JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.

I wasn't sure why I was so upset by this, but you just articulated it really well.

Ohhh! The drama.........pluheeze!!
You just kicked an old lady while she was down; I wasn't kidding around. Hope it makes you feel big and powerful.

And my first reaction to your words was so repugnant to me that I'm leaving this discussion.
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Another snowflake whose limited understanding of Constitutional Rights and the Rule of law is completely 'Breath-Taking'!

The faux Whistle Blower's identity, their exact knowledge and source of information, and motivation is critical to proving credibility.
-- Based on what is known already, the prosecutorial directorates within the DOJ already dismissed the complaint as NOT being credible....prior to the Deep State CIA spy going direct to Schiff and the House Democrats.

The identity of the Whistle Blower is required to allow the accused to have their Constitutional Right to face their accuser.
- BY LAW an actual Whistle Blower, which this individual does not legally qualify as, is afforded the protection from being fired in their work place, NOT anonymity.

What do snowflakes not understand about this?

Why have snowflakes, like you, refused to actually read the Whistle Blower law and discovered this for yourselves yet instead of parroting Democrat Lies? Or is it that you HAVE read it and just don't understand what you read?
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Another snowflake whose limited understanding of Constitutional Rights and the Rule of law is completely 'Breath-Taking'!

The faux Whistle Blower's identity, their exact knowledge and source of information, and motivation is critical to proving credibility.
-- Based on what is known already, the prosecutorial directorates within the DOJ already dismissed the complaint as NOT being credible....prior to the Deep State CIA spy going direct to Schiff and the House Democrats.

The identity of the Whistle Blower is required to allow the accused to have their Constitutional Right to face their accuser.
- BY LAW an actual Whistle Blower, which this individual does not legally qualify as, is afforded the protection from being fired in their work place, NOT anonymity.

What do snowflakes not understand about this?

Why have snowflakes, like you, refused to actually read the Whistle Blower law and discovered this for yourselves yet instead of parroting Democrat Lies? Or is it that you HAVE read it and just don't understand what you read?
Lol...... you've put the law up ad nauseum all morning long and not one liberal on here can decipher what it says. Truly mind-blowing!
Snowflakes have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the light of reality and knowledge....and even then they refuse to learn / accept it.

I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.
He was voted in but that doesn't seem to matter.

Not a huge Trump fan but less of a fan of emotional drivers in our political system. The more people I talk to the more I hear this is revenge, not justice. The left keeps coming after Trump for almost any given reason. The entire RUSSIA routine fell flat and we find FISA abuse and a lot of personal hate. Spying on congress and a candidate for office.

I hate our collective government has become what it is today. I hate that we can't talk about it without rage comi g far too quickly and taking over.

But again, the left comes after Trump on a daily basis. Why is THIS true and what were they doing for a month before coming forward about it?
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Ciaramella has been identified as the whistleblower by the media, so since the guy is a liberal he should be held to and willingly abide by liberal standards of having to prove he isn't the whistleblower. So the only way this can be settled is for the house to have him testify under oath. Republicans in the house should say they will be adding Ciaramella to their list of people they will be calling.
He is protected by the rules of the house! He can reveal the name! And democrats can’t do anything!
then why is he a coward and asking the press to do it for him?
It’s their job he’s giving them
A chance
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Obama did it .. and this one is false
Obama did what???

And the IG already ruled this one is credible, and the IG ruled his name will stay within the ICIG and not be named.

It's the IG's decision, according to the law.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.
The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact.
That is simply a lie. Clinton committed real crimes not crimes of the interpretation of words. Why try to pass that kind of bullshit off as the truth?
He is protected by the rules of the house! He can reveal the name! And democrats can’t do anything!
then why is he a coward and asking the press to do it for him?
It’s their job he’s giving them
A chance
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Obama did it .. and this one is false
Obama did what???

And the IG already ruled this one is credible, and the IG ruled his name will stay within the ICIG and not be named.

It's the IG's decision, according to the law.

This isn't news -
Barack Hussein treated whistleblowers worse than any President before him.
Great news. The leaker needs to be exposed. Democrats aren't going to be pleased with this.

Rand Paul says he 'probably will' disclose whistleblower's name
Rand Paul is on crack. He is usually an pretty good independent thinker but he is playing the puppet here... makes me think Trump has something on him. His argument doesn’t even make sense. Trump has the right to face His accuser in a criminal trial?? Well yeah, but the problem is there isn’t a trial, only an investigation at this point. This whole thing is a distraction and it is painfully obvious. I am surprised that Paul is playing the game.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.
The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact.
That is simply a lie. Clinton committed real crimes not crimes of the interpretation of words. Why try to pass that kind of bullshit off as the truth?
Clinton was hit with eleven felonies as well as I remember.
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:
He is protected by the rules of the house! He can reveal the name! And democrats can’t do anything!
then why is he a coward and asking the press to do it for him?
It’s their job he’s giving them
A chance
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Obama did it .. and this one is false
Obama did what???

And the IG already ruled this one is credible, and the IG ruled his name will stay within the ICIG and not be named.

It's the IG's decision, according to the law.
So the ig made a mistake.. no big deal.. Obama fired a whistle blower lol talk about breaking the rules lol
He is protected by the rules of the house! He can reveal the name! And democrats can’t do anything!
then why is he a coward and asking the press to do it for him?
It’s their job he’s giving them
A chance
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Obama did it .. and this one is false
Obama did what???

And the IG already ruled this one is credible, and the IG ruled his name will stay within the ICIG and not be named.

It's the IG's decision, according to the law.
DoJ said Trump did nothing wrong.

Queue "this is different..."
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:

If our President wanted to out the WB, he would already be outed. The whistleblower's identity has been known since before blew the whistle. Mr. Trump manipulated him into making the report, so the news media would talk about the corruption of the Democrat Party including Hunter Biden. The WB will be outed when and if it is in the nation's best interests to have him outed.
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
why is it their job to go against the whistle blower's protection?
Another snowflake whose limited understanding of Constitutional Rights and the Rule of law is completely 'Breath-Taking'!

The faux Whistle Blower's identity, their exact knowledge and source of information, and motivation is critical to proving credibility.
-- Based on what is known already, the prosecutorial directorates within the DOJ already dismissed the complaint as NOT being credible....prior to the Deep State CIA spy going direct to Schiff and the House Democrats.

The identity of the Whistle Blower is required to allow the accused to have their Constitutional Right to face their accuser.
- BY LAW an actual Whistle Blower, which this individual does not legally qualify as, is afforded the protection from being fired in their work place, NOT anonymity.

What do snowflakes not understand about this?

Why have snowflakes, like you, refused to actually read the Whistle Blower law and discovered this for yourselves yet instead of parroting Democrat Lies? Or is it that you HAVE read it and just don't understand what you read?
It matters naught.

The whistle blower will not be testifying against the president or for the president.... the whistle blower was simply reporting a possible crime or wrong doing....

The first hand witnesses to the alleged wrong doing that the prosecution uses, will have the opportunity to be questioned by the defendant's lawyers...

his accusers, the president's, will be confronted by Trump's law team and no one will be able to stop them...

The whistle blower, is simply a whistle blower in this case, the IG verified with first hand accounts of first hand witnesses, BEFORE he gave any credibility to the whistle blower complaint, and the IG determined after he investigated the complaint, that the complaint was credible.

IF the IG after investigating had not found first hand witnesses to the complaint, the IG would have DISMISSED the complaint as frivolous...

So if the whistle blower had worked for Biden or Obama at one time or WHATEVER, it matters not.... Once the IG determines the W/B complaint appeared to have legs to it, the only thing that matters is getting the evidence and facts that supports or not, the accusation....

(personally, I think it is good to have civil servants from both sides of the aisle working in our gvt.... it keeps the gvt, 'cleaner' than it would if they were all single party hacks)
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.

You're right. If someone attacks Trump, he attacks back.

And that's what infuriates the libs so much. They never saw a Republican who actually fought back and fought back successfully against bullshit charges.

Back in the day, the Media had a monopoly.

That isn't the case today. President Trump can, and does, communicate directly with the people by way of Twitter bypassing so-called "journalists". So if some pathetic loser decides to attack the President at 9:30 p.m., Trump can respond before the 11 p.m. news if he so chooses.

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