Just how uneducated and outright stupid are American voters?

I am going to tell you the problem. It is not Trump, Trump is a mere manifestation of the disease that is tearing America apart. The problem is the Republican party, period. One of my favorite sayings is as follows. You have to stand for something, if you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. My question is simple, what exactly does the Republican party stand for? Is it smaller government? Nope, I doubt you realize this, but even though unemployment has hit historical highs during the last few months, personal income has actually increased. Driving that increase, government payments, like that damn $600 a week supplement to unemployment benefits. And of course there was the Covid stimulus check. What a damn joke. Nothing conservative about those measures.

Does the Republican party stand for free trade? Well, they used to. Then Trump came along, now the Republican party is all about protectionism, tariffs, and restricted trade. It is stupid. The administration actions are nothing more than picking winners and losers. Something the Republican party used to be against.

One thing needs to be made clear. The Republican party does not give two shits about the will of the American people. For years, they have manipulated state legislatures, worked hard to disenfranchise entire voting blocks, and introduced legislation that is counter intuitive to the will of the people. The ACA is the classic example. A majority of Americans support the ACA, yet the Republican party has made the elimination of the ACA one of their primary objectives. In a way, I hope they are successful. Going to be funny when it is eliminated, the doughnut hole suddenly pops back up, and hundreds of thousands of seniors see their prescription drug bills skyrocket.

Maybe you will say that the Republican party is for a closed border, or at least immigration restrictions. First, I have to ask, since most Republicans believe that the government is not capable of doing anything as efficiently as the "free" market, how is it that same government can pick and choose its citizens efficiently? But then I want to point out that several Trump hotels do a booming business in anchor babies. They advertise, albeit mostly in white European nations, that people can come stay in the hotel and pop out a baby that is an American citizen. Sure, they don't have an office in Mexico. But Russia, you betcha. And perhaps you don't know this, but Ivanka Trump has spent a lot of time in China, and her husband even more, courting Chinese millionaires to pay the half million dollars in order to BUY, yes, I said it, BUT citizenship in the United States.

And I know, abortion is a big issue with some Republicans. But here is the thing. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned. The Republican party never even pretended to work to have it overturned. It is a red herring, dangled in front of a uninformed electorate, a dog whistle. The vast majority of abortions are done on women that already have kids. The reason, they can't afford another child. If the Republican party really wanted to reduce abortion they would support additional support of women with children. And I got to tell you, if I had a dollar for every Baptist minister that shuttled his young daughter off to have an abortion I could retire.

I'm not much into the whole abortion thing. I could care less really. However in states that have Republican leadership, they have made laws against various procedures regarding abortion, including my state of Ohio. On the national level, it's not up to Republicans to control abortion, that's up to the Supreme Court.

So do you have credible evidence of Trump advertising his American hotels for the sole purpose of having anchor babies? I'll wait. Now how would all these prescriptions for senior citizens go up if we got rid of Commie Care. Let me tell you, I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire life. It was dropped the day Commie Care started, and I'm not alone. Many people, particularly who worked for small companies like I did seen the same. In fact, I went out job searching after that. What I found is that most didn't offer the benefit any longer. Did anybody shed a tear for the millions of us? Hell no.

Trump can't do zero for the country, so he did sign on to the 600 dollar unemployment farce, but guess who put it on his desk? That's right, the Democrat House. Yes, we hit historic highs for unemployment, but that is far from Trump's fault. The virus hit the entire world. We managed to bring that down some, had the stock market rebound, and the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, if you can trust their reporting.

Trump did more to fight illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and this was with strong opposition from the Democrats, who closed down the government for the longest period of time in our history over a stupid wall. But it meant that much to them. Not to worry though, if Biden sneaks in, he promised that wall construction will stop on his first day in office.

I am going to tell you the problem. It is not Trump, Trump is a mere manifestation of the disease that is tearing America apart. The problem is the Republican party, period. One of my favorite sayings is as follows. You have to stand for something, if you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. My question is simple, what exactly does the Republican party stand for? Is it smaller government? Nope, I doubt you realize this, but even though unemployment has hit historical highs during the last few months, personal income has actually increased. Driving that increase, government payments, like that damn $600 a week supplement to unemployment benefits. And of course there was the Covid stimulus check. What a damn joke. Nothing conservative about those measures.

Does the Republican party stand for free trade? Well, they used to. Then Trump came along, now the Republican party is all about protectionism, tariffs, and restricted trade. It is stupid. The administration actions are nothing more than picking winners and losers. Something the Republican party used to be against.

One thing needs to be made clear. The Republican party does not give two shits about the will of the American people. For years, they have manipulated state legislatures, worked hard to disenfranchise entire voting blocks, and introduced legislation that is counter intuitive to the will of the people. The ACA is the classic example. A majority of Americans support the ACA, yet the Republican party has made the elimination of the ACA one of their primary objectives. In a way, I hope they are successful. Going to be funny when it is eliminated, the doughnut hole suddenly pops back up, and hundreds of thousands of seniors see their prescription drug bills skyrocket.

Maybe you will say that the Republican party is for a closed border, or at least immigration restrictions. First, I have to ask, since most Republicans believe that the government is not capable of doing anything as efficiently as the "free" market, how is it that same government can pick and choose its citizens efficiently? But then I want to point out that several Trump hotels do a booming business in anchor babies. They advertise, albeit mostly in white European nations, that people can come stay in the hotel and pop out a baby that is an American citizen. Sure, they don't have an office in Mexico. But Russia, you betcha. And perhaps you don't know this, but Ivanka Trump has spent a lot of time in China, and her husband even more, courting Chinese millionaires to pay the half million dollars in order to BUY, yes, I said it, BUT citizenship in the United States.

And I know, abortion is a big issue with some Republicans. But here is the thing. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned. The Republican party never even pretended to work to have it overturned. It is a red herring, dangled in front of a uninformed electorate, a dog whistle. The vast majority of abortions are done on women that already have kids. The reason, they can't afford another child. If the Republican party really wanted to reduce abortion they would support additional support of women with children. And I got to tell you, if I had a dollar for every Baptist minister that shuttled his young daughter off to have an abortion I could retire.

I'm not much into the whole abortion thing. I could care less really. However in states that have Republican leadership, they have made laws against various procedures regarding abortion, including my state of Ohio. On the national level, it's not up to Republicans to control abortion, that's up to the Supreme Court.

So do you have credible evidence of Trump advertising his American hotels for the sole purpose of having anchor babies? I'll wait. Now how would all these prescriptions for senior citizens go up if we got rid of Commie Care. Let me tell you, I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire life. It was dropped the day Commie Care started, and I'm not alone. Many people, particularly who worked for small companies like I did seen the same. In fact, I went out job searching after that. What I found is that most didn't offer the benefit any longer. Did anybody shed a tear for the millions of us? Hell no.

Trump can't do zero for the country, so he did sign on to the 600 dollar unemployment farce, but guess who put it on his desk? That's right, the Democrat House. Yes, we hit historic highs for unemployment, but that is far from Trump's fault. The virus hit the entire world. We managed to bring that down some, had the stock market rebound, and the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, if you can trust their reporting.

Trump did more to fight illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and this was with strong opposition from the Democrats, who closed down the government for the longest period of time in our history over a stupid wall. But it meant that much to them. Not to worry though, if Biden sneaks in, he promised that wall construction will stop on his first day in office.

If you are on Medicare Part D, the Affordable Care Act is eliminating the so-called “donut hole.” That’s a gap in your prescription drug coverage. Prior to the Affordable Care Act, that made you pay the full cost of meds once you reached the annual drug-spending limit.

If you're in the donut hole in 2018, you'll pay 35% of the cost of brand-name drugs (25% in 2019) and 44% of the cost of generic drugs that are covered under Medicare Part D (37% in 2019). By 2020, Medicare's donut hole will close and you’ll pay just 25% of the cost of both brand-name and generic drugs.

A growing number of Russian women are choosing to visit Miami, not just for its sunny beaches and sexy nightclub scene, but to give birth.

Miami has apparently become a hotspot to have children as number of women have taken to social media to show off their newly minted American tykes.

“It’s really common,” Ekaterina Kuznetsova, 29, told NBC News. “When I was taking the plane to come here, it was not only me. It was four or five women flying here.”

For a fee of $500,000 made out to the Kushner family, wealthy Chinese could secure a top spot in America.
That’s what White House senior adviser Jared Kushner’s sister told a Beijing ballroom filled with more than 100 wealthy Chinese investors on Saturday, The Washington Post and The New York Times reported.

I am going to tell you the problem. It is not Trump, Trump is a mere manifestation of the disease that is tearing America apart. The problem is the Republican party, period. One of my favorite sayings is as follows. You have to stand for something, if you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. My question is simple, what exactly does the Republican party stand for? Is it smaller government? Nope, I doubt you realize this, but even though unemployment has hit historical highs during the last few months, personal income has actually increased. Driving that increase, government payments, like that damn $600 a week supplement to unemployment benefits. And of course there was the Covid stimulus check. What a damn joke. Nothing conservative about those measures.

Does the Republican party stand for free trade? Well, they used to. Then Trump came along, now the Republican party is all about protectionism, tariffs, and restricted trade. It is stupid. The administration actions are nothing more than picking winners and losers. Something the Republican party used to be against.

One thing needs to be made clear. The Republican party does not give two shits about the will of the American people. For years, they have manipulated state legislatures, worked hard to disenfranchise entire voting blocks, and introduced legislation that is counter intuitive to the will of the people. The ACA is the classic example. A majority of Americans support the ACA, yet the Republican party has made the elimination of the ACA one of their primary objectives. In a way, I hope they are successful. Going to be funny when it is eliminated, the doughnut hole suddenly pops back up, and hundreds of thousands of seniors see their prescription drug bills skyrocket.

Maybe you will say that the Republican party is for a closed border, or at least immigration restrictions. First, I have to ask, since most Republicans believe that the government is not capable of doing anything as efficiently as the "free" market, how is it that same government can pick and choose its citizens efficiently? But then I want to point out that several Trump hotels do a booming business in anchor babies. They advertise, albeit mostly in white European nations, that people can come stay in the hotel and pop out a baby that is an American citizen. Sure, they don't have an office in Mexico. But Russia, you betcha. And perhaps you don't know this, but Ivanka Trump has spent a lot of time in China, and her husband even more, courting Chinese millionaires to pay the half million dollars in order to BUY, yes, I said it, BUT citizenship in the United States.

And I know, abortion is a big issue with some Republicans. But here is the thing. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned. The Republican party never even pretended to work to have it overturned. It is a red herring, dangled in front of a uninformed electorate, a dog whistle. The vast majority of abortions are done on women that already have kids. The reason, they can't afford another child. If the Republican party really wanted to reduce abortion they would support additional support of women with children. And I got to tell you, if I had a dollar for every Baptist minister that shuttled his young daughter off to have an abortion I could retire.

I'm not much into the whole abortion thing. I could care less really. However in states that have Republican leadership, they have made laws against various procedures regarding abortion, including my state of Ohio. On the national level, it's not up to Republicans to control abortion, that's up to the Supreme Court.

So do you have credible evidence of Trump advertising his American hotels for the sole purpose of having anchor babies? I'll wait. Now how would all these prescriptions for senior citizens go up if we got rid of Commie Care. Let me tell you, I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire life. It was dropped the day Commie Care started, and I'm not alone. Many people, particularly who worked for small companies like I did seen the same. In fact, I went out job searching after that. What I found is that most didn't offer the benefit any longer. Did anybody shed a tear for the millions of us? Hell no.

Trump can't do zero for the country, so he did sign on to the 600 dollar unemployment farce, but guess who put it on his desk? That's right, the Democrat House. Yes, we hit historic highs for unemployment, but that is far from Trump's fault. The virus hit the entire world. We managed to bring that down some, had the stock market rebound, and the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, if you can trust their reporting.

Trump did more to fight illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and this was with strong opposition from the Democrats, who closed down the government for the longest period of time in our history over a stupid wall. But it meant that much to them. Not to worry though, if Biden sneaks in, he promised that wall construction will stop on his first day in office.

And where are the benefits from his fight on illegal immigration?
I am going to tell you the problem. It is not Trump, Trump is a mere manifestation of the disease that is tearing America apart. The problem is the Republican party, period. One of my favorite sayings is as follows. You have to stand for something, if you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. My question is simple, what exactly does the Republican party stand for? Is it smaller government? Nope, I doubt you realize this, but even though unemployment has hit historical highs during the last few months, personal income has actually increased. Driving that increase, government payments, like that damn $600 a week supplement to unemployment benefits. And of course there was the Covid stimulus check. What a damn joke. Nothing conservative about those measures.

Does the Republican party stand for free trade? Well, they used to. Then Trump came along, now the Republican party is all about protectionism, tariffs, and restricted trade. It is stupid. The administration actions are nothing more than picking winners and losers. Something the Republican party used to be against.

One thing needs to be made clear. The Republican party does not give two shits about the will of the American people. For years, they have manipulated state legislatures, worked hard to disenfranchise entire voting blocks, and introduced legislation that is counter intuitive to the will of the people. The ACA is the classic example. A majority of Americans support the ACA, yet the Republican party has made the elimination of the ACA one of their primary objectives. In a way, I hope they are successful. Going to be funny when it is eliminated, the doughnut hole suddenly pops back up, and hundreds of thousands of seniors see their prescription drug bills skyrocket.

Maybe you will say that the Republican party is for a closed border, or at least immigration restrictions. First, I have to ask, since most Republicans believe that the government is not capable of doing anything as efficiently as the "free" market, how is it that same government can pick and choose its citizens efficiently? But then I want to point out that several Trump hotels do a booming business in anchor babies. They advertise, albeit mostly in white European nations, that people can come stay in the hotel and pop out a baby that is an American citizen. Sure, they don't have an office in Mexico. But Russia, you betcha. And perhaps you don't know this, but Ivanka Trump has spent a lot of time in China, and her husband even more, courting Chinese millionaires to pay the half million dollars in order to BUY, yes, I said it, BUT citizenship in the United States.

And I know, abortion is a big issue with some Republicans. But here is the thing. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned. The Republican party never even pretended to work to have it overturned. It is a red herring, dangled in front of a uninformed electorate, a dog whistle. The vast majority of abortions are done on women that already have kids. The reason, they can't afford another child. If the Republican party really wanted to reduce abortion they would support additional support of women with children. And I got to tell you, if I had a dollar for every Baptist minister that shuttled his young daughter off to have an abortion I could retire.

I'm not much into the whole abortion thing. I could care less really. However in states that have Republican leadership, they have made laws against various procedures regarding abortion, including my state of Ohio. On the national level, it's not up to Republicans to control abortion, that's up to the Supreme Court.

So do you have credible evidence of Trump advertising his American hotels for the sole purpose of having anchor babies? I'll wait. Now how would all these prescriptions for senior citizens go up if we got rid of Commie Care. Let me tell you, I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire life. It was dropped the day Commie Care started, and I'm not alone. Many people, particularly who worked for small companies like I did seen the same. In fact, I went out job searching after that. What I found is that most didn't offer the benefit any longer. Did anybody shed a tear for the millions of us? Hell no.

Trump can't do zero for the country, so he did sign on to the 600 dollar unemployment farce, but guess who put it on his desk? That's right, the Democrat House. Yes, we hit historic highs for unemployment, but that is far from Trump's fault. The virus hit the entire world. We managed to bring that down some, had the stock market rebound, and the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, if you can trust their reporting.

Trump did more to fight illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and this was with strong opposition from the Democrats, who closed down the government for the longest period of time in our history over a stupid wall. But it meant that much to them. Not to worry though, if Biden sneaks in, he promised that wall construction will stop on his first day in office.

And where are the benefits from his fight on illegal immigration?

“Average annual labor force growth, a key component of the nation’s economic growth, will be approximately 59% lower as a result of the administration’s immigration policies,

The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain
Our republic has been doomed for decades
You are a goddamn dishonest hack. Your "im partial waaaah" bullshit is simply that
I don’t care if you think I’m partial or a kook. That’s a cop out and meaningless insult. So what’s been so doomed for decades? Has life been that bad for you for all that time?
Lol. So what is Trump doing that is so bad that a retarded democrat whos entire ideology is based on fear and the countries repugnant history, make all of that go away?
What is Trump doing that’s so bad? He is sewing distrust and dividing Americans in a way that is making everybody hate eachother. Not for a worthy cause I might add, it’s all just to feed his ego because he needs to be the strong man winner. That’s it
Sure he is. So is the other side. So, im not sure how just he is destroying the Republic.
Although, considering your posting history, you dont see what the other side does.
The other side plays a part as well but Trump takes it to a whole new level and now we are paralyzed. It’s either Trumps way or nothing and our discourse is uglier than ever. We need a real leader who can set a better example and manage our government in a way where we can work together and not constantly be at each others throats
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain

“The trouble in our Republic is Trump.”

Yes, record low unemployment, blacks off the taxpayer tit, record high stock market, higher wages, lower taxes, America’s Best citizens unified, a secure southern border, command of the world, keeping the peace in the Middle East...etc etc...It’s all “TROUBLE IN OUR REPUBLIC”, the country is screwed if this shit carries on.
Haha...sometimes I wonder if you TDS Loons ever stop to listen to yourselves.
Record low unemployment? Have you checked the numbers lately?
I was just watching Frank Lutz and his group of undecided voters analyzing the vice-pres debate. With the first debate, he said "undecideds don't vote issues, they go with personality, so Biden won." Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court." So, they DO care about policy and the issues, and apparently packing the court is a big deal to undecided voters. So, they are not all outright stupid, just maybe a little tentative and misunderstood.
Why is it when republicans nominate judges there is not a peep out of the right wing wackos but when a democrat does they start screaming..THEY ARE PACKING THE COURTS!..waaa..waaa
Why is it when republicans nominate judges there is not a peep out of the right wing wackos but when a democrat does they start screaming..THEY ARE PACKING THE COURTS!..waaa..waaa

That's not what packing the court means. Democrats are floating the idea to expand the size of the court from 9 to whatever so they can put more commies on the bench to equalize or overpower the justices the Republicans put there. The Republicans never hinted at anything so devious.
The other side plays a part as well but Trump takes it to a whole new level and now we are paralyzed. It’s either Trumps way or nothing and our discourse is uglier than ever. We need a real leader who can set a better example and manage our government in a way where we can work together and not constantly be at each others throats

You can't work with people that refuse to work with you.
I am going to tell you the problem. It is not Trump, Trump is a mere manifestation of the disease that is tearing America apart. The problem is the Republican party, period. One of my favorite sayings is as follows. You have to stand for something, if you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything. My question is simple, what exactly does the Republican party stand for? Is it smaller government? Nope, I doubt you realize this, but even though unemployment has hit historical highs during the last few months, personal income has actually increased. Driving that increase, government payments, like that damn $600 a week supplement to unemployment benefits. And of course there was the Covid stimulus check. What a damn joke. Nothing conservative about those measures.

Does the Republican party stand for free trade? Well, they used to. Then Trump came along, now the Republican party is all about protectionism, tariffs, and restricted trade. It is stupid. The administration actions are nothing more than picking winners and losers. Something the Republican party used to be against.

One thing needs to be made clear. The Republican party does not give two shits about the will of the American people. For years, they have manipulated state legislatures, worked hard to disenfranchise entire voting blocks, and introduced legislation that is counter intuitive to the will of the people. The ACA is the classic example. A majority of Americans support the ACA, yet the Republican party has made the elimination of the ACA one of their primary objectives. In a way, I hope they are successful. Going to be funny when it is eliminated, the doughnut hole suddenly pops back up, and hundreds of thousands of seniors see their prescription drug bills skyrocket.

Maybe you will say that the Republican party is for a closed border, or at least immigration restrictions. First, I have to ask, since most Republicans believe that the government is not capable of doing anything as efficiently as the "free" market, how is it that same government can pick and choose its citizens efficiently? But then I want to point out that several Trump hotels do a booming business in anchor babies. They advertise, albeit mostly in white European nations, that people can come stay in the hotel and pop out a baby that is an American citizen. Sure, they don't have an office in Mexico. But Russia, you betcha. And perhaps you don't know this, but Ivanka Trump has spent a lot of time in China, and her husband even more, courting Chinese millionaires to pay the half million dollars in order to BUY, yes, I said it, BUT citizenship in the United States.

And I know, abortion is a big issue with some Republicans. But here is the thing. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned. The Republican party never even pretended to work to have it overturned. It is a red herring, dangled in front of a uninformed electorate, a dog whistle. The vast majority of abortions are done on women that already have kids. The reason, they can't afford another child. If the Republican party really wanted to reduce abortion they would support additional support of women with children. And I got to tell you, if I had a dollar for every Baptist minister that shuttled his young daughter off to have an abortion I could retire.

I'm not much into the whole abortion thing. I could care less really. However in states that have Republican leadership, they have made laws against various procedures regarding abortion, including my state of Ohio. On the national level, it's not up to Republicans to control abortion, that's up to the Supreme Court.

So do you have credible evidence of Trump advertising his American hotels for the sole purpose of having anchor babies? I'll wait. Now how would all these prescriptions for senior citizens go up if we got rid of Commie Care. Let me tell you, I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire life. It was dropped the day Commie Care started, and I'm not alone. Many people, particularly who worked for small companies like I did seen the same. In fact, I went out job searching after that. What I found is that most didn't offer the benefit any longer. Did anybody shed a tear for the millions of us? Hell no.

Trump can't do zero for the country, so he did sign on to the 600 dollar unemployment farce, but guess who put it on his desk? That's right, the Democrat House. Yes, we hit historic highs for unemployment, but that is far from Trump's fault. The virus hit the entire world. We managed to bring that down some, had the stock market rebound, and the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, if you can trust their reporting.

Trump did more to fight illegal immigration than the last four Presidents combined, and this was with strong opposition from the Democrats, who closed down the government for the longest period of time in our history over a stupid wall. But it meant that much to them. Not to worry though, if Biden sneaks in, he promised that wall construction will stop on his first day in office.

And where are the benefits from his fight on illegal immigration?

Illegals cost the US taxpayer a billion dollars a year. They keep wages down for Americans and take jobs Americans should be working. And don't give me this lettuce picking stuff. Illegals are in nearly every sector of our labor. Then they take the money they earned, live in a two bedroom house or apartment with 10 people, send the savings of that back over the border.

Then there is the crime issue. The counterpoint to that is that Americans commit more crimes than illegals. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. However if my American neighbor goes out and rapes and kills a woman, there was no possible way to stop that. When an illegal does the same, there was a way to save that life by him not being here in the first place.
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Why is it when republicans nominate judges there is not a peep out of the right wing wackos but when a democrat does they start screaming..THEY ARE PACKING THE COURTS!..waaa..waaa

That's not what packing the court means. Democrats are floating the idea to expand the size of the court from 9 to whatever so they can put more commies on the bench to equalize or overpower the justices the Republicans put there. The Republicans never hinted at anything so devious.
The whine about democrats 'packing the court' came long before the latest proposal to expand the number of judges. Wait until the tin foil hats think so-called 'prog' justices outnumber 'theirs'. They will warm up to expanding real quick
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain

“The trouble in our Republic is Trump.”

Yes, record low unemployment, blacks off the taxpayer tit, record high stock market, higher wages, lower taxes, America’s Best citizens unified, a secure southern border, command of the world, keeping the peace in the Middle East...etc etc...It’s all “TROUBLE IN OUR REPUBLIC”, the country is screwed if this shit carries on.
Haha...sometimes I wonder if you TDS Loons ever stop to listen to yourselves.
Record low unemployment? Have you checked the numbers lately?
A sane mind not infected with a hardcore case of TDS omits the Kung Flu from factoring...A sane mind still sees a record stock market, a record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....Try this sane mine shit once Slade..you might enjoy the perception we good real Americans have.
The whine about democrats 'packing the court' came long before the latest proposal to expand the number of judges. Wait until the tin foil hats think so-called 'prog' justices outnumber 'theirs'. They will warm up to expanding real quick

No they would not because Republicans are not nearly as power hungry as the Democrats. Secondly, expanding the courts is very unpopular with the public. Why do you think Biden or Harris refused to answer the question on packing the courts when asked during the debates? Of course they would do it in a heartbeat, and deal with the ramifications of the voters later on.
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.

How stupid are the American voters? You're stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump after the last year, that's how stupid you are.

Who the fuck do you think has been running the country into the ground Grandpa. It's not the Democrats in the White House or Senate. The Democrats haven't "caused" anything.

Trump is responsible for running the country, or rather his failure to properly run the country. Trump is responsible for mismanaging the covid epidemic. The New England Journal of Medicine has called on Americans to throw Trump out of office on the grounds that he's an incompetent idiot who is killing Americans.

The NEJ has NEVER endorsed or criticized any political leader in it's history.

This is a letter from former CDC Director - a legend in the public health field who eradicated small pox, send a letter to Dr. Redfield telling him to stand up to Trump and the CDC:

Then there's the former joint chiefs of staff talking about the danger to national security posed by the President:

I have a family member who is married to a total idiot. What she ever saw in him is beyond me. He spent half his life in prison, is a recovering drug addict, has a nasty temper, and treats everyone around him badly. He's been fired from every job he's every had, and he cheats on her. They just celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary, and still going strong.

I don't see any difference between you and that family member. Every sane rational human being in the world says Trump is incompetent, intemperate, unqualified, and a total disaster in running the nation. Many of these leaders have opined that if Trump is re-elected, the Republic is finished. He has failed and bankrupted every business enterprised he's tried his hand at.

So why don't you answer your own question? How stupid are you that you're going to vote for 4 more years of this chaos, craziness, corruption, and incompetence?

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