Just imagine how different these past few months could have been

I think it's a generational thing. My late mother was a few days older than trump. Had many things she had to be right about, but which she had no experience or even second-hand understanding of.

It is a relief to know that this country reached peak Boomer, and that their 28 years of incompetent rule are finally (hopefully!) at an end.
How would the last 6 months have been if we had a free press instead of a fifth column media working strictly as a propaganda outlet for the concept of one party rule?
How would the last 6 months have been if we had a free press instead of a fifth column media working strictly as a propaganda outlet for the concept of one party rule?
Or if our leader did not refer to a free press as "the. Enemy of the people" and promote his own version of alternative facts and propaganda.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.

Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
Nope if we just had the elderly and people with weak
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
If we had the elderly and people with weak immune systems lock down. And everyone else live their lives as usual. We would be over this, just as Trump wanted to do. Liberal Fauci screwed it up and liberal cities screwed it up. Have a nice four years because after Harris's policies we will be turning into a third world shithole by the end. Your party will own it all.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
Nope if we just had the elderly and people with weak
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
If we had the elderly and people with weak immune systems lock down. And everyone else live their lives as usual. We would be over this, just as Trump wanted to do. Liberal Fauci screwed it up and liberal cities screwed it up. Have a nice four years because after Harris's policies we will be turning into a third world shithole by the end. Your party will own it all.
Violent mobs storming the Capitol happens in third world shitholes. And it happened here egged on by Trump.

What are you afraid Vice President-elect Harris will do?
Reap what you've sown.
The republican and democrat party are littered with insecure conspiracy theorist. The OP conveniently ignores that. Anyway it will take some time, but the country will move on from Trump, but we’ll still be in the era of disinformation, and it stands to reason that it will be worse than it is now.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
Nope if we just had the elderly and people with weak
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
View attachment 444234
Liberals destroyed businesses and peoples lives because they were butthurt Trump was in office. So fuck off with your opinions. Harris is going to destroy your party and I can't wait to witness it.
And an internet meme citing an unattributed 'study' justifies everything for you. As if wishing makes the NGOs true.

And after the haafoc wrought on the GOP by Donald Trump, I'd say Vice President-elect Harris has her work cut out if she is responsible for intramural chaos among Democrats.
If we had the elderly and people with weak immune systems lock down. And everyone else live their lives as usual. We would be over this, just as Trump wanted to do. Liberal Fauci screwed it up and liberal cities screwed it up. Have a nice four years because after Harris's policies we will be turning into a third world shithole by the end. Your party will own it all.
Violent mobs storming the Capitol happens in third world shitholes. And it happened here egged on by Trump.

What are you afraid Vice President-elect Harris will do?
Reap what you've sown.
Lol, the violence at the capitol 45 minutes before the end of Trump’s speech. He had nothing to do with it, but cheating in the election did. Just wait and see what happens next. Over 80 million gun owners are pissed.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.

Apparently this is what Mac would have preferred:

China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown Amid New Covid Wave - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

And your point is, all those people at the rallies helped spread covid to what it is today.

Remember we have a pandemic for the last year, and now over 3000 people are dying per day.

Have you thanked Xi and China yet?
There is no proof that it started there, remember we had the Army games at the end of OCT 2019.
You apologize for China so fucking much why don't you fucking move there? Get the fuck out of our country.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.

Apparently this is what Mac would have preferred:

China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown Amid New Covid Wave - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
That's because Mac is really an authoritarian piece of shit, despite decrying it at every turn, including his account subtitle.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.

Apparently this is what Mac would have preferred:

China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown Amid New Covid Wave - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
That's because Mac is really an authoritarian piece of shit, despite decrying it at every turn, including his account subtitle.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.

Apparently this is what Mac would have preferred:

China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown Amid New Covid Wave - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
That's because Mac is really an authoritarian piece of shit, despite decrying it at every turn, including his account subtitle.

What Mac, and apparently just about all other Dimocrats on this board are incapable of seeing beyond their "T-R-U-M-P I-S T-O B-L-A-M-E" kaleidoscope glasses, is that despite the fact that Trump didn't take Covid serious soon enough, it wouldn't have mattered.
Go back to last April, does anyone with half a brain honestly believe that had Trump tried to mandate masks, and all of the other Covid protocol, at that point in time that anyone would have listened to him? Dimocrats especially would never had cooperated.
This fucking virus would have taken off and did it's damage no matter who was in charge.
If they want to point fingers they need to point in the mirror. Americans are not accustomed to government telling them what to do, and months would have passed before enough Americans took this virus serious enough to begin to alter their behavior. By then, the virus would have already had a firm grip on our lives.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Mostly lies. Pravda exaggerations and lies. You’re a liar. And a parrot.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
I stayed up until 4AM and that election was stolen.

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