JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

He is protected by the rules of the house! He can reveal the name! And democrats can’t do anything!
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Great news. The leaker needs to be exposed. Democrats aren't going to be pleased with this.

Rand Paul says he 'probably will' disclose whistleblower's name

President Trump already knows the name, address and social security number of the so-called "Whistle Blower"

Senator Paul's heart is in the right place, but he should only reveal the name if Donald J. Trump thinks its a good idea and suggests it to him. This is a game of 5D chess, and the WB is being played.
Great news. The leaker needs to be exposed. Democrats aren't going to be pleased with this.

Rand Paul says he 'probably will' disclose whistleblower's name
He already has been exposed. We're just waiting for the MSM to catch up. Personally, I dont care

The name of the Snowflake who was exposed as the WB, may or may not be the actual WB.

When and if it becomes important to identify him, I'm sure the President will do it. It may be a surprise to everyone.
Paul needs to do what he says or just shut up. Don't say "you might". Rand is no Ron.
Paul needs to do what he says or just shut up. Don't say "you might". Rand is no Ron.

There is something to be said for keeping the WB on edge, pk.

Knowledge is power, and keeping it in reserve has a lot to say for it.
Snowflakes need to wake the F* up, think for themselves, and realize the very criminals they are defending are LYING to them and using them as lie / talking point-parroting dupes:

Having whistleblower protections protects people from BEING FIRED. It's "NOT a protection to be ANONYMOUS, particularly if it's going to be a CRIMINAL CASE. Once you have a crime there is A CONSTITUIONAL PROTECTION AFFORDED TO THE ACCUSED to be able to CONFRONT THEIR ACCUSER! As Paul informed the uneducated masses, there is NO LEGAL / CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION to this! NO court in this entire nation would allow a trial of the US President without allowing him to confront his accuser, for his lawyers to cross-examine Democrat witnesses, to ask any question they wanted to, and to call ANY witnesses they wanted to!

"...having whistleblower protections protects people from being fired. It's "not a protection to be anonymous, particularly if it's going to be a criminal case. Once you have a crime there is a Constitutional protection that you have to confront your accuser. There are no exceptions to. No court in the land will let there be a trial of President Trump without him confronting his accusers."

WATCH: Rand Paul Brings Up Valid Points About the Whistleblower's Identity

Snowflakes need to wake the F* up, think for themselves, and realize the very criminals they are defending are LYING to them and using them as lie / talking point-parroting dupes:

Having whistleblower protections protects people from BEING FIRED. It's "NOT a protection to be ANONYMOUS, particularly if it's going to be a CRIMINAL CASE. Once you have a crime there is A CONSTITUIONAL PROTECTION AFFORDED TO THE ACCUSED to be able to CONFRONT THEIR ACCUSER! As Paul informed the uneducated masses, there is NO LEGAL / CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION to this! NO court in this entire nation would allow a trial of the US President without allowing him to confront his accuser, for his lawyers to cross-examine Democrat witnesses, to ask any question they wanted to, and to call ANY witnesses they wanted to!

"...having whistleblower protections protects people from being fired. It's "not a protection to be anonymous, particularly if it's going to be a criminal case. Once you have a crime there is a Constitutional protection that you have to confront your accuser. There are no exceptions to. No court in the land will let there be a trial of President Trump without him confronting his accusers."

WATCH: Rand Paul Brings Up Valid Points About the Whistleblower's Identity

Read it again. This time, for clarity...

Whistleblower Protection | StateOIG.gov

Can I keep my identity confidential?

Yes. Most Inspectors General have hotlines that allow employees to make confidential disclosures. Inspectors General are prohibited from disclosing an employee’s identity unless the IG determines that disclosure is unavoidable or is compelled by a court order. If you file a disclosure with OSC, your identity will not be shared outside of OSC without your consent. However, OSC may disclose your identity only if OSC determines that it is necessary because of an imminent danger to public health or safety or an imminent violation of any criminal law​
Snowflakes need to wake the F* up, think for themselves, and realize the very criminals they are defending are LYING to them and using them as lie / talking point-parroting dupes:

Having whistleblower protections protects people from BEING FIRED. It's "NOT a protection to be ANONYMOUS, particularly if it's going to be a CRIMINAL CASE. Once you have a crime there is A CONSTITUIONAL PROTECTION AFFORDED TO THE ACCUSED to be able to CONFRONT THEIR ACCUSER! As Paul informed the uneducated masses, there is NO LEGAL / CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION to this! NO court in this entire nation would allow a trial of the US President without allowing him to confront his accuser, for his lawyers to cross-examine Democrat witnesses, to ask any question they wanted to, and to call ANY witnesses they wanted to!

"...having whistleblower protections protects people from being fired. It's "not a protection to be anonymous, particularly if it's going to be a criminal case. Once you have a crime there is a Constitutional protection that you have to confront your accuser. There are no exceptions to. No court in the land will let there be a trial of President Trump without him confronting his accusers."

WATCH: Rand Paul Brings Up Valid Points About the Whistleblower's Identity

Read it again. This time, for clarity...

Whistleblower Protection | StateOIG.gov

Can I keep my identity confidential?

Yes. Most Inspectors General have hotlines that allow employees to make confidential disclosures. Inspectors General are prohibited from disclosing an employee’s identity unless the IG determines that disclosure is unavoidable or is compelled by a court order. If you file a disclosure with OSC, your identity will not be shared outside of OSC without your consent. However, OSC may disclose your identity only if OSC determines that it is necessary because of an imminent danger to public health or safety or an imminent violation of any criminal law​
But he’s not a whistle blower he’s a conspiracy theorist.. everything he said was false
The problem is that the Dems/MSM will try to convince the public that a WB's identity is protected and then add it to a list of "impeachable offenses."
The problem is that the Dems/MSM will try to convince the public that a WB's identity is protected and then add it to a list of "impeachable offenses."

The WB doesn't know anything at all. All he repeated was hearsay. President Trump has really moved forward with his A-game as far as keeping sensitive information away from people like WB, leaking CIA and State Dept folks in the WH and other unreliable people.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
Of course they haven't. I can't count how many times I have warned these tards that their benchmarks will come back to bitch slap them in their faces.

And boy have they!

But do they learn? Oh hell no. There's a reason I call them tards.
I have a hard time taking anything either side claims about whistleblowers seriously while Snowden is still wanted by the government.

It's also hard to take seriously those who avoid subpoena's by those who argued to throw Manning in prison for avoiding one.

IMO both sides deserve each other here and hopefully in the end it turns the people against both corrupt hypocritical parties.
Regardless, everything in the whistleblower's statement has been more than confirmed. Everything he/she said was 100 percent correct.

The rest is just desperate smoke and mirrors.
Snowflakes are too stupid to read the Whistle Blower law themselves and realize the only protection real Whistle Blowers are afforded is protection from WORK PLACE RETALIATION, not anonymity!

They just keep repeating the lies criminal, lying Dems like Schiff keep feeding them in their attempt to keep the Deep State CIA agent Spy's real identity from coming out and further exposing their latest coup attempt.
"...not anonymity!"


Whistleblower Protection | StateOIG.gov

Can I keep my identity confidential?

Yes. Most Inspectors General have hotlines that allow employees to make confidential disclosures. Inspectors General are prohibited from disclosing an employee’s identity unless the IG determines that disclosure is unavoidable or is compelled by a court order. If you file a disclosure with OSC, your identity will not be shared outside of OSC without your consent. However, OSC may disclose your identity only if OSC determines that it is necessary because of an imminent danger to public health or safety or an imminent violation of any criminal law​

Except the whistleblower did not go initially to the IG's office. Went straight to Congress, instead!

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