JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?
You are the one that’s sounds not smart and very angry .. almost nazi like
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.

You're right. If someone attacks Trump, he attacks back.

And that's what infuriates the libs so much. They never saw a Republican who actually fought back and fought back successfully against bullshit charges.

Back in the day, the Media had a monopoly.

That isn't the case today. President Trump can, and does, communicate directly with the people by way of Twitter bypassing so-called "journalists". So if some pathetic loser decides to attack the President at 9:30 p.m., Trump can respond before the 11 p.m. news if he so chooses.
And let's just speculate for a bit...

IF what an accuser said was the TRUTH, and the President's attack back an hour later was a LIE, would that be an abuse of his power?

In this particular case, the WB made an allegation, and the President responded with the actual transcript of the call in question.

If the WB says the transcript was forged, or a lie, he can show evidence.
The full transcript has never been released, only a summary memorandum of it was released... and even in this short version, with the three sets of ellipses, the three sets of (...) it is pretty damn clear of what was going on and I have no idea how you could even think otherwise... knowing that military aid funds and a visit to the whitehouse, had been held back by the president until certain measures of his favor, was met.... which is what all these other administration people have said was taking place behind the scenes according to their under oath testimony and I might add, one of the things that was in the whistle blower report. And another thing in the whistle blower report, was the concerns of Giuliani running a shadow state dept/government with goals that were personal to the president and not in the best interest of this Nation's Diplomatic and National Security goals... that too came out in testimony of first hand witnesses.... (then you have the chief of staff and OMB Director come out and state, it was a quid pro quote)

So, the whistle blower complaint, has been verified with first hand witnesses under oath and everything in his report that he alleged could be going on, is credible.
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.

You're right. If someone attacks Trump, he attacks back.

And that's what infuriates the libs so much. They never saw a Republican who actually fought back and fought back successfully against bullshit charges.

Back in the day, the Media had a monopoly.

That isn't the case today. President Trump can, and does, communicate directly with the people by way of Twitter bypassing so-called "journalists". So if some pathetic loser decides to attack the President at 9:30 p.m., Trump can respond before the 11 p.m. news if he so chooses.
True, you find Trumps counterpunch tactic admirable and I find it childish, dishonest, and very transparent. It’s old and used and ineffective in my eyes. Sounds like you think it’s smart and effective... so there we are sitting on opposite sides of the fence

Mitt Romney stayed on defense against B. Hussein O, and so did McCain. Both proved themselves to be Pathetic Losers. IMHO, as well as the President's humble opinion, little point in getting involved in politics if you are going in with the intention of Losing. Suppose Trump and Pence abdicated, and Mitt Romney became the GOP nominee next year? He'd get schlonged by Mayor Pete, Pocahontas, any of them. He had no answer to the charges made against him about keeping his broads in binders, or the way he denied health care to the steelworker's old lady, or being a bully in prep school. And who knows what other tales the libs would come up against him?
John and Mitt lost because they were running against Obama. Trump would have lost if he was running against Obama as well. Trump didn’t win because of his brilliant bully tactics he won despite them, with some of the worst approval/disapproval numbers of any president in history. I get that there’s a fraction of people who love the “fuck you” Attitude that Trump brings. People like myself do not respect that nor do we want somebody like that representing our country.
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?

The transcript of the call is the official governmental record of it.

If Libs or the WB want to say that it is wrong, its really up to them to prove it. The WB doesn't really know anything, he just has hearsay.
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Almost as bad as the pathetic attempts on Trump.
tjere are many pointless politicized and pathetic attacks thrown at Trump on a daily basis... but when he lies as much as he does it has to bring on increased scrutiny. When he so overtly leverages his power of office to push a political smear job then it needs to be called
Exactly why I don't believe take 4,641 going on today.

Maybe they should build a platform people want.
Believe whatever you want man, no skin of my back. But if you dismiss for the sake of dismissing then it’s going to come of as you ya omg your head in the sand should you engage in debate
lets see -

Jr and Paul both released the name -


He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.

You're right. If someone attacks Trump, he attacks back.

And that's what infuriates the libs so much. They never saw a Republican who actually fought back and fought back successfully against bullshit charges.

Back in the day, the Media had a monopoly.

That isn't the case today. President Trump can, and does, communicate directly with the people by way of Twitter bypassing so-called "journalists". So if some pathetic loser decides to attack the President at 9:30 p.m., Trump can respond before the 11 p.m. news if he so chooses.
And let's just speculate for a bit...

IF what an accuser said was the TRUTH, and the President's attack back an hour later was a LIE, would that be an abuse of his power?

In this particular case, the WB made an allegation, and the President responded with the actual transcript of the call in question.

If the WB says the transcript was forged, or a lie, he can show evidence.
The full transcript has never been released, only a summary memorandum of it was released... and even in this short version, with the three sets of ellipses, the three sets of (...) it is pretty damn clear of what was going on and I have no idea how you could even think otherwise... knowing that military aid funds and a visit to the whitehouse, had been held back by the president until certain measures of his favor, was met.... which is what all these other administration people have said was taking place behind the scenes according to their under oath testimony and I might add, one of the things that was in the whistle blower report. And another thing in the whistle blower report, was the concerns of Giuliani running a shadow state dept/government with goals that were personal to the president and not in the best interest of this Nation's Diplomatic and National Security goals... that too came out in testimony of first hand witnesses.... (then you have the chief of staff and OMB Director come out and state, it was a quid pro quote)

So, the whistle blower complaint, has been verified with first hand witnesses under oath and everything in his report that he alleged could be going on, is credible.

The so-called witnesses were just giving their opinions about whether they think Trump is a reprobate. They weren't on the phone call in question.
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic

Actually, we have the actual transcript of the "questionable" phone call, and the WB was shown to be full of shit.

From what I've seen, the best adjective I could see for the phone call in question is "perfecto".
how was the whistlerblower full of shit? Give some examples. Remember when Trump said the transcript was an “exact word for word transcript of the conversation”? see that’s called full of shit.
Everything! He said there was a quid pro quo
trumps own state department officials said there was quid pro quo. Trumps chief of staff said so. The quid pro quo is being accepted by Reps now and the narrative is shifting to “there was nothing wrong with the quid pro quo” your behind... catch up!
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?
You are the one that’s sounds not smart and very angry .. almost nazi like
When you say somebody sounds stupid you should really proof read your insult because it comes back and slaps you in the face when you can’t get proper grammar right.

let me know if you want to get back to the substance and off the petty insult games.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic

Actually, we have the actual transcript of the "questionable" phone call, and the WB was shown to be full of shit.

From what I've seen, the best adjective I could see for the phone call in question is "perfecto".
how was the whistlerblower full of shit? Give some examples. Remember when Trump said the transcript was an “exact word for word transcript of the conversation”? see that’s called full of shit.
Everything! He said there was a quid pro quo
trumps own state department officials said there was quid pro quo. Trumps chief of staff said so. The quid pro quo is being accepted by Reps now and the narrative is shifting to “there was nothing wrong with the quid pro quo” your behind... catch up!
No he said it goes on all the time, but not with this ,, you need to learn how to listen.. people speak differently,, are you against diversity?
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?
You are the one that’s sounds not smart and very angry .. almost nazi like
When you say somebody sounds stupid you should really proof read your insult because it comes back and slaps you in the face when you can’t get proper grammar right.

let me know if you want to get back to the substance and off the petty insult games.
You lost in 2016, live on .. it’s going to be ok,, look at the economy.. no wars.. it’s wonderful.. get a life
He is using the same tactic he always uses. Attack the attacker. Find a weakness and exploit it. It’s how he changes the narrative. The media feeds off new drama so by flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and accusations he washes out the negative news that he’s facing. I will say... he is a master of creating and controlling chaos to work in his favor. People need to smarten up.
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?

The transcript of the call is the official governmental record of it.

If Libs or the WB want to say that it is wrong, its really up to them to prove it. The WB doesn't really know anything, he just has hearsay.
You’re right, many better witnesses have come forward to testify on the agenda behind the call. So why the big push towards the whistleblower? He just had hearsay
So the so called whistle blower blew the whistle on a real whistle blower trump, because the whistle blower worked for biden during the corrupt dealing between Biden and Ukraine .. interesting.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?

The transcript of the call is the official governmental record of it.

If Libs or the WB want to say that it is wrong, its really up to them to prove it. The WB doesn't really know anything, he just has hearsay.
You’re right, many better witnesses have come forward to testify on the agenda behind the call. So why the big push towards the whistleblower? He just had hearsay
Its there anti trump interpretation of the call lol


John and Mitt lost because they were running against Obama. .

John and Mitt were crucified as Nazis and racists by Obama's minions. Called them fascists, homophobes. And no response from either man. The same tactic, BTW, that was used against Donald J. Trump.
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic

Actually, we have the actual transcript of the "questionable" phone call, and the WB was shown to be full of shit.

From what I've seen, the best adjective I could see for the phone call in question is "perfecto".
how was the whistlerblower full of shit? Give some examples. Remember when Trump said the transcript was an “exact word for word transcript of the conversation”? see that’s called full of shit.
Everything! He said there was a quid pro quo
trumps own state department officials said there was quid pro quo. Trumps chief of staff said so. The quid pro quo is being accepted by Reps now and the narrative is shifting to “there was nothing wrong with the quid pro quo” your behind... catch up!
No he said it goes on all the time, but not with this ,, you need to learn how to listen.. people speak differently,, are you against diversity?
How about the Trump donor and EU ambassador who changed his testimony to admit there was a quid pro quo? You better shift gears man, you’re on a sinking ship trying to prove there was no quid pro quo...

Trump ambassador changes testimony, admits telling Ukraine there would be no US aid without investigations
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?
You are the one that’s sounds not smart and very angry .. almost nazi like
When you say somebody sounds stupid you should really proof read your insult because it comes back and slaps you in the face when you can’t get proper grammar right.

let me know if you want to get back to the substance and off the petty insult games.
You lost in 2016, live on .. it’s going to be ok,, look at the economy.. no wars.. it’s wonderful.. get a life
What do you mean I lost in 2016?
Not really that interesting... it’s obvious nonsense. If the whistler blower was full of shot then the IG would not have advanced his case. Now that his claims are backed up by a flood of other evidence and testimony then there is no purpose in him coming forward. Doing so just exposed him to character assassination and partisan attacks. I know your thirsty for another enemy but I don’t blame the guy for wanting to lay low. The attacks and target towards him are rather pathetic
Ok ok not funny who didn’t tell you trump released the transcript lol poor guy.. sorry it was released sorry you didn’t know
Yes I’m well aware it was released. I read it and it is far from perfect... makes Trump look like a dumbass... not sure why he is pushing so hard to get people to read it. What does the transcript release have to do with this discussion?

The transcript of the call is the official governmental record of it.

If Libs or the WB want to say that it is wrong, its really up to them to prove it. The WB doesn't really know anything, he just has hearsay.
You’re right, many better witnesses have come forward to testify on the agenda behind the call. So why the big push towards the whistleblower? He just had hearsay
Its there anti trump interpretation of the call lol


Yes, we have the transcript! And it shows Trump asking for favors after being asked for aid!! Have you even read it?! I’d bet money the answer is no
Trump is just trying to scare all other whistle blowers off from reporting any wrong doings on himself...

that's the whole purpose of his actions on wanting to out the whistle blower and all of his negative tweets about him.... he is intentionally scaring off others from reporting... or they will 'get the wrath of Trump' coming down on them.... regardless of their whistle blower protection.

He really is a very corrupt guy... straight from the book of How to be a mob boss and rule with an iron fist.... :eek:

Exactly backwards
All of this is what will be a futile attempt to distract from and mitigate the Barr and Durham investigations.
John and Mitt lost because they were running against Obama. .

John and Mitt were crucified as Nazis and racists by Obama's minions. Called them fascists, homophobes. And no response from either man. The same tactic, BTW, that was used against Donald J. Trump.
Those were despicable insults. And they were not used by Obama. Obama was actually respectful to both men, imagine that. Both Mitt and John were good men. I don’t think their mistreatment justifies that behavior to be used now... If anything it should be an example of what not to do.

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