Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame.

What do you think caused Bruce Jenner to try to change his gender?

  • Being born in the wrong body from day 1.

  • Being pushed to be a supermale, so that he wanted to "become female" to experience all of himself.

  • A narcissistic trait to get attention that he sees women get a lot more of in media.

  • Both the 2nd and 3rd responses.

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The one who are upset are the far right morality police who now can be told to 'stuff it' without any fear of actual retaliation, only whining. Look at Sil and Pop above for examples.

Why do you hate actual women so much that you wish they had dicks?
Those are your words, not mine, Pop. Does Caitlyn have a penis. If so, take that up with her. Is it true you wish you had one?

Bruce indeed has a Dick, or so it's told.

Women don't have dicks.

But again, how would you know?
"and why did he wait so long? 65? and now he wants to be a woman?"
Many of your questions are answered in the interview with Diane Sawyer, he began hormone therapy 30 years ago.
"and why did he wait so long? 65? and now he wants to be a woman?"
Many of your questions are answered in the interview with Diane Sawyer, he began hormone therapy 30 years ago.
All to address a mental condition which cannot be corrected by amputating healthy organs and playing a grotesque and machiavellian game of pretend..
Amen to this! If they can't show any respect for our opinions and beliefs, they shouldn't expect any in return for whatever their opinions and beliefs are. If they don't want us in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Holly, our far right reactionaries and social conservative Christian heterofacists started the name calling a long, long time ago. Let's be fair about this. We should not dish what we can't take in return.
Well what needs to be considered in my opinion is that now that the other side is standing up and saying something doesn't mean that the side that was already standing has to sit down and be quiet when freedom of speech is not a one way street. Everyone is free to say their piece no matter where it is placed.

God bless you always!!!

Mandatory therapy, but not the type that seeks to repair his disturbing sexual orientation, right?

We're getting off topic here. Let's talk about Bruce. I started another thread about your idea to force Josh Duggar into reparative therapy anyway.

Bruce made a huge mistake. He needs to be watched daily for signs of his 15 minutes of fame wearing off...and the incontinence and sexual numbness setting in; while his adam's apple and high pelvic bones betray what he really and always is..
He's had the Adam's Apple taken care of. You really know very little to have so many opinions.
He's had the Adam's Apple taken care of. You really know very little to have so many opinions.
Did he have the sterility, sexual numbness & incontinence taken care of too, his pelvic bones lowered and a womb/ovary transplant?

"Taken care of"...you mean amputated. Just call it what it is. And he is a frankensteinian-freak. I'll just call that what it is too.
I don't want to see Tebow's public displays.

I don't want to see Jenner's public displays.

Now what dumbass thing are you going to say?

One of the problems Dr. McHugh cited with the farce that is sex-change, was that it is in people's faces day and night and will continue to increase. I just read another thread where more books in elementary school are going to be introduced normalizing this mental illness and the radical/unethical surgery that follows enabling it. So it isn't YOU we're worried about. It's society as a whole. And most particularly, children who are very suggestable to adult trends, sane or insane..

You're already formed. Adolescents aren't yet and some are getting into the fad without thinking and with a lot of adult coercion.
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

It's completely disrespectful to actual females to call Bruce Caitlyn.

Bruce has dealt with NOTHING and actual woman has, and never will

Women are more than a pair of breasts and gobs of makeup.

You call him anything you want, but if you call HIM she, you show complete and utter distain for actual FEMALES.

That helps no one

Are you a man?
"Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame."

No, the ridiculous and unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty common to you and others on the right is the blame.
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

Is Jenner a woman ?
No. What's your point?
Yes, she is. The hormone therapy and several surgeries made that true.

If you take a white cotton blanket and dye it blue, would you still insist it's white? If you put a bright green chameleon in a new cage and it turns pale yellow, would you insist on calling it green? Caitlyn apparently thinks like a female and wants more feminine items around her. She wants to be treated like a lady, not looked at as a man. The blanket is blue, the chameleon is yellow, and Caitlyn is a woman.
The fact is, we don't know yet precisely what the root cause of L or G or B or T is.

One thing that is pretty clear is what our bodies were/are biologically built to do. So, sexual impulses and identities outside of that seem most likely to be some kind of regularly-occurring genetic or physiological or psychological misfire.

If it's genetic or physiological, okay, it is what it is. If it's psychological, I would think and hope that before someone starts cutting things off their body that they go through some minimum amount of analysis and help before knife touches skin, for the sake of the individual. We know that many would hate this idea, because they don't want to hurt the individual's "feelings". And, as usual, that simplistic view gets in the way of what is best for the individual.

Other than that, I really don't give a shit, and I think we spend too much media time on this.

I believe patients have to go through all kinds of psychological tests, assessments and theraputic appointments before hormone treatments and surgery are approved.

I think Caitlyn had every right to seek and receive such treatments and wish her well.

But I agree with you that it shouldn't matter that much to anyone outside her circle. In fact, I am rather appalled at how this subject is being forced on our children. Example: watching a kid tv show on station devoted to children, what commercial is shown? My father wants to be a woman. Watch "Becoming Us" (or something like that) My granddaughter had never heard anything like that, and didn't need to now. She has enough to deal with in her own life, is doing fine figuring things out at her own pace. I don't like the media forcing this on her using a kiddie show on what I hoped would be a safer station. Had I not been there to answer her questions.... well, I just don't think it was right.
Live and let live. His sex change operation didn't hurt you.

How horrible it had to be for him all these years. I feel sorry for him. This news, imo, should have never become so big or controversial but admit he made it so.

Still, he is now Caitlyn and debating it further really serves no purpose. Jmo

It's completely disrespectful to actual females to call Bruce Caitlyn.

Bruce has dealt with NOTHING and actual woman has, and never will

Women are more than a pair of breasts and gobs of makeup.

You call him anything you want, but if you call HIM she, you show complete and utter distain for actual FEMALES.

That helps no one

Are you a man?


Which means the only way I have to understand what women go through is day to day observation.

I can't know what a period is like, nor PMS, pregnancy or the millions of emotions that a female feels.

I might point out that that is exactly the same ability Bruce Jenner has before/during/after his announcement.
Are you a man?[/QUOTE]


Which means the only way I have to understand what women go through is day to day observation.

I can't know what a period is like, nor PMS, pregnancy or the millions of emotions that a female feels.

I might point out that that is exactly the same ability Bruce Jenner has before/during/after his announcement.[/QUOTE]

I think the point is that.... while Bruce was male and never knew what it was like to feel his breasts developing (and some women get little of that while others get more) or what a period feels like (again, that's different for different females as well), he DID believe his thoughts and emotions were more female than male. While a man may be more sexually interested in the boobs being held back by that dress, Caitlyn would have been looking more closely at the dress and accessories, imagining being IN the dress, not taking it off.

That's my understanding of his/her situation.
Are you a man?


Which means the only way I have to understand what women go through is day to day observation.

I can't know what a period is like, nor PMS, pregnancy or the millions of emotions that a female feels.

I might point out that that is exactly the same ability Bruce Jenner has before/during/after his announcement.[/QUOTE]
I think the point is that.... while Bruce was male and never knew what it was like to feel his breasts developing (and some women get little of that while others get more) or what a period feels like (again, that's different for different females as well), he DID believe his thoughts and emotions were more female than male. While a man may be more sexually interested in the boobs being held back by that dress, Caitlyn would have been looking more closely at the dress and accessories, imagining being IN the dress, not taking it off.

That's my understanding of his/her situation.

Your point on periods:

Each woman experience the different but all experience them.

That and every other aspect of being a woman is something a man can never comprehend.

Look, I know a nationally known Elvis impersonator. Has made millions doing Elvis shows. He is the first to admit that he could change his name to Elvis, but he would simply be a fraud.

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