing sexual orientation, right?

We're getting off topic here. Let's talk about Bruce. I started another thread about your idea to force Josh Duggar into reparative therapy anyway.

Bruce made a huge mistake. He needs to be watched daily for signs of his 15 minutes of fame wearing off...and the incontinence and sexual numbness setting in; while his adam's apple and high pelvic bones betray what he really and always is..
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

Is Jenner a woman ?

The DNA says no

A mere technicality.
All's that matters to the left is what Jenner wants to be addressed as.
If Jenner say's he's a woman, then he's a woman.

By the way, I'm a Wookie.
Calling Caitlyn a woman now that she has undergone hormone therapy and surgery is just common courtesy. And real women who are secure in their own right should have no problem with that.

Tell me, if a child calls their step-mother or mother-in-law "Mom", does that have to be taken as an insult by their lifelong mother? If so, that mother is in a sad place.
^^^ That is not the same thing because every person in that picture is a female so any of them can be called "mom".

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if one of them were to be called "dad", then it would be a different story.
So you would like the kids to call Caitlyn Dad when they go out to dinner? Nothing like asking for controversary, that.
At 65, Caitlyn looks pretty good. It won't hurt anyone to just let her live her life her own way.
I will admit I wonder why some are so upset. Did Bruce/Caitlyn change anything in their lives? Are they less feminine because Caitlyn got breast implants? Just don't get it.
Live and let live is usually a pretty easy thing to do.

No one is getting hurt here unless they are loking to be.

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