Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?


You don’t understand what illegal means eh?

Afraid I do. I also understand what bullshit excuses and double standard are .

Oh? Name the statute of Indian law that settlers broke in coming to America. :abgg2q.jpg: While you're at it, realize that those Indians had black slaves. :aargh:
Everyone said that "dumb Trump" would put tariffs on our trading partners and ruin our economy. And what happened? Consumer confidence is at its highest since 2001

Lets point out that we were on the verge of a recesison in 2001.

It also happened to be the year another Republican won Presidency promissing tax-cuts fueling unrivaled period of economic growth....and ending his presidency on the middle of Great Recession.

Confidence shot up when Trump won and peaked slightly above that in 2018 when tax-cuts passed. So clearly the difference is not policy effects, the difference is a bunch of optimistic rightwingers.

Optimistic right wingers are the ones that spiked consumer confidence? You mean it wasn't due to the great economic indicators?

Close the border and deport the invaders. If the non whites don't like it, roll the clock back to 1700 and lets have another war to settle the issue of who should be here. Close the damn border now. Round them up and mail them back to wherever they come from.
Everyone said that "dumb Trump" would put tariffs on our trading partners and ruin our economy.
Uhh...he’s paying farmers billions per MONTH to hide the destruction from his disastrous tariffs. All that is increasing the deficit and debt. That’s going to crash at some point. But he says “I don’t care - I won’t be here when that happens”. True quote.

Please. The US props up agriculture all the time. We produce way more cheese then we will ever eat, and yet the US buys the surplus and stores it.

Other area's like manufacturing benefited from the tariffs. Government has always picked winners and losers.

Do you know what would really be a loss? Allowing China to use our goodwill without them ever being held accountable.

Fuck you Trump sheep are DUMB. Closing the border cost the US economy roughly 1.5 billion dollars a day. The economy is already showing signs of weakness and you fucks want to push it over the edge all because you are afraid of brown people

You don't watch the news. do you? Nevermind, it's obvious you don't. The economy is doing great, which makes you a dunce.

You are correct, I do not watch the news. Who the fuck is stupid enough to sit there and have people tell you what to think...oh never mind, you are.

what a faithful little sheep you are
There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings, even if the former is rude. Oppression is about more than hurt feelings. The latter doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what the former is. Further, individual acts of harm from a person of colour to a White person may be an insult, a tort or a crime—but it does not connect to violence (which is more than just physical) used to facilitate the oppression of an entire people. (Even so, because the criminal justice system is about punishing Blacks and “protecting” Whites, a White person wouldn’t have to have the expectation that a Black person would go unpunished for harming them.

Many times an insult is not occurring—it’s just a Black person adamantly rejecting White supremacy. The rejection of White supremacy and racism themselves is not “reverse racism.” Rejecting White supremacy is not then telling Whites to be “ashamed” of Whiteness, as they should be able to live and thrive without the lie that is the claim of inherent superiority.

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”

So you are literally going to redefine racism to justify your hate for people based on race.

Why on earth should we accept your definition over the actual definition?
It's common knowledge that Trumpbots generally lack education and intelligence.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

They are largely 'white', male, middle aged/older, middle/lower class, rural, xenophobic, semi-racist, chauvinistic/misogynistic.

In other words, the ignorant masses.

Few paid attention to them before Trump and even fewer will pay attention to them when Trump is gone (barring a war) by 2021.

We had 8 years of a stagnant economy under the know-nothing, do-nothing, community organizer failure that you supported. And you're calling us stupid? LOL. Thanks for the laugh!

You are stupid. The 8 years you talk about did not happen.

2009-2017 didn’t happen??!

Whoo hoo! I’m still in my twenties!
I gave you the answer you're going to get.



That's not going to work. You got your answer. Whites have been for open borders and unlimited immigration for themselves. You have no moral standing to oppose it with others.

So you’re completely unfamiliar with the history of immigration in this country? Can you point out when we were open to Irish and Italian immigration?
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
Go ahead and close it down...should be fun to watch.
Everyone said that "dumb Trump" would put tariffs on our trading partners and ruin our economy. And what happened? Consumer confidence is at its highest since 2001

If Trump closes the border, I can assure you that the ramifications will be much, much greater for Mexico than for us. We will survive, they will not.

Mexico will yield and do what is required.


If The Donald shut the American Border with Mexico then the MEGA Bedwetting from the Leftist Groups is going to be 100 times more entertaining than it was when The Donald beat Hillary in 2016.
I agree...shut down the border...all the way across from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico. Shut it completely down.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.

Maybe them the Government of Mexico would get off it's ass and stop facilitating caravans traveling across Mexico from Central America.
As it is, the Mexican Border Patrol is doing nothing to prevent people from crossing into the US.
The 8 years you talk about did not happen.

Hillary lost the swing-state vote because the economy was stagnant and those voters wanted a president that could deliver positive economic results, for a change. It was an indictment of the Obama economy. If the economy was like it is now, Hillary would have won.

No, that's not why. We are about to get the Trump economy. Trump has taken credit for an economy he didn't create.

For shits and giggles who created it?

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A bunch of people that did not allow people of color or women to help create it.

Wait your claiming it’s Obama’s economy but it was also created by a bunch of people that didn’t allow people of color or women help create it? So Obama is a white guy?

How have any women or minorities been excluded from any economy in our nation?
And what's equally bad is how you lie.

LOL, what "lie" did I tell? In fact, aren't YOU the liar for accusing me of being a liar?

You accuse us of being racists while your posts seethe with racial hatred.

You are a fascinating fellow, I'll give you that.

I've said nothing racist.

You’ve literally done nothing but complain against white people and lie about them this entire thread
OMG again with the "Trump Supporters Are Dumb" old saw. The fact that Trump haters cling to this ridiculous and statistically impossible belief speaks volumes about THEM.

I see a direct corolation between the intel of both the trump lovers and the trumpsters. Both are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, not rocks, just one rock in that box.

You may think that, you dumbass leftist faggot, but I can spell "correlation" correctly.
He only hates whites that refuse to pander to his delusions.

He is unwilling to argue his beliefs because he has no good argument. All he knows is that he hates white people, he hates Republicans and he hates Trump. Therefore, anything that we're for, he's automatically against. And then, when Trump delivers positive economic news for poor blacks and whites, he gives Obama credit. Trump recently signed a justice-reform bill, which will help blacks the most, yet he still claims Trump is a "racist". Truth and facts are irrelevant for this guy. All that matters is his delusional narrative.

I have made my argument and you can't take it. Trump is a racist. Him signing a bill doesn't change that.

Trump isn’t a racist. There is literally no evidence to support that. I was leading the opposition against him in 2016 and there was never any basis for that claim

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