Just how uneducated and outright stupid are American voters?

Agreed. Why do you think Dems refuse to work with Trump?

Because they never wanted any stimulus bill passed in the first place. This is repetitive in the Democrat playbook. Block a bill, contact the MSM, and have them report that it's the Republicans fault needed money was never delivered to the people. Why do you think they loaded this bill with so much pork?

The Democrats plan here is to ruin the country as much as they can before the election. Allow their cities to burn down for months on end, shutdown the economy where they have power, stop federal money to people who may be losing their home. Then blame it all on Trump.
The Dems won’t work with Trump because of who Trump is. A good leader is able to unite and work with those around him. But Trump is a spoiled egomaniac who is used to doing everything his way. So when people stand up to him he throws hissy fits and calls them names. He caters a toxic environment and brings the worst out of those around him.

A good leader is able to unite and work with those around him. But Obama is a spoiled egomaniac who is used to doing everything his way. So when people stand up to him he throws hissy fits and calls them names.
Show some examples. Whatever ripples you find from Obama I’ll show you tidal waves from Trump. I don’t think this is a game you want to play

How many Republican votes did Obama get for his legislative priorities?
Because I heard a good leader is able to unite and work with those around him.
I guess a big part of the country is just bitter, clinging to their guns and religion, eh?
Trumpnis easy to negotiate with if he can walk away and brag about a win. All he does is brag about his “wins” and y’all shot about his opponents. I don’t blame his opponents for not wanting to work with him. I wouldn’t want to work with somebody who treated me with such disrespect. Trump fostered the toxic environment that we now have. That’s his game.

Oh, so now the excuse is Trump hurt their feelings. Snowflakes. No, that's not why. The reason is they never wanted this bill to pass for political theater.

They wanted pork money to bailout the Post Office where their union workers work. They want money for immigrants. They want money to bailout their states who have been spending themselves into a hole for years. They want money to expand Medicare and Medicaid, as if we don't spend enough on that already. No, Trump nor the Republicans are going to go along with their Democrat wish list using this pandemic as an excuse when it has nothing to do with their demands.
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals.

By telling them they can ride, "but they gotta sit in the back"?
Agreed. Why do you think Dems refuse to work with Trump?

Because they never wanted any stimulus bill passed in the first place. This is repetitive in the Democrat playbook. Block a bill, contact the MSM, and have them report that it's the Republicans fault needed money was never delivered to the people. Why do you think they loaded this bill with so much pork?

The Democrats plan here is to ruin the country as much as they can before the election. Allow their cities to burn down for months on end, shutdown the economy where they have power, stop federal money to people who may be losing their home. Then blame it all on Trump.
The Dems won’t work with Trump because of who Trump is. A good leader is able to unite and work with those around him. But Trump is a spoiled egomaniac who is used to doing everything his way. So when people stand up to him he throws hissy fits and calls them names. He caters a toxic environment and brings the worst out of those around him.

A good leader is able to unite and work with those around him. But Obama is a spoiled egomaniac who is used to doing everything his way. So when people stand up to him he throws hissy fits and calls them names.
Show some examples. Whatever ripples you find from Obama I’ll show you tidal waves from Trump. I don’t think this is a game you want to play

How many Republican votes did Obama get for his legislative priorities?
Because I heard a good leader is able to unite and work with those around him.
I guess a big part of the country is just bitter, clinging to their guns and religion, eh?
No doubt Obama wasn’t able to unite... division was bad during his two terms. Congress did their damnest to block his agenda just like the Dems are doing to Trump. Frustrating isn’t it? But Obama still conducted himself with decency and minus the very occasional partisan jab he still made efforts to be bipartisan. Trump insults the left with every other breath... all he has is grevemce lies and hate to spew. It’s disgusting and dangerous
Trumpnis easy to negotiate with if he can walk away and brag about a win. All he does is brag about his “wins” and y’all shot about his opponents. I don’t blame his opponents for not wanting to work with him. I wouldn’t want to work with somebody who treated me with such disrespect. Trump fostered the toxic environment that we now have. That’s his game.

Oh, so now the excuse is Trump hurt their feelings. Snowflakes. No, that's not why. The reason is they never wanted this bill to pass for political theater.

They wanted pork money to bailout the Post Office where their union workers work. They want money for immigrants. They want money to bailout their states who have been spending themselves into a hole for years. They want money to expand Medicare and Medicaid, as if we don't spend enough on that already. No, Trump nor the Republicans are going to go along with their Democrat wish list using this pandemic as an excuse when it has nothing to do with their demands.
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals.

By telling them they can ride, "but they gotta sit in the back"?
No that’s obviously not what I’m talking about. Are you having a hard time followIng?
Trumpnis easy to negotiate with if he can walk away and brag about a win. All he does is brag about his “wins” and y’all shot about his opponents. I don’t blame his opponents for not wanting to work with him. I wouldn’t want to work with somebody who treated me with such disrespect. Trump fostered the toxic environment that we now have. That’s his game.

Oh, so now the excuse is Trump hurt their feelings. Snowflakes. No, that's not why. The reason is they never wanted this bill to pass for political theater.

They wanted pork money to bailout the Post Office where their union workers work. They want money for immigrants. They want money to bailout their states who have been spending themselves into a hole for years. They want money to expand Medicare and Medicaid, as if we don't spend enough on that already. No, Trump nor the Republicans are going to go along with their Democrat wish list using this pandemic as an excuse when it has nothing to do with their demands.
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals.

By telling them they can ride, "but they gotta sit in the back"?
No that’s obviously not what I’m talking about. Are you having a hard time followIng?

No that’s obviously not what I’m talking about.

You're not talking about relationship building during Obama's first 2 years?
Trumpnis easy to negotiate with if he can walk away and brag about a win. All he does is brag about his “wins” and y’all shot about his opponents. I don’t blame his opponents for not wanting to work with him. I wouldn’t want to work with somebody who treated me with such disrespect. Trump fostered the toxic environment that we now have. That’s his game.

Oh, so now the excuse is Trump hurt their feelings. Snowflakes. No, that's not why. The reason is they never wanted this bill to pass for political theater.

They wanted pork money to bailout the Post Office where their union workers work. They want money for immigrants. They want money to bailout their states who have been spending themselves into a hole for years. They want money to expand Medicare and Medicaid, as if we don't spend enough on that already. No, Trump nor the Republicans are going to go along with their Democrat wish list using this pandemic as an excuse when it has nothing to do with their demands.
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals.

By telling them they can ride, "but they gotta sit in the back"?
No that’s obviously not what I’m talking about. Are you having a hard time followIng?

No that’s obviously not what I’m talking about.

You're not talking about relationship building during Obama's first 2 years?
No of course not. How did Obama’s first 2 years get injected into this conversation... How did Obama get injected?!
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

Fair enough. So tell me, how do you build relationships with people who were part of a cabal to throw you out of office with a phony Russian collusion investigation? How do you build relationships with people who impeached you with no impeachable offense and no crime committed, and then celebrated by passing out commemorative pens while laughing about it? How do you build relationships with people who call you racist, even though you never said anything racist in your life?

I'm sorry, but it takes two to Tango. One of the first things Trump did when he got into the White House was invite his adversaries to come over and use the White House bowling ally for some fun and games. What were the results of this offer of friendship?

Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

i hate to quote the same post twice, but after I signed off, I went to my news and found this:

Pelosi dismisses latest White House coronavirus aid offer

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday dimissed the latest White House offer in COVID-19 aid talks as “one step forward, two steps back,” but said she is still hopeful that progress can be made toward a deal.

A GOP aide familiar with the new offer said it was about $1.8 trillion, with a key state and local fiscal relief component moving from $250 billion to at least $300 billion. The White House says its most recent offer before that was about $1.6 trillion. The aide was not authorized to publicly discuss private negotiations and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pelosi’s most recent public offer was about $2.2 trillion, though that included a business tax increase that Republicans won’t go for.

Now do tell, the Republicans upped the offer closer to Piglosi's 2.2 trillion to 1.8 trillion which is not a lot to ask for a country already 26 trillion in debt, but one of her sticking points was a tax increase on businesses which would have devastating effects on our job producers, especially at this time. So tell me she's not playing politics with this and stuffing pork, because unless you can explain to me how increased taxes on our job creators will help with, or has anything to do with this crisis, I believe that's all they are doing.

So who's not negotiating now? Well, the same that refused to negotiate before. The Democrat motto is It's our way, or the highway.
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

Fair enough. So tell me, how do you build relationships with people who were part of a cabal to throw you out of office with a phony Russian collusion investigation? How do you build relationships with people who impeached you with no impeachable offense and no crime committed, and then celebrated by passing out commemorative pens while laughing about it? How do you build relationships with people who call you racist, even though you never said anything racist in your life?

I'm sorry, but it takes two to Tango. One of the first things Trump did when he got into the White House was invite his adversaries to come over and use the White House bowling ally for some fun and games. What were the results of this offer of friendship?

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I’ll give you that Trump made an effort but that was after a short he’s earth campaign full with “lock her up” and the past leaders are incompetent idiots. His thin skin blew up the bridges he was trying to build right off the bat and now he is completely off the rails.

Obama for example faced a very obstructive congress who vowed to make him a one term president and repeal all his major policy objectives... Obama had some weak moments and said things that he shouldn’t but those were light jobs compared to the shot throws. But all and all Obama carried himself like a real leader in the face of his opposition. So did Bush and most past presidents. Trump isn’t able to be distinguished he isnt able to Calm the waters and bring people together. He doesn’t have it in him
Hurt their feelings? Sure if that’s how you want to phrase it. It’s a very simple notion of relationship building. You show respect, build trust, communicate effectively, work to help all parties achieve goals. Trump doesn’t think this way. He showers with compliments until He doesn’t get his way and then shames and pressures and tries to get what he wants by force. Like I said that may work in the business world but not in politics. Plus it’s just a shameful and immoral way to be IMO

i hate to quote the same post twice, but after I signed off, I went to my news and found this:

Pelosi dismisses latest White House coronavirus aid offer

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday dimissed the latest White House offer in COVID-19 aid talks as “one step forward, two steps back,” but said she is still hopeful that progress can be made toward a deal.

A GOP aide familiar with the new offer said it was about $1.8 trillion, with a key state and local fiscal relief component moving from $250 billion to at least $300 billion. The White House says its most recent offer before that was about $1.6 trillion. The aide was not authorized to publicly discuss private negotiations and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pelosi’s most recent public offer was about $2.2 trillion, though that included a business tax increase that Republicans won’t go for.

Now do tell, the Republicans upped the offer closer to Piglosi's 2.2 trillion to 1.8 trillion which is not a lot to ask for a country already 26 trillion in debt, but one of her sticking points was a tax increase on businesses which would have devastating effects on our job producers, especially at this time. So tell me she's not playing politics with this and stuffing pork, because unless you can explain to me how increased taxes on our job creators will help with, or has anything to do with this crisis, I believe that's all they are doing.

So who's not negotiating now? Well, the same that refused to negotiate before. The Democrat motto is It's our way, or the highway.
Pelosi ain’t touching anything Trump wants with a ten foot pole. That relationship was burned years ago. Are you surprised?

There is not going to be a stimulus before the election. That is mostly Pelosis fault but like I’ve been saying Trump blew that bridge up with Dynamite years ago. Get them both out of office if you want my opinion
Pelosi ain’t touching anything Trump wants with a ten foot pole. That relationship was burned years ago. Are you surprised?

There is not going to be a stimulus before the election. That is mostly Pelosis fault but like I’ve been saying Trump blew that bridge up with Dynamite years ago. Get them both out of office if you want my opinion

If that's what you really believe, then you either hate our country, or have no idea what the Biden platform is.
I’ll give you that Trump made an effort but that was after a short he’s earth campaign full with “lock her up” and the past leaders are incompetent idiots. His thin skin blew up the bridges he was trying to build right off the bat and now he is completely off the rails.

Obama for example faced a very obstructive congress who vowed to make him a one term president and repeal all his major policy objectives... Obama had some weak moments and said things that he shouldn’t but those were light jobs compared to the shot throws. But all and all Obama carried himself like a real leader in the face of his opposition. So did Bush and most past presidents. Trump isn’t able to be distinguished he isnt able to Calm the waters and bring people together. He doesn’t have it in him

Trump talking about Ears or Hillary had nothing to do with him and the Congress he was working with. More cheap excuses. He had every right to talk about Hussein, and probably never would have if he didn't find out the spying that was taking place on him. We found out a lot of things that took place which Trump likely knew about, like White House meetings where Ears and his henchmen talked about how to make sure Trump didn't get in, or if he did get in, how to get rid of him. Of course Trump is pissed off about that.

You people on the left only and exclusively blame Republicans. When Trump gets punched, and he throws a punch right back, you blame Trump for it.

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