Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame.

What do you think caused Bruce Jenner to try to change his gender?

  • Being born in the wrong body from day 1.

  • Being pushed to be a supermale, so that he wanted to "become female" to experience all of himself.

  • A narcissistic trait to get attention that he sees women get a lot more of in media.

  • Both the 2nd and 3rd responses.

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I am really proud of Sil! She did not start ranting about Harvey Milk until post #26!

What does this have to do with a man getting help chopping off his genitals and telling the world they now have to play along with his delusions that "he is female"?
I am really proud of Sil! She did not start ranting about Harvey Milk until post #26!

What does this have to do with a man getting help chopping off his genitals and telling the world they now have to play along with his delusions that "he is female"?

Beats hell out of me, Sil! you are the one who brought him up....again, and again, and again, and......
I am really proud of Sil! She did not start ranting about Harvey Milk until post #26!

What does this have to do with a man getting help chopping off his genitals and telling the world they now have to play along with his delusions that "he is female"?

Beats hell out of me, Sil! you are the one who brought him up....again, and again, and again, and......
Oh, OK I made points about how Jenner is suffering from delusions, should never have had amputation surgery and the MDs responsible should be brought up on ethical violations and you need a strawman.

OK, got it.
Needing a strawman assumes that I have an argument to make. I don't, because I don't give a rat's ass about Jenner, one way or the other. I am just amused at your obsession with Harvey Milk. Me? I am obsessed with Bo Diddley! He was a wonderful talent!:

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Jenner will ALWAYS be a MALE, no matter how bad he mutilates his body, no matter how bad he likes to play girllie dress up, no matter how many female hormone injections he gets, no matter how bad he wants people to call him a girllie name, he will ALWAYS be a MALE. Sorry Brucie.

Just like we all know that Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jeane Mortensen, we all know Bruce Jenner is not Caitlyn.
Does anyone else wonder why he picked a name so age inappropriate?

That was completely warped
Just that was completely warped? That's all you took away from what Bruce and American doctors did to himself?

Good lord, read my posts.

I think everything about this is absurd.

bruce can call himself Abe Lincoln if HE wants, but HE will always be HE.
Does anyone else wonder why he picked a name so age inappropriate?
That was completely warped
Just that was completely warped? That's all you took away from what Bruce and American doctors did to himself? True, he should've named himself Jane or Abigail, Mary or Susan. Way more age appropriate.

Maybe he is a 20 year old born in a 60-something year old's body?

From now on, the correct way to refer to Bruce Jenner (or you will be fined or jailed) is "Young Miss Caitlyn".
Maybe he should have gone with.....:

Fifi Trixibelle

Child Of: Bob Geldof and Paula Yates

The Irish singer and songwriter Geldof named his daughter Fifi after his aunt, and his wife was fascinated with the lifestyles of southern belles, hence the last part. But Trixi?

God knows where that came from. Maybe, they just decided to throw in as many dog names as they could.

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