Just like all of these mass shootings...

Do nothing to impede the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from crazy nutjobs like this.

That'd be a start.

Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. How's that working out for them?
Do nothing to impede the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from crazy nutjobs like this.

That'd be a start.

Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.

Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Years ago we passed the Brady Bill which was restrictions on certain firearms. Then years later, the Republicans did not renew the bill because there wasn't any evidence that it worked. The violent and gun crime rate continued going downwards as he had before the law and after the law.
Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. How's that working out for them?

You should know better than that Ray...... they go to other states to by guns.
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact
I was watching Tucker Carlson awhile back, he had a dude on that was a gun nutter reporting on statistics on fun violence. He brings up Chicago, the dude complains about guns sold in Indiana supporting the shootings cause there are limited gun laws there. Tucker brings up NY and how their stats aren't close to Chicago and they have a state nearby with lax gun laws and that same pattern isn't present there. So asks why in Chicago. The dude goes Michigan, Wisconsin, and back to Indiana. Then he asks the dude why he's for a ban on assault rifles. The dude gives a brief speech and Tucker asks the dude out of the 761 gun deaths in Chicago how many were due to assault rifles. silence. Tucker answers and says zero. These gun nutter fks don't know their ass from their hands. I'm telling you
Nobody is impeding you to arm yourself. I'm a law abiding citizen and I go buy a gun of my choice without any problem.
So what are you trying to imply?

Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact

And your solution is?????
Criminal control not gun control...
I received this on a text:

Today I swung my front
door wide open and placed my Remington 12ga semi-auto shotgun
right in the doorway.

I left 5 shells beside
it, then left it alone and went about my business.

While I was gone, the mailman
delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across
the street mowed the yard,

a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars

stopped at the stop sign near the front of my house.

After about an hour, I checked on the gun.

It was still sitting there, right where I had left it.

It hadn't moved itself.

It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous
opportunities it had presented to do so.

In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself.

Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left
and the Media about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people.

Either the media is wrong, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the

The United States is third in Murders throughout the World.

But. if you take out just four cities: Chicago , Detroit , Washington ,
DC and New Orleans ,

the United States ranks fourth from the bottom, in the entire world, for

These four Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the U. S.

All four of these cities are controlled by Democrats.

It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data - right.
Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?
dude, no they aren't. what a stupid fk to make an accusation about a state and their people. There are gun laws in place, ever hear of the Brady bill? come on don't play a parrot. Get it right. They get guns cause they can. No one stops them.

Why doesn't NY have the same issue as Chicago? They have states next to them with lesser gun control.
People fly with guns in Alaska every single day, and those are small planes where you can still reach the gun and ammo, not a lot of bush planes falling out of the sky up over suicide terrorist attacks up here... It's not about the "risk" so much as the "reward" with terrorists though. It's all about kill rates.

There's a reason this guy didn't go off the deep end here in Alaska, he wouldn't have killed enough "to make an impact" before he was blown away - Alaskan's don't fuck around and we're 70% carry in the city. You have to up here, there's fucking bears and shit on the streets, not shitting you wolves will eat your dog off it's leash in the city, bears regularly attack bikers and walkers, a lynx will do the same as well. And this guy was up in Fairbanks, they're 90% carry out there; he knew damn well he would be lucky to get off a couple shots up here - so he went somewhere less armed, more defenseless, intentionally and specifically to kill more people.
Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. How's that working out for them?

You should know better than that Ray...... they go to other states to by guns.

You think the bad guys have to leave the city of Chicago...hell, their own neighborhood...to acquire a firearm?

That's funny.
Perhaps you're in a freer state than most?

In any case, I'm not implying, I'm stating outright that things like gun free zones, waiting periods, restrictions on certain firearms, and magazine capacity limits do nothing to stop thugs and crazies but absolutely restrict my ability to defend myself.

Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

You are my problem. You and every other meddler that's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. So much so you're willing to support the notion of armed government agents enforcing your ideas upon people that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another. You are my problem and that is why.

Your Chicago point is ludicrous. No thug has to leave the state to get a gun.

You go ahead and break the law. I choose differently,

As to what I would do...aside from the aforementioned ceasing of any restrictions that inhibit good guys, I would focus on the communities that really drive the overall gun crime rate. Those few neighborhoods are where the real problem lies. I would fix that by removing the impediments to employment in those areas. Rand Paul has an idea for 'economic freedom zones'. I support that notion.
More frivolous gun control laws would've done absolutely zero to stop such things... fact
You're right Rustic. There's nothing to do against madness.
If somebody wants to kill many people he can do it with or without legally obtained guns.
For example here it's impossible for a citizen to have guns. If you are not an important member of the Party or a policeman, a soldier or a member of a secret services you can't have guns. But last in 2015 a crazy person killed some people (four or five I don't exactly remember) with a simple kitchen knife :eek:
Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?
dude, no they aren't. what a stupid fk to make an accusation about a state and their people. There are gun laws in place, ever hear of the Brady bill? come on don't play a parrot. Get it right. They get guns cause they can. No one stops them.

Why doesn't NY have the same issue as Chicago? They have states next to them with lesser gun control.

What part of my post are you commenting?
Bullshit....... If you buy the right gun and ammunition why will that restrict you from defending yourself? You can still buy m14. Unless you are going to attack a marine barracks.
Bullshit. Gun free zones....... who will stop you if carry your gun inside your jacket or backpack? My buddy carry his guns all the time even at church and school.
Bullshit. Waiting period how long does it take 6 months? People like you have gunS already . So what's the hurry?
Bullshit. Gun capacity. How long does it take to reload? Are you going to war?

1. Why would you support giving the criminals and thugs a tactical advantage?

2. Law abiding citizens are just that. They respect the notion of private property (and their gun free zones) and the laws of government, even when nonsensical (like airport gun free zones). Your buddy is breaking the law.

3. The hurry? How about the woman whose ex is threatening to kill her, but she must WAIT to exercise her God given rights. Screw that.

4. Lastly, regarding magazine capacity, you do not get the right to decide what my requirements are because you have no idea what I, or anyone else, might face in the future.

5. MORE IMPORTANTLY, what makes you think the thugs and crazies are going to follow your ridiculous rules? Stated differently, why would you want to give an advantage to the bad guys? Makes zero sense!

1. No I don't.
2. The entire population of America knew that you cannot bring a gun to the airport or you will face arrest or confiscation. Yet thousands of law breakers bring their gun to the airport. That said.
So on gun free zones.............who will check or stop you if you bring your gun to a gun free zones?
3. Why not just slit his throat while he's sleeping, eating or having sex? Why wait?
4. Well..... are you expecting a marine invasion? I know several gun owners and they are happy with their 22, 38, 45, m14 and glock without high capacities.
5. So........... what is your solutions to this gun epidemic here in America? Sell more guns to the public or flood the country with more guns like Chicago?

Interesting that in 2 of your 5 points, we see a gun grabber advocating breaking the law. Violating gun free zones and murder.

Color me shocked...

Your other points are equally nonsensical. The reality is you ARE advocating giving bad guys an advantage because of you know, reality. The bad guys aren't going to follow your rules, only law abiding citizens will. That gives them the advantage whether you admit it or not.

Then we get a logical fallacy. Again, I'm shocked. That you know a guy who owns a firearm and is ignorant as you about nonsensical restrictions does not prove your point. That's called an anecdote, a logical fallacy. Look it up.

Lastly, our solution is easy. Do nothing to prevent good people from defending themselves, while punishing severely those that infringe on the rights of others.

It's amazing to me the lack of logic and reason in your post. Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country and yet the highest crime rates involving firearms...and yet you fear a more rational approach to self defense would make places like Cheyenne, Wyoming "like Chicago". I wouldn't forgive a child for such an illogical thought process.


Chicago. They have to start somewhere......... but these thugs are buying their guns from other states and if these other states apply the same tough measurements..........

Gun Free zones. I already gave you a real example but you are in denial. Thousands violate the law that is thousands violate the law all over this country's airport.
So what stop you or me or others bringing their guns to gun free zones? Don't give me that excuses.

I ask you a question but to refused to answer. Let me ask you again. What is your solution to this gun epidemic here in America?

Your solution of do *NOTHING* is the dumbest and ignorant I ever heard.
I can buy gunS that is with S and no one can stop or prevent me from arming myself................... So what is your problem?

You are my problem. You and every other meddler that's just sure he knows what's best for everyone else. So much so you're willing to support the notion of armed government agents enforcing your ideas upon people that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another. You are my problem and that is why.

Your Chicago point is ludicrous. No thug has to leave the state to get a gun.

You go ahead and break the law. I choose differently,

As to what I would do...aside from the aforementioned ceasing of any restrictions that inhibit good guys, I would focus on the communities that really drive the overall gun crime rate. Those few neighborhoods are where the real problem lies. I would fix that by removing the impediments to employment in those areas. Rand Paul has an idea for 'economic freedom zones'. I support that notion.

Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.
Dude you are the problem.
1. I don't have a problem buying guns to protect myself and no one can stop me.
2. I asked you a question. What is your solution to this gun epidemic? But you deflect. You just want to flood the streets with more guns?
3. I gave you an example of gun confiscations at the airport about gun free zones but you are in denial........ YOU assumed that all gun owners are law abiding citizens. YOU assumed that all gun owners will respect the law. YOU assumed that criminals will respect the law........... YOU are very wrong.
4. People not going to other states to buy guns? Give me a fucking break. Think that real hard.

Very high percentage of Americans including republicans support background checks.

Maybe that's because we already have background checks.

We don't have a gun epidemic. Guns and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW laws.

No thug is going to other states to get guns. In any of these areas, guns are usually locally stolen or bought by straw purchasers.

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