Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

It really is amazing how stupid Trump and his supporters are.

Did Trump think it through before shutting down the Government? No! That wound up being a political disaster for Trump, and ALMOST a disaster for the American people.

He could have evaluated the ramifications of shutting down the government and realized that it would not work out well, but no, he doesn't think before he acts.

Now the idiot is going to (possibly) shut down the Mexican border. Is he thinking this through first? No!

He's going to do it and let the shit hit the fan. What he doesn't realize is that the shit is going to be all over him! (AGAIN!)

If Cuba survived and thrived without relations with the U.S., Mexico certainly can. They'll realign their trading partnerships.

The U.S. will lose one of it's most valuable trading partners and China will be laughing all the way to the bank!

It's TPP all over again.
OMG again with the "Trump Supporters Are Dumb" old saw. The fact that Trump haters cling to this ridiculous and statistically impossible belief speaks volumes about THEM.

I see a direct corolation between the intel of both the trump lovers and the trumpsters. Both are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, not rocks, just one rock in that box.

You may think that, you dumbass leftist faggot, but I can spell "correlation" correctly.

Oohh, the speellink Nazi. Is that how you Trumpsters win arguments? You believe that's enough? Well Cupcake, it's not even close. It makes you a donkeys ass.

According to your dumbass? Ask me how many fucks I give? Your IQ is not higher than 110 max. That's being generous.

You couldn't fix my computer, punk.

Sum peeple zay mhi eyeq iz lezzer tan mhi shue zize butt mhi kommon sense factor iz highur...
Nope. Look at your leader. Now I can show you proof but this is not the race and racism section.

Who is your hero? Luis Farrakhan?

He will probably say no but Farrakhan's ideas are a lot more widespread than you'd think

I think that being black I can say that Farrakhan leads between 50-100,000 blacks and that the other 40 million don't pay all that much attention to him. And the number would be less if whites stopped their racism.

He's got over a million followers on facebook.

So? If whites stopped being racists he would not. Try focusing on the personal responsibility whites have for your racism.

Someone else is always responsible for your hate. It’s their fault
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD
"infest"? Do they run those construction companies...or are they hired by Americans? Fine those who hire illegals....easy peasy.
Makes no difference if they run their own crews or work for Americans. They depress industry wages and artificially lower the bidding process as a result in the areas they flood.

Fining employers isn't enough. Jail them and STEM THE FLOW AT THE BORDER. You can't hire what isn't available.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

It won't be the first time and I doubt like hell it'll be the last. Sometimes you have to swat them between the eyes with a 2X4 to get their attention. Otherwise they'll sit on their lazy backsides and do nothing. Manana
He will probably say no but Farrakhan's ideas are a lot more widespread than you'd think

I think that being black I can say that Farrakhan leads between 50-100,000 blacks and that the other 40 million don't pay all that much attention to him. And the number would be less if whites stopped their racism.

He's got over a million followers on facebook.

So? If whites stopped being racists he would not. Try focusing on the personal responsibility whites have for your racism.

No sorry I don't think you understand what the phrase personal responsibility means.

I most certainly do. It's what whites like you never take while you demand it from others.

Well you’re clearly no racist
If your going to try and deal with illegal immigration, it should be done right here INSIDE our borders.

I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to open borders if it wasn't for all of the welfare that goes along with it and at my expense.

Why do you support open borders and unlimited immigration?

Stop repeating dumb ass conservative bullshit. Whites illegally immigrated here and have given themselves more welfare than anyone else at the expense of people of color. So I don't give a damn about your whining about open borders or unlimited immigration when whites have immigrated everywhere they have wanted with no limits.

You seriously believe this nonsense?

It's what happened. Time for you to drop the delusions.

What law did the Europeans violate by immigrating here? I’ll wait
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

It won't be the first time and I doubt like hell it'll be the last. Sometimes you have to swat them between the eyes with a 2X4 to get their attention. Otherwise they'll sit on their lazy backsides and do nothing. Manana

Teh violence!

Teh irony of me calling it out! :aargh: :oops:

The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

Well, we don't need fresh fruits and vegetables in this country until summer anyway. We have frosted cheerios to eat!
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
Smart enough to recognize his negotiating strategy. Too bad Hillary supporters are so stupid
There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings, even if the former is rude. Oppression is about more than hurt feelings. The latter doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what the former is. Further, individual acts of harm from a person of colour to a White person may be an insult, a tort or a crime—but it does not connect to violence (which is more than just physical) used to facilitate the oppression of an entire people. (Even so, because the criminal justice system is about punishing Blacks and “protecting” Whites, a White person wouldn’t have to have the expectation that a Black person would go unpunished for harming them.

Many times an insult is not occurring—it’s just a Black person adamantly rejecting White supremacy. The rejection of White supremacy and racism themselves is not “reverse racism.” Rejecting White supremacy is not then telling Whites to be “ashamed” of Whiteness, as they should be able to live and thrive without the lie that is the claim of inherent superiority.

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
Please stop this. Just become great and shut up.

No. Just become great and face the truth so America becomes a better place for everyone.
I want America to be a better place for Americans and those who wish to become Americans.

Not for those who want to soak up benefits and not contribute.
...Powell received two emails that were classified and that the "immediate staff" working for Rice received 10 emails that were classified.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics

Those are dubious claims by a government branch that is clearly interested in covering for Hillary and her crimes. I know that Colin Powell has insisted that the two emails he received through his private email account were NOT, according to him, "classified". The lying left at the State Department was clearly trying to exonerate Hillary by claiming that "everyone does it".

In any event, neither Rice nor Powell created a private server through which to conduct official state business, as did Hillary. They certainly didn't transmit hundreds of classified documents through them, as did Hillary. This source, incidentally, claims the number was over 1,800. You or I would have never seen the light of day again, but you wanted her to be president? And I'm the stupid one?

At Least 1,818 Clinton Emails Contained Classified Information

Changing the goal posts, grasping for straws.

I asked you how do you stop unmarked emails from transmitting to you, you can’t answer.

I showed you others transmitted classified info and didn’t get investigated by FBI, you start talking about private server and quantities.

Clinton was sloppy, but she also got cleared from criminal charges by FBI/DOJ twice on this, and yet here you are still on it 3 years later.

Please don’t ever complain about someone still talking about collusion case a week after after Trump’s handpicked man cleared him.
View attachment 253047
View attachment 253048

That’s more than what trump can say.
...Powell received two emails that were classified and that the "immediate staff" working for Rice received 10 emails that were classified.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics

Those are dubious claims by a government branch that is clearly interested in covering for Hillary and her crimes. I know that Colin Powell has insisted that the two emails he received through his private email account were NOT, according to him, "classified". The lying left at the State Department was clearly trying to exonerate Hillary by claiming that "everyone does it".

In any event, neither Rice nor Powell created a private server through which to conduct official state business, as did Hillary. They certainly didn't transmit hundreds of classified documents through them, as did Hillary. This source, incidentally, claims the number was over 1,800. You or I would have never seen the light of day again, but you wanted her to be president? And I'm the stupid one?

At Least 1,818 Clinton Emails Contained Classified Information

Changing the goal posts, grasping for straws.

I asked you how do you stop unmarked emails from transmitting to you, you can’t answer.

I showed you others transmitted classified info and didn’t get investigated by FBI, you start talking about private server and quantities.

Clinton was sloppy, but she also got cleared from criminal charges by FBI/DOJ twice on this, and yet here you are still on it 3 years later.

Please don’t ever complain about someone still talking about collusion case a week after after Trump’s handpicked man cleared him.

Nobody in the history of our nation did what Hillary did, and then skated. She skated because Obama and company were riddled with corruption. Your Democratic masters just committed the greatest political scandal in our nation's history. Lying, cheating, corruption, the three pillars of Democratic governance. You support the wrong side.

You are clueless. EVERYONE skated as the case against Clinton would have been 100% unprecedented and never before prosecuted without mens rea component.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

No mention of the problems caused by illegal immigration. What a moron you are.
4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Myth #1: Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute

Fact: Immigrants contribute more in tax revenue than they take in government benefits

What is your point, with the Indian?
Now you know who really had to deal with foreign invaders.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

No mention of the problems caused by illegal immigration. What a moron you are.
4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Myth #1: Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute

Fact: Immigrants contribute more in tax revenue than they take in government benefits


Please stop with the dishonesty.
Everyone said that "dumb Trump" would put tariffs on our trading partners and ruin our economy. And what happened? Consumer confidence is at its highest since 2001

Lets point out that we were on the verge of a recesison in 2001.

It also happened to be the year another Republican won Presidency promissing tax-cuts fueling unrivaled period of economic growth....and ending his presidency on the middle of Great Recession.

Confidence shot up when Trump won and peaked slightly above that in 2018 when tax-cuts passed. So clearly the difference is not policy effects, the difference is a bunch of optimistic rightwingers.

Optimistic right wingers are the ones that spiked consumer confidence? You mean it wasn't due to the great economic indicators?


No it wasn't as anyone familiar with indicators would tell you.

There was no difference in indicators between November 2016 and Jan 2017 to justify 25 point jump (this is before Trump even got to the WH).

The big difference was Trump won and Republicans stopped shitting on economy day in and out.

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