Just how uneducated and outright stupid are American voters?

I was just watching Frank Lutz and his group of undecided voters analyzing the vice-pres debate. With the first debate, he said "undecideds don't vote issues, they go with personality, so Biden won." Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court." So, they DO care about policy and the issues, and apparently packing the court is a big deal to undecided voters. So, they are not all outright stupid, just maybe a little tentative and misunderstood.

"Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court."

^^^^ This:



I'm sorry. Who sits in the White House? Who runs the DOJ? Who controls the Senate?
Honestly, you guys really need to start drinking. And I'd like to point out that Democrats came in
and fixed the ship..twice in the last three decades..after Republicans screwed the pooch.

And it looks like they'll be forced to do it yet again.
Aren't you tired of this? You are supposed to be smart. Watching the Prog politicians/media/entertainers with their never ending false accusations and defamation of people and that makes it right. If elected the nation is finished. Prog domination will then must blame people for any failures. They must end up doin it then. For now it is all the racism that exist in a much smaller way. The false sexism. The false accusations against Repubs and foreign nations like China. And there is more. This is not funny. And the ,mother of all decisions will be mad from the younger ones in this nation. And it will define their posterity. The ones helping this travesty today will never be forgiven. The fact is our government is to huge and our competition has regressed.
I'm sorry. Who sits in the White House? Who runs the DOJ? Who controls the Senate?
Honestly, you guys really need to start drinking. And I'd like to point out that Democrats came in
and fixed the ship..twice in the last three decades..after Republicans screwed the pooch.

And it looks like they'll be forced to do it yet again.
Aren't you tired of this? You are supposed to be smart. Watching the Prog politicians/media/entertainers with their never ending false accusations and defamation of people and that makes it right. If elected the nation is finished. Prog domination will then must blame people for any failures. They must end up doin it then. For now it is all the racism that exist in a much smaller way. The false sexism. The false accusations against Repubs and foreign nations like China. And there is more. This is not funny. And the ,mother of all decisions will be mad from the younger ones in this nation. And it will define their posterity. The ones helping this travesty today will never be forgiven. The fact is our government is to huge and our competition has regressed.

Blame people for failures? You mean like a lot of right wingers blame dark people and immigrants for problems in this country? Yeah, you're right, I'm kinda tired of that. I'd like to sit down and actually address the issue like race relations and immigration. But right wingers don't seem to be interested. Also tired of the constant failure of conservative policies over the last four decades. If there's a successful conservative policy, I have yet to see it. I hear scream after scream for smaller government. Based on what happened with the response to this virus, I'm not sure how much smaller you can make it without the country collapsing. The argument should be efficient government. Not it's size.

There will be a demographic shift over the next decade as Baby Boomers start dying off and exiting the political process. This is not a bad thing. Or even a scary thing. Every country, every economy, and it's people at some point MUST evolve. Or the country stagnates and dies. If Trump and the Republicans remain in power, that's exactly what's going to happen.
I was just watching Frank Lutz and his group of undecided voters analyzing the vice-pres debate. With the first debate, he said "undecideds don't vote issues, they go with personality, so Biden won." Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court." So, they DO care about policy and the issues, and apparently packing the court is a big deal to undecided voters. So, they are not all outright stupid, just maybe a little tentative and misunderstood.

"Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court."

^^^^ This:

View attachment 398930
View attachment 398931

^Shrug^. Same thing conservatives want to do.
And I'd like to point out that Democrats came in
and fixed the ship..twice in the last three decades..

Any specifics?

Sure. Clinton (93) and Obama (2009).
Mic drop.

Sure. Clinton (93)

As I suspected, you're a fucktard.

Just for laughs, how did Clinton....."fix(ed) the ship"?

Why don't you start with a bit of remedial reading.

But I will give a fair minus here and say that the buggering of Glass-Steagall by both parties contributed to the housing market fiasco up a decade later.

Was my question too complex for you?

Just for laughs, how did Clinton....."fix(ed) the ship"?

If you feel a portion of your link answers the question, cut and paste it.

I guess apparently you don't read either.
Not my issue.
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
What republic?
And I'd like to point out that Democrats came in
and fixed the ship..twice in the last three decades..

Any specifics?

Sure. Clinton (93) and Obama (2009).
Mic drop.

Sure. Clinton (93)

As I suspected, you're a fucktard.

Just for laughs, how did Clinton....."fix(ed) the ship"?

Why don't you start with a bit of remedial reading.

But I will give a fair minus here and say that the buggering of Glass-Steagall by both parties contributed to the housing market fiasco up a decade later.

Was my question too complex for you?

Just for laughs, how did Clinton....."fix(ed) the ship"?

If you feel a portion of your link answers the question, cut and paste it.

I guess apparently you don't read either.
Not my issue.

I guess apparently you don't read either.

If you felt your link proved your claim, it only proved your idiocy.


In 1992, the economy already regained all the jobs lost in the recession.


And 1992 also saw higher GDP growth than Clinton's first and third year in office.

So much for "fixed the ship".

Mic drop.

That was your brain dropping. Fucktard.
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain
Our republic has been doomed for decades
You are a goddamn dishonest hack. Your "im partial waaaah" bullshit is simply that
Let me put it this way and Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House from 2009 to 2011 and was handed a resounding defeat in 2010 which put her and Democrats as the minority party in the House until the 2018 Election.

Now as you digest this take a moment and realize the Democrats made Pelosi Speaker of the House again while electing those like Cortez into the House...

Then take a moment and realize Biden had better choices than Harris and he still took a person that will make those like me fear the moment she become President.

Finally, then take a moment and realize so many posters on here worry more about a Trump and Biden debate while not understanding the people everyone should be listening to is Harris and Pence because their ideas and stances will be the direction America will be heading if either one of them become VP because during the next four years it is possible Trump or Biden will not finish their term...

So how stupid are the American Voter?

The answer is very...
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain
Our republic has been doomed for decades
You are a goddamn dishonest hack. Your "im partial waaaah" bullshit is simply that

It is more doomed now until the next Republican is elected as President...
I was just watching Frank Lutz and his group of undecided voters analyzing the vice-pres debate. With the first debate, he said "undecideds don't vote issues, they go with personality, so Biden won." Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court." So, they DO care about policy and the issues, and apparently packing the court is a big deal to undecided voters. So, they are not all outright stupid, just maybe a little tentative and misunderstood.

"Last night with the same group of people he said "Pence won the night with all 12 undecideds because of the issue of packing the Supreme Court."

^^^^ This:

View attachment 398930
View attachment 398931

"Once we pass the bill we will find out what's in it."

Who the fuck let the 13 year olds vote who vote for this stuff. Certainly not the founders, what a clown world joke.
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The trouble in our Republic is Trump. No doubt about it. I don’t subscribe to the Dems policy very much but the damage Trump is doing is much more important. He’s gone in November. Time to clean up this shit stain
Our republic has been doomed for decades
You are a goddamn dishonest hack. Your "im partial waaaah" bullshit is simply that
I don’t care if you think I’m partial or a kook. That’s a cop out and meaningless insult. So what’s been so doomed for decades? Has life been that bad for you for all that time?
A recent study at SMU found the least intelligent primate is the American political conservative.

And who could question Southern Methodist University when science is involved?

Someone gullible enough to believe in "science" like "gender fluidity" or maybe "fetuses are not human beings?" Maybe liberals who believe in that kind of science would question anyone, except a professor.
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.

The Blob is President. He's doing a terrible job. He's been doing a terrible job...you were and are in denial.
"Just how uneducated and outright stupid are American voters?"

Look around
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
Including the schools and colleges, you could say 50 years
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.
The courts "keep" slapping down COVID restrictions? Better check again, skippy.

Just how uneducated and outright stupid are American voters?
The left have run our nation into the ground in the last 9 months. From the decrees on high locking everyone down to their political games in DC and the non stop riots masquerading as "protests" (because looting and violence is reperations ya know)

Keep in mind that the courts keep slapping them down when it comes to covid so "someone" "somewhere" is exercising due diligence. Unfortunately it may not be the American people.

If democrats are given power after the last year of chaos they have caused our republic is finished.

Trump's ignorance has run this country into the ground. Americans are smart enough to realize this. Republican courts are putting Americans in danger.

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