JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

Oh yeah... let Rand Paul do it. Then watch Rand Paul be sued into oblivion and then, kicked out of the Senate for violations of the whistleblower laws and ethics violations.

Go for it Rand Paul.
That's what should happen if he violates the whistleblower's confidentiality. It will also ensure that no one dares come forward in the future. Nice work, asshole.
Snowflakes are too stupid to read the Whistle Blower law themselves and realize the only protection real Whistle Blowers are afforded is protection from WORK PLACE RETALIATION, not anonymity!

They just keep repeating the lies criminal, lying Dems like Schiff keep feeding them in their attempt to keep the Deep State CIA agent Spy's real identity from coming out and further exposing their latest coup attempt.
"...not anonymity!"


Whistleblower Protection | StateOIG.gov

Can I keep my identity confidential?

Yes. Most Inspectors General have hotlines that allow employees to make confidential disclosures. Inspectors General are prohibited from disclosing an employee’s identity unless the IG determines that disclosure is unavoidable or is compelled by a court order. If you file a disclosure with OSC, your identity will not be shared outside of OSC without your consent. However, OSC may disclose your identity only if OSC determines that it is necessary because of an imminent danger to public health or safety or an imminent violation of any criminal law​
Good thing that the IG isn't revealing the name, isn't it!
Rand Paul has disgraced himself and should resign.
He should be kicked out.

That would assume Republicans in the Senate still have ethics. They don't. They are as corrupt as Trumpybear.

If he does out the whistle blower, he will face a civil suit.
Guess what? Trump Jr. just did.

A true Patriot!
Don't push me. This is up there with the Access Hollywood tape, in my mind. No reason for releasing the whistleblower's name except to watch his blood flow. I am more than disgusted; my heart is on the ground at how despicable politics has made some people.
Everyone except the really stupid people know his name.

Real clear investigations ran a story, which I posted, right here, last week.

Glenn beck said his name repeatedly today.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.
Rand Paul has disgraced himself and should resign.
He should be kicked out.

That would assume Republicans in the Senate still have ethics. They don't. They are as corrupt as Trumpybear.

If he does out the whistle blower, he will face a civil suit.
Guess what? Trump Jr. just did.

A true Patriot!
Don't push me. This is up there with the Access Hollywood tape, in my mind. No reason for releasing the whistleblower's name except to watch his blood flow. I am more than disgusted; my heart is on the ground at how despicable politics has made some people.

Politics IS a bloodsport.
So stop yer' crying.....:crybaby:
Rand Paul has disgraced himself and should resign.
He should be kicked out.

That would assume Republicans in the Senate still have ethics. They don't. They are as corrupt as Trumpybear.

If he does out the whistle blower, he will face a civil suit.
Guess what? Trump Jr. just did.

A true Patriot!
Don't push me. This is up there with the Access Hollywood tape, in my mind. No reason for releasing the whistleblower's name except to watch his blood flow. I am more than disgusted; my heart is on the ground at how despicable politics has made some people.

You mad because your little coup isn't working?
Rand Paul has disgraced himself and should resign.
He should be kicked out.

That would assume Republicans in the Senate still have ethics. They don't. They are as corrupt as Trumpybear.

If he does out the whistle blower, he will face a civil suit.
Guess what? Trump Jr. just did.

A true Patriot!
Don't push me. This is up there with the Access Hollywood tape, in my mind. No reason for releasing the whistleblower's name except to watch his blood flow. I am more than disgusted; my heart is on the ground at how despicable politics has made some people.
I agree...I am so sad over this, so sad at tbe rejoicing.
No reason for releasing the whistleblower's name except to watch his blood flow.
Your limited understanding / knowledge of the Constitution and Rule of law is BREATH-TAKING!

Actual Whistle Blowers, again - BY LAW - are afforded the protection from being FIRED from their current job. They are NOT afforded ANONYMITY due to the Constitutional Right of all accused to face their accuser...not that Democrats / snowflakes know a damn thing and / or care about non-Democrats' Constitutional Rights or the Rule of Law.



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