Just like all of these mass shootings...

Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Maybe that's because we already have background checks.

We don't have a gun epidemic. Guns and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW laws.

No thug is going to other states to get guns. In any of these areas, guns are usually locally stolen or bought by straw purchasers.

These means you don't know much Ray........................
I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me about guns.
Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Maybe that's because we already have background checks.

We don't have a gun epidemic. Guns and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW laws.

No thug is going to other states to get guns. In any of these areas, guns are usually locally stolen or bought by straw purchasers.

These means you don't know much Ray........................
I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me about guns.

Really Mr. Hotshot? Let me know exactly what I don't know I'm talking about, and (unlike you) I'll be glad to provide evidence.
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact

They aren't designed to. None of the liberal "solutions" are designed to solve problems. They are designed to exacerbate the problems until things are far out of control and it's easier for government to take over more of our lives.

Their answers to poverty ended with more poor people. They want the majority dependent on government because they will cede freedom and liberty to be taken care of.

Their answer to healthcare was to destroy it. Not just with Obamacare. They worked on ruining it for years by restricting insurance companies and not allowing them to compete across state lines and they tied it to people's jobs, knowing that when they got laid off, they'd be without. It's all designed to bring about total government control over our healthcare.

Their answer to guns is to ensure that criminals will still have the ability to terrorize the public. They have done everything to ensure that school children fear all guns. Once enough people blame guns and gun owners, they will be willing to vote for those who promise to ban all guns.

They are attacking cops and claiming they cannot be trusted to protect us. The left would rather have state police, controlled by the federal government. Gestapo style.

Things get worse when liberals are at the wheel. They want to run us into the ditch and then convince us that only big government can pull us out. They believe in dictators, like Castro. What's worse, and Hillary admitted this in a speech to Wall Street execs, they would prefer a dictator leading a one world government.

It's how they plan to tear down this country and replace it with a liberal wasteland.
1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

You are my problem. You and every other meddler that's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. So much so you're willing to support the notion of armed government agents enforcing your ideas upon people that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another. You are my problem and that is why.

Your Chicago point is ludicrous. No thug has to leave the state to get a gun.

You go ahead and break the law. I choose differently,

As to what I would do...aside from the aforementioned ceasing of any restrictions that inhibit good guys, I would focus on the communities that really drive the overall gun crime rate. Those few neighborhoods are where the real problem lies. I would fix that by removing the impediments to employment in those areas. Rand Paul has an idea for 'economic freedom zones'. I support that notion.

Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Repeating yourself does not bolster your case.

You continue to believe you know what's best for others. I disagree.

One day, perhaps, we'll breed out that meddling gene, the one that produces the kid just desperate to be the hallway monitor, orange shoulder belt, badge and all. And oh, that thrill of handing out an infringement notice!

You're no difference and it's really pathetic. Grow the hell up, look out for your self and your own family and leave the rest of us alone. Your nonsensical laws, which we all know criminals will not follow, infringe on our rights, just because you feel overwhelming need to do something, and certainly, you know what's best for us all.

I'm guessing you weren't picked to be that hall monitor...and you're still piss about that.

Am I right?

Stated differently, screw your meddling.
1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

You are my problem. You and every other meddler that's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. So much so you're willing to support the notion of armed government agents enforcing your ideas upon people that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another. You are my problem and that is why.

Your Chicago point is ludicrous. No thug has to leave the state to get a gun.

You go ahead and break the law. I choose differently,

As to what I would do...aside from the aforementioned ceasing of any restrictions that inhibit good guys, I would focus on the communities that really drive the overall gun crime rate. Those few neighborhoods are where the real problem lies. I would fix that by removing the impediments to employment in those areas. Rand Paul has an idea for 'economic freedom zones'. I support that notion.

Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Repeating yourself does not bolster your case.

You continue to believe you know what's best for others. I disagree.

One day, perhaps, we'll breed out that meddling gene, the one that produces the kid just desperate to be the hallway monitor, orange shoulder belt, badge and all. And oh, that thrill of handing out an infringement notice!

You're no difference and it's really pathetic. Grow the hell up, look out for your self and your own family and leave the rest of us alone. Your nonsensical laws, which we all know criminals will not follow, infringe on our rights, just because you feel overwhelming need to do something, and certainly, you know what's best for us all.

I'm guessing you weren't picked to be that hall monitor...and you're still piss about that.

Am I right?

Stated differently, screw your meddling.

No you are wrong. Dude you are lost................. I asked you a question but you can't answer it but Instead you are trying to insist your own beliefs.

I never implied what is good for others I just gave you a reality in life but you are in denial. what part of that you don't understand?

I keep repeating because you have a problem with the reality. So let me repeat it again and again........... I don't have a problem buying a gun of my choice to protect my family.
Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Maybe that's because we already have background checks.

We don't have a gun epidemic. Guns and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW laws.

No thug is going to other states to get guns. In any of these areas, guns are usually locally stolen or bought by straw purchasers.

These means you don't know much Ray........................
I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me about guns.

Really Mr. Hotshot? Let me know exactly what I don't know I'm talking about, and (unlike you) I'll be glad to provide evidence.

That's okay Ray............ you don't need to provide anything. You can go to bed.
Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Maybe that's because we already have background checks.

We don't have a gun epidemic. Guns and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW laws.

No thug is going to other states to get guns. In any of these areas, guns are usually locally stolen or bought by straw purchasers.

These means you don't know much Ray........................
I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me about guns.

Really Mr. Hotshot? Let me know exactly what I don't know I'm talking about, and (unlike you) I'll be glad to provide evidence.

That's okay Ray............ you don't need to provide anything. You can go to bed.

Yeah, that's what I thought.
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact

And your solution is?????
Task forces set up and designed to identify and target criminals in high crime areas, ignore all liberal rhetoric to the contrary, recognize that bad anti-constitutional laws concerning gun ownership that don't work is worse than no solution/doing nothing....there are a lot of other things that can be done like stop and frisk, and/or profiling that I am not totally comfortable with myself but do work, problem is that the folks who fall into these categories are overwhelmingly left wing which means to hide that fact it must be called racism or some other "ism" to prevent the exposure of who it is the left [white liberals] is/are counting on to stay in power.
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact

And your solution is?????
Task forces set up and designed to identify and target criminals in high crime areas, ignore all liberal rhetoric to the contrary, recognize that bad anti-constitutional laws concerning gun ownership that don't work is worse than no solution/doing nothing....there are a lot of other things that can be done like stop and frisk, and/or profiling that I am not totally comfortable with myself but do work, problem is that the folks who fall into these categories are overwhelmingly left wing which means to hide that fact it must be called racism or some other "ism" to prevent the exposure of who it is the left [white liberals] is/are counting on to stay in power.
Re-take education from democrats....ending their indoctrination of citizens into liberal America hating scum is the only long term solution....I have a high degree of confidence Trump will win this battle quite handily....
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact

And your solution is?????
Task forces set up and designed to identify and target criminals in high crime areas, ignore all liberal rhetoric to the contrary, recognize that bad anti-constitutional laws concerning gun ownership that don't work is worse than no solution/doing nothing....there are a lot of other things that can be done like stop and frisk, and/or profiling that I am not totally comfortable with myself but do work, problem is that the folks who fall into these categories are overwhelmingly left wing which means to hide that fact it must be called racism or some other "ism" to prevent the exposure of who it is the left [white liberals] is/are counting on to stay in power.
Re-take education from democrats....ending their indoctrination of citizens into liberal America hating scum is the only long term solution....I have a high degree of confidence Trump will win this battle quite handily....
Re-take education from democrats....ending their indoctrination of citizens into liberal America hating
Yeah, good call/catch there...education is the big one
Do nothing to impede the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from crazy nutjobs like this.

That'd be a start.

Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones

Yeah......as a law abiding citizen you could carry a gun into a gun free zone easily....and then, if you are caught you get a felony conviction, you lose your job, you have to pay 10s of thousands of dollars to a lawyer, you sit in a jail for trial till you post thousands of dollars in bond....and then you lose your ability to ever own or carry a gun again......

That is the problem with gun free zones...normal people have a lot to lose if they break the law. Mass shooters don't care......

What do you consider hight capacity....? Since most glocks hold 15...which for some reason sets anti gunners off.....

Magazine capacity has no bearing on mass public shootings or crime...actual research shows this......there is no reason to limit a normal persons ability to defend themselves by limiting their ammo capacity...it is a nonsense, anti gunner attempt to ban guns without having to actually pass a gun ban.

There is no gun epidemic in the country.....we had 200 million guns in the U.S. in the 1990s and over 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense in 1997. We now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people who now carry guns for self defense....and our gun murder rate went down 47% and our violent crime rate went down 77%........

The problem is not guns...the problem is criminal control......we let violent criminals out of prison on short prison sentences who then go and shoot other criminals......we need to focus on actual criminals, not law abiding people...
Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. How's that working out for them?

You should know better than that Ray...... they go to other states to by guns.

Wrong.....Chicago has a higher gun murder rate than L.A. and New York........there is a criminal culture there that commits murder at higher rates...that is the problem....the L.A. and New York gangs can get guns too...they don't use them as often as the Chicago thugs...and....New York, recently conducted huge anti gang operations...and their gun crime went down. They focused on actual criminals, not harrassing law abiding gun owners.....and if they let normal gun owners carry guns, their crime rate would go down even lower....
Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

The problem in Chicago is the cops have backed off making stops. The problem with Chicago is the judges sentence felons, caught with illegal guns to less than 2 years, often sending them to Boot Camps instead of prison...and while they are out on bond or after they get out.....they shoot and kill people.....Chicago doesn't have a gun problem....they have a gang problem that they refuse to address because the gangs control a lot of politicians in the city....those poltiicians then vote against police resources for their wards, and they vote against stronger prison sentences for violent crimnals caught with guns.....

that is the problem with Chicago...not law abiding gun owners.
Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

You are my problem. You and every other meddler that's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. So much so you're willing to support the notion of armed government agents enforcing your ideas upon people that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another. You are my problem and that is why.

Your Chicago point is ludicrous. No thug has to leave the state to get a gun.

You go ahead and break the law. I choose differently,

As to what I would do...aside from the aforementioned ceasing of any restrictions that inhibit good guys, I would focus on the communities that really drive the overall gun crime rate. Those few neighborhoods are where the real problem lies. I would fix that by removing the impediments to employment in those areas. Rand Paul has an idea for 'economic freedom zones'. I support that notion.

Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Repeating yourself does not bolster your case.

You continue to believe you know what's best for others. I disagree.

One day, perhaps, we'll breed out that meddling gene, the one that produces the kid just desperate to be the hallway monitor, orange shoulder belt, badge and all. And oh, that thrill of handing out an infringement notice!

You're no difference and it's really pathetic. Grow the hell up, look out for your self and your own family and leave the rest of us alone. Your nonsensical laws, which we all know criminals will not follow, infringe on our rights, just because you feel overwhelming need to do something, and certainly, you know what's best for us all.

I'm guessing you weren't picked to be that hall monitor...and you're still piss about that.

Am I right?

Stated differently, screw your meddling.

No you are wrong. Dude you are lost................. I asked you a question but you can't answer it but Instead you are trying to insist your own beliefs.

I never implied what is good for others I just gave you a reality in life but you are in denial. what part of that you don't understand?

I keep repeating because you have a problem with the reality. So let me repeat it again and again........... I don't have a problem buying a gun of my choice to protect my family.

I did answer your question. You didn't like it because it eliminates you getting to tell others what to do.

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