Just made it to 1725

I thank God for people like your mother!!! So many distant relatives have done a lot of legwork and gathered property records and news articles about them and Bible records, and have put pictures of the articles or property records online!!! And copies of wills online....

It's been a life saver! And is saving me a lot of time!

Yeah ... My mother did a lot of legwork and contributed to Ancestry documents.
Still ... Some of the best stories you have to really look for.

There was one time on my mother's side, with one of her great(x3) grandmothers ... Who had two brothers.
She found a news article about one of the brothers insulting the integrity of the great(x3) grandmother in public.
The other brother shot him ... And they left the body in the street for three days.

oh, I've found family stories like that too! :eek:

It usually starts with me reading a will, and a certain son is completely left out of it, which makes me think, I could have the wrong family cause all the boy sons I thought were in the family are not listed in their dad's will, or in one case they left 1 of the brothers a penny.....

then through further searching, I find that the one missing brother is in jail for theft and drunkenness....or they are some kind of black sheep in the family....
Have you ever seen this? You may have it all, but hope it helps

Wright Family, pg 4

I am doing the female grandmother family trees now, which is much much much harder than the male, because you have to trace a different last name with each grandmother and great grandmothers.... and so on and so forth.... I had no idea how many different surnames that are related to me....!!!!

But, I have some really incredible news....and yes, I mean incredible, unbelieveable findings....

My great grandfather times 9, on Dad's side of the Family, whose name is Capt Francis Wright, in Virginia, was married to a woman by the name of Anne Washington, and Anne Washington's father was John Washington and her brother's name was Lawrence Washington, who had a son name Augustine Washington, who was the father of George Washington, our 1st president!

My great grandfather times 10, is George washington's great grandfather x 1.



Now, how can I prove it, I don't know if they have DNA results out there for Washington, or if I need the Y chromosome from a DNA test of my father vs my sister or I to confirm it....?

The DNA tests are on sale now, so I am going to buy another two of them so each of my parents can do them....my stupid sister lied to me, to shut me up and said she did the DNA ancestry test I bought her for Christmas, but confessed yesterday, that she still hasn't done it...

I have to go over the tree lineage again and again and again, to dot every eye and and every T on this trace back....there is lots and lots of information like wills of each generation and family names that I am following, and property purchases and sales out there that can help confirm each generation's movement and all that Jazz, that can help confirm it, even if I didn't have a DNA test, but the DNA would seal the deal in my opinion....

What can take so long, and also perhaps disprove I am not related to George Washington, is that many of my relatives, were married more than once, because their wives or husbands died, and they all remarried within a year or two of their deaths and they all have children with both wives or both husbands, so it can be tricky....!!!!

I can hardly breathe I am so excited about it....

If I am related to the Washington family tree, then I could be related to Meriweather Lewis and back in england, King Edward!!!

I so hope this does not turn out to be a dud!!! :eek:
thank you!

here is what I have so far, that needs double checking....I haven't put in Anne's father and mother yet... lots of 'hints' to go through too...

oh, I've found family stories like that too! :eek:

It usually starts with me reading a will, and a certain son is completely left out of it, which makes me think, I could have the wrong family cause all the boy sons I thought were in the family are not listed in their dad's will, or in one case they left 1 of the brothers a penny.....

then through further searching, I find that the one missing brother is in jail for theft and drunkenness....or they are some kind of black sheep in the family....

Best story like that one my mother found was on my father's side.

At one point there was a mercantile owner in upstate New York, with three sons.
Two of the sons were hardworking and business minded ... While the other was an alcoholic and compulsive gambler.
It went on for a while ... With the one brother always getting into trouble.

Then the father took a business trip to the coast ... And the brother got arrested after a bar fight over a gambling dispute in a neighboring town.
One of the brothers went to get him out of jail ... While the other brother located their regular contacts at the railroad.

The one who picked him up got the alcoholic brother really drunk.
They managed to lock him in a railcar with food, water and some money ... Then told the railroad crew not to let him out until they got to Arizona.

There is no record of whether or not the crew actually kept him locked in the railroad car ...
But ... He didn't get off the train until Arizona.
There ... He cleaned up his act ... Married a nice Presbyterian woman ... And opened his own store that still ran until around the time of the 2008 market crash.

I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.
I am up to 1725 on one leg of my family tree on my father's side on Ancestry.com....

birth of my great (times 8) grandfather and have no idea how to get back even farther than that....

I am trying to find out if I am from England or the British isles or who knows? They all were English speaking so far in my tree but all the way back to 1725, all relatives were born in America.

in 1725 they were in Virginia, then North Carolina, then to Georgia, then to Alabama where they all live now, except my parents, who live in Florida. the 1725 great time 8 grandfather has the same name as my dad, which is really really cool!

They produced like bunny rabbits back then, I have got to be related to everyone in the South! At least in Alabama and Georgia! So help me God!

What is sad though, is how many relatives died as children or shortly after being born....the censuses later in the 1800's started having a box where the wives had to list how many children were born and how many were still alive at the time of the census 12 born/ 7 alive, 10/7, 9/5 etc etc etc....

And I am having a harder time....well not really harder but just so time consuming tracing back the female side of my grandmothers, they had different last names of course for all the female grandmom's mother's etc....it'll take me years, for sure!

I'm only up to 1848 or so with my father's great great grandmother ...

I spent days and days trying to trace her...it was very weird, She showed up out of no where when my great great great grandfather married her in 1868....found their marriage certificate...not really a certificate but the official notes from a justice of peace in Georgia... I was able to find her last name because my father's grandfather, a few years before he died had to file some Social Security form, where he had to list his parents, where they were born, and in that he had to list his mother's maiden name! JACKPOT! So I had thought.... :( At first I could only find her on an 1860 census in Georgia listed with 2 others of the same last name, which appeared to be her 1 older brother and an older sister with 3 men, a father and 2 sons?

WHAT THE HECK? no parents listed with her last name? Couldn't find her parents and let me tell ya, her last name was as common as my great times 3 grandfather.... a dime a dozen....

so, I search the family name of the family who in 1860 took the 3 of them in....she was 12 in 1860, so her family had to be on the 1850 census somewhere???


In 1850 census, my 3 x grandmothers family had a farm right next door to the man's family who took the 3 children in (God bless him) and my great times 4 grandfather was married with 10 children, all living in 1850, a household of 12, and the farmer man next door who took them in, had a wife and 8 children in 1850, yet only 2 boys in the 1860 census??

WELL, I CRIED MY EYES OUT....as I was finding out what happened to all the ones that just disappeared between the two censuses....

to make a long story short....my family of 12 that ended up as only 3 living, my grt x grandmother as one of them...

ALL died from TYPHOID FEVER...the US GVT kept track of those who died from it...it was 1858...my great grandfather had it 42 days then died, his wife, 21 days then died, his eldest daughter 32 days then died etc etc etc....

And the man who took the 3 surviving children relatives in, all but 3 including himself out of his family of 10 all died from Typhoid Fever....

MY GOODNESS, what a sad story...

I had to stop at that point...though I did find out the my grt x grandmother's parents came to Georgia from North Carolina and married in north carolina so I can go further...

and went back to searching the male side of my father's family...

OH and so many were in the Confederate Army that died on my father's side, and many that lived....

Also, some distant relative that did a family tree that crosses over in to mine who shared a great grandfather times 6 I believe, found papers that filed for recognition to be a part of some group called, SONS OF THE REVOLUTION for a great grandfather!!!!

HOLY MOLY, MOTHER OF GOODNESS....I've got a Grampa who served in the revolutionary war....so much more to find out on him! This guy's family tree that crosses with mine has loads of information to go through....

Hat's off to ya!

I'm too scared to delve into my ancestry.
Maj. John Wright, Sr. b. Abt Aug 1684 Westmoreland Co, VA d. 1731-1739 Leesylvania, Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co, VA: Geneagraphie - Families all over the world

Have you ever seen this? You may have it all, but hope it helps

Wright Family, pg 4

I am doing the female grandmother family trees now, which is much much much harder than the male, because you have to trace a different last name with each grandmother and great grandmothers.... and so on and so forth.... I had no idea how many different surnames that are related to me....!!!!

But, I have some really incredible news....and yes, I mean incredible, unbelieveable findings....

My great grandfather times 9, on Dad's side of the Family, whose name is Capt Francis Wright, in Virginia, was married to a woman by the name of Anne Washington, and Anne Washington's father was John Washington and her brother's name was Lawrence Washington, who had a son name Augustine Washington, who was the father of George Washington, our 1st president!

My great grandfather times 10, is George washington's great grandfather x 1.



Now, how can I prove it, I don't know if they have DNA results out there for Washington, or if I need the Y chromosome from a DNA test of my father vs my sister or I to confirm it....?

The DNA tests are on sale now, so I am going to buy another two of them so each of my parents can do them....my stupid sister lied to me, to shut me up and said she did the DNA ancestry test I bought her for Christmas, but confessed yesterday, that she still hasn't done it...

I have to go over the tree lineage again and again and again, to dot every eye and and every T on this trace back....there is lots and lots of information like wills of each generation and family names that I am following, and property purchases and sales out there that can help confirm each generation's movement and all that Jazz, that can help confirm it, even if I didn't have a DNA test, but the DNA would seal the deal in my opinion....

What can take so long, and also perhaps disprove I am not related to George Washington, is that many of my relatives, were married more than once, because their wives or husbands died, and they all remarried within a year or two of their deaths and they all have children with both wives or both husbands, so it can be tricky....!!!!

I can hardly breathe I am so excited about it....

If I am related to the Washington family tree, then I could be related to Meriweather Lewis and back in england, King Edward!!!

I so hope this does not turn out to be a dud!!! :eek:
thank you!

here is what I have so far, that needs double checking....I haven't put in Anne's father and mother yet... lots of 'hints' to go through too...

Hat's off to ya!

I'm too scared to delve into my ancestry.

As my mother once mentioned ...
"If you seriously research your family tree, you'll probably find half your family living under it, and the other half hanging in it".

I am doing the female grandmother family trees now, which is much much much harder than the male, because you have to trace a different last name with each grandmother and great grandmothers.... and so on and so forth.... I had no idea how many different surnames that are related to me....!!!!

But, I have some really incredible news....and yes, I mean incredible, unbelieveable findings....

My great grandfather times 9, on Dad's side of the Family, whose name is Major Francis Wright, in Virginia, was married to a woman by the name of Anne Washington, and Anne Washington's father was John Washington and her brother's name was Lawrence Washington, who had a son name Augustine Washington, who was the father of George Washington, our 1st president!

My great grandfather times 10, is George washington's great grandfather x 1.



Now, how can I prove it, I don't know if they have DNA results out there for Washington, or if I need the Y chromosome from a DNA test of my father vs my sister or I to confirm it....?

The DNA tests are on sale now, so I am going to buy another two of them so each of my parents can do them....my stupid sister lied to me, to shut me up and said she did the DNA ancestry test I bought her for Christmas, but confessed yesterday, that she still hasn't done it...

I have to go over the tree lineage again and again and again, to dot every eye and and every T on this trace back....there is lots and lots of information like wills of each generation and family names that I am following, and property purchases and sales out there that can help confirm each generation's movement and all that Jazz, that can help confirm it, even if I didn't have a DNA test, but the DNA would seal the deal in my opinion....

What can take so long, and also perhaps disprove I am not related to George Washington, is that many of my relatives, were married more than once, because their wives or husbands died, and they all remarried within a year or two of their deaths and they all have children with both wives or both husbands, so it can be tricky....!!!!

I can hardly breathe I am so excited about it....

If I am related to the Washington family tree, then I could be related to Meriweather Lewis and back in england, King Edward!!!

I so hope this does not turn out to be a dud!!! :eek:
We're gonna have to start calling you Martha.
Cool beans.
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.
My Mother is Italian born, and she doesn't want any part of this family tree stuff.... mostly because she has dimentia, and she can't remember her grandparent's names and things like that so I think it is frustrating to her and she does not see why it is important...

It is going to be one pony trick to get her to do this DNA test I want her to do....

Her family has been in Italy for ages and ages and ages, as far as she knows, but both my grandmother and my grandfather's Italian last names, are cities in Greece....? They are somewhat fairly common Italian last names now, but I am wondering if we don't have some Greek in us? Or Egyptian, cuz one of the last names is an Italian derivative of Alexander like Alexander the Great..... watch me be like you..... and have some middle eastern or Saudi Arabian!
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.

I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.

Pithy and insightful as usual. You're a marvel
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.

Pithy and insightful as usual. You're a marvel

I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.


Or is allah 'akbar more apropos
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.


Or is allah 'akbar more apropos

OK, that make me laugh
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.


Or is allah 'akbar more apropos

OK, that make me laugh

Grazie. It was meant in fun.
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.
My Mother is Italian born, and she doesn't want any part of this family tree stuff.... mostly because she has dimentia, and she can't remember her grandparent's names and things like that so I think it is frustrating to her and she does not see why it is important...

It is going to be one pony trick to get her to do this DNA test I want her to do....

Her family has been in Italy for ages and ages and ages, as far as she knows, but both my grandmother and my grandfather's Italian last names, are cities in Greece....? They are somewhat fairly common Italian last names now, but I am wondering if we don't have some Greek in us? Or Egyptian, cuz one of the last names is an Italian derivative of Alexander like Alexander the Great..... watch me be like you..... and have some middle eastern or Saudi Arabian!
Alexander the Great was Greek. Or Macedonian. But do not bring up the issue when Greeks or Macedonians are around, you'll be sorry.
I happen to have a very unique last name and a lot of oral tradition about family history. No I do not have Cherokee cheekbones either. My Aunt spent a lot of time in the Town hall in our little town in Calabria and found birth records dating back to 1501. I then found us mentioned in a book about the Renaissance and can push us back to 1425 in Florence. My grandfather once told me he had work commissioned but none of us ever saw any of it. We have a family crest and it's a source of contention as one version of it has the star and crescent of Islam.

When I got my Ancestry results back, despite hundreds of years of all Italian genealogy, I'm 11-15% Middle Eastern, specifically Egypt, SA and Lebanon region. So many the star and crescent make sense after all.

FYI My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Borzzano and and my paternal Aunt - married to my dad's brother - was Italian, and both sides of my family were born and raised in N. Beach, the Italian enclave in San Francisco in the 20's.

Growing up I remember hearing that the Calabrese were the cheapest tightwads in the beach and not to be considered honest in any aspect of commerce.


Or is allah 'akbar more apropos

OK, that make me laugh

Grazie. It was meant in fun.

ok, so far, I still haven't been able to disprove Anne Washington was my great x grandmother..... but I am still working on it! :D

This tree thing... is just overwhelming... :eek:

I guess I just had never put a mind to it before....of how big a family tree can actually be...yet mathematics is simple, and very clear...these numbers are for mother and father trees combined, for just my dad, which is what I am working on now, cut it in half....

4 Grandparents
8 Great Grand parents
16 Great great grand parents
32 Great times 3 grand parents
64 Great times 4 grandparents
128 Great times 5 grandparents
256 Great times 6 grandparents

Sigh....you get the picture.... :eek:

I have made it to the great grand parents times 6 (early 1700's to late 1600's) on only a handful of grandparents....on my father's side with certainty....everyone else I am still trying to chase down

For me, my great great grandparents (great times 2) on dad's side were all born around 1850....

so far, I am primarily English, then Scotch Irish, then French and German on a grandmother here and there....

NO ONE in my family that I have bought ancestry DNA kits for, have done them....!!!! I don't know what the heck they are ALL afraid of....???? for goodness sake!!!! Even my husband has still not done his...which he got for Christmas..... I have spent so much money on it, and NOTHING.....

I should have just bought one for myself for Christmas and mothers day and father's day from all the different ones out there :D.... at least I would have the mitochondrial side, which is better than nothing!

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