Just saw Governer Chris Christy on the tube...

Anyone who doesn't like what Christie is advocating is a...well, state employee scared the benefits gravy train will be upset before they get to start lapping it up for the rest of their days. And screw them.

Christie is taking on some of the Sacred Cows in NJ Politics

- Teachers Unions
- State Workers unions

If he can make any progress he will be a saint in NJ
It would be nice if the fedgov used the same "you can't spend what you don't have" thought process...
You feeling alright Cuyo? Christie is a conservative you know. It's not like you to think a conservative makes sense.

Yes I know, hence the :confused: in the OP. :)

I never said conservatives are always wrong, it's more that some of the arguments I hear in favor of conservatism are so ridiculous, as is the way they frame the liberals.

Most aggravating for me is that so many here on both sides have not an inkling about what either side really represents. It's like a sporting event to such people; They've picked a side ahead of time, and memorized that side's talking points. I could easy name half a dozen from each persuasion that fall into that category here.

As always, I'm on the side of "What makes sense;" and as of right now, Mr. Christie is making a lot of sense to me.

I can totally understand what your saying. But it all makes sense if you look at the thread i started about what everyones motivation is for posting here. Most of it's pride.
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone that there could actually exist a politician who brings people from both sides together.

I'm on neither side. I just like to take shots at one side more than the other, at least at USMB.
I found the interview with the new gov. of NJ refreshing. He did not demagogue the issues as does Palin, Gingrich and the entire Republican 'Leadership' in the Congress; he seemed open to withholding judgments until learning the facts and consequences of change - not measuring them against platitudes of ideology and condeming new ideas simply because they are new.
Maybe there's hope the Republican Party can come back from the reactionary fringe under whom it has relinquished control.

I am seriously in the twilight zone. How is Christie boldly stating what he plans to do any different than any of the politicians you claim are demagoguing?

They are the same issues. the same policies.

What the heck makes him different?
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone that there could actually exist a politician who brings people from both sides together.

It's not that unusual at all. The problem is that both sides have radicals who have the loudest voices, which leave the saner, quiet voices just slogging along doing what they should be doing.

Was I shocked to see over the weekend that Howard Dean was complimentary of Newt Gingrich? Not at all. Both men, although they have basic ideological differences, have worked their entire adult lives for the good of ALL the people of this country, not just a select few, based upon the circumstances of the time. On specifics, you win some/lose some. And they understand that.

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