Just Call Him Bruce. "Caitlyn" Doesn't Exist.. American Society is to Blame.

What do you think caused Bruce Jenner to try to change his gender?

  • Being born in the wrong body from day 1.

  • Being pushed to be a supermale, so that he wanted to "become female" to experience all of himself.

  • A narcissistic trait to get attention that he sees women get a lot more of in media.

  • Both the 2nd and 3rd responses.

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I think the name is feminine, was surprised it means torture, at least that's part of the definition.

Caitlyn had every right to choose her own name. It's an old established name, derived from Catherine.

While some posters would have preferred her new name be Iamabadanduglydude Hateme, it wasn't their choice.

I will call her Caitlyn.

Now, what is happening in that death suit? Was she texting or what? Is she responsible for the death of another woman? If so, I hope she gets more than a fine. As much money as she has, that would not be punishment enough. Thoughts?

It's a he

Now and forever

Breast, a comfy pouch and goopped on make up does not make a women. They are much more than that.
I will call her Caitlyn.

It's a he

Now and forever

Breast, a comfy pouch and goopped on make up does not make a women. They are much more than that.

Hey Jameson, when "Caitlyn" was younger, did she have issues with her periods? Any pregnancies? Those mood swings women have to deal with around their mentrual cycle can be hell. I hope she didn't suffer much. "She" wants all the glory of being a female without any of the realities of it, apparently.
He can do what he wants but something is terribly wrong with a society that feels he needs to be applauded and admired... and admired ABOVE people struggling with life and death issues like cancer!
I just wonder how "Caitlyn" dealt with PMS, cramps and the whole bit. And if "she's" planning on getting pregnant, even at "her" age it's possible; providing you have female equipment...oh..wait..

This is actually comical. She doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like, she doesn't have homegrown breasts, she picked a too-feminine name. I bet her surgeries hurt more than most cramps, that she is well acquainted with Kotex pads, and that in her mind she felt VERY pretty when she posed for Vanity Fair.

At this point I have to wonder if most postrrs here are insecure or, could it be, just JEALOUS.
This is actually comical. She doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like, she doesn't have homegrown breasts, she picked a too-feminine name. I bet her surgeries hurt more than most cramps, that she is well acquainted with Kotex pads, and that in her mind she felt VERY pretty when she posed for Vanity Fair.

At this point I have to wonder if most postrrs here are insecure or, could it be, just JEALOUS.

No, but we respect women and understand that they are far more than a pair of fake breasts, a fake pouch and a glob of make up to be one

You understand how painful is child birth is dont you ding dong? You understand that what preceeds child birth ain't a whole lotta fun either, right?

Being a woman is not absurd. A dude cutting his dong off, growing a couple of fake boobs and globbing on some make up then going on a fashion mag is:

This is actually comical. She doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like, she doesn't have homegrown breasts, she picked a too-feminine name. I bet her surgeries hurt more than most cramps, that she is well acquainted with Kotex pads, and that in her mind she felt VERY pretty when she posed for Vanity Fair.

At this point I have to wonder if most postrrs here are insecure or, could it be, just JEALOUS.
Real women suffer in signficant ways so that his pretending to be one and insisting on a legal status as one is as insulting to actual women who have to endure the entire gamut of being female as it would be to black people if a white person covered themselves in shoe-black and then insisted on legal African American status and demanded the NAACP fund his various endeavors.
This is actually comical. She doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like, she doesn't have homegrown breasts, she picked a too-feminine name. I bet her surgeries hurt more than most cramps, that she is well acquainted with Kotex pads, and that in her mind she felt VERY pretty when she posed for Vanity Fair.

At this point I have to wonder if most postrrs here are insecure or, could it be, just JEALOUS.

No, but we respect women and understand that they are far more than a pair of fake breasts, a fake pouch and a glob of make up to be one

You understand how painful is child birth is dont you ding dong? You understand that what preceeds child birth ain't a whole lotta fun either, right?

Being a woman is not absurd. A dude cutting his dong off, growing a couple of fake boobs and globbing on some make up then going on a fashion mag is:


I am a woman, don't be fooled by the hat. I have had cramps, two natural births and one cesarean, several miscarriages. Does my opinion matter more now?

Caitlyn becoming a woman didn't hurt or lessen me and I hold no resentment toward her.

I won't pretend to fully understand how she felt all those years but respect her right to seek happiness in any way as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Her children will adjust, are doing pretty well from what is reported.

I do wish it wasn't so public. Those new ads for a tv show dealing with the same subject upset me as they are run during kids' shows and I really didn't appreciate my grandchild having to deal with that. But I don't think Caitlyn had a chance to be private about any of it with HER family being so famous and the media right there.

Frankly, I wish her family and others like it would drop out of media because they really aren't the role models I would like to see out there for our kids at all.

But individually, this woman welcomes Caitlyn to her new life. Just please don't share details of your new sex life with me. I promise not to share mine either. Some things just don't need sharing.
[QUOTE="Silhouette, post: 11582996,
Real women suffer in signficant ways so that his pretending to be one and insisting on a legal status as one is as insulting to actual women who have to endure the entire gamut of being female as it would be to black people if a white person covered themselves in shoe-black and then insisted on legal African American status and demanded the NAACP fund his various endeavors.[/QUOTE]

I'd laugh at the person you describe, but people like Al Sharpton, and I am going way back to his despicable behavior in the Tawana Brawley case, THEY are insulting and keep the "N" word alive when they insist on speaking for all African Americans. He hurts the cause and should disappear.

But that's another forum
I can call myself a super hero. It doesn't mean that I am one.

Bruce can call himself a woman but it doesn't mean he is one.

But if I walk around calling myself Superman I'd probably get thrown in a psych ward
This is actually comical. She doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like, she doesn't have homegrown breasts, she picked a too-feminine name. I bet her surgeries hurt more than most cramps, that she is well acquainted with Kotex pads, and that in her mind she felt VERY pretty when she posed for Vanity Fair.

At this point I have to wonder if most postrrs here are insecure or, could it be, just JEALOUS.

No, but we respect women and understand that they are far more than a pair of fake breasts, a fake pouch and a glob of make up to be one

You understand how painful is child birth is dont you ding dong? You understand that what preceeds child birth ain't a whole lotta fun either, right?

Being a woman is not absurd. A dude cutting his dong off, growing a couple of fake boobs and globbing on some make up then going on a fashion mag is:


I am a woman, don't be fooled by the hat. I have had cramps, two natural births and one cesarean, several miscarriages. Does my opinion matter more now?

Caitlyn becoming a woman didn't hurt or lessen me and I hold no resentment toward her.

I won't pretend to fully understand how she felt all those years but respect her right to seek happiness in any way as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Her children will adjust, are doing pretty well from what is reported.

I do wish it wasn't so public. Those new ads for a tv show dealing with the same subject upset me as they are run during kids' shows and I really didn't appreciate my grandchild having to deal with that. But I don't think Caitlyn had a chance to be private about any of it with HER family being so famous and the media right there.

Frankly, I wish her family and others like it would drop out of media because they really aren't the role models I would like to see out there for our kids at all.

But individually, this woman welcomes Caitlyn to her new life. Just please don't share details of your new sex life with me. I promise not to share mine either. Some things just don't need sharing.

I don't really care what it does, or how you feel as an individual.

Bruce is NOT A WOMAN, never has been, never will be.

As society we have decided women are to be treated in a unique way (ie: sports). Now, do we go back and let any male say that they feel like a women so they can participate in women's sport or not?
Real women suffer in signficant ways so that his pretending to be one and insisting on a legal status as one is as insulting to actual women who have to endure the entire gamut of being female as it would be to black people if a white person covered themselves in shoe-black and then insisted on legal African American status and demanded the NAACP fund his various endeavors.

I'd laugh at the person you describe, but people like Al Sharpton, and I am going way back to his despicable behavior in the Tawana Brawley case, THEY are insulting and keep the "N" word alive when they insist on speaking for all African Americans. He hurts the cause and should disappear.

But that's another forum

OK, let's take it one step further. Let's say it's not just one person doing that, it's an entire movement. And these people were suing others and forcing them to recognize them as black and making them give them access to all the black perks we have in affirmative action, membership etc.
I can call myself a super hero. It doesn't mean that I am one.

Bruce can call himself a woman but it doesn't mean he is one.

But if I walk around calling myself Superman I'd probably get thrown in a psych ward
The doctors have to be telling him that he isn't a woman; and can never really be a woman. Amputation is not the cure for this type of delusion. And the MDs responsible for amputating healthy tissue should have their butts sued off and be thrown in jail.
I am a woman, don't be fooled by the hat. I have had cramps, two natural births and one cesarean, several miscarriages. Does my opinion matter more now?

Caitlyn becoming a woman didn't hurt or lessen me and I hold no resentment toward her..

Well this topic isn't about you. Many pages back I talked about how the suspension of medical ethics can be deadly to a society. I gave a concrete example of just how that is in my own life. Doctors essentially murdered my father; but not until after they had tortured him for four full days and nights. That is what happens to a society who allows doctors to suspend the hippocratic oath "do no harm". Once one sees another amputating healthy organs and making bank, then that morphs outward into all sorts of "whatever" in order to make a buck.
and why did he even change his name? we all still call him bruce. fine, then I am going to change my name to Bosworth. ok? oh, and my last name too. Bosworth Prudence Fuddwalker. there u go.
and why did he even change his name? we all still call him bruce. fine, then I am going to change my name to Bosworth. ok? oh, and my last name too. Bosworth Prudence Fuddwalker. there u go.
Just don't chop off your Whanger, OK?

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