Just saw some people with masks on today

Information during a fast moving pandemic changes quickly. That's just life. Eventually, guidance is altered. The medical staff I saw in a hospital recently wore face hugging N95 masks.
When I do wear them, I put a nice blue cloth mask (with a small American flag) over the N95 or KN95 because I don't want to look like a doctor, or a drywaller. :)
Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of virology knows that NO mask gives a benefit.

Scientists working in virology labs are ensconced in a pressurized suit so that if there is a hole, air can only go OUT, and even with that, they still get sick.

Viruses are so small that most are not visible with a normal microscope. Yet you idiots just believed whatever your masters told you to believe.
It's whining. And at times that I've seen, it's downright direct and belligerent to the person wearing the mask. You just and righteous believers just can't mind your own f'ing business and let people alone if it doesn't affect you.
Here's a tip shithead, no gives a rat's ass about your opinion or your beliefs. Keep it to yourself and keep on steppin! :)
Screw your freedom and natural rights!!!

Remember that? And that was from a Republican.

People were denied their first amendment rights because of Covid. The right to assemble, the right to practice their religion, and the right to the freedom of speech.

Or am I overreacting?

Seems to me Arnold is the ass, not me.
It's whining. And at times that I've seen, it's downright direct and belligerent to the person wearing the mask. You just and righteous believers just can't mind your own f'ing business and let people alone if it doesn't affect you.
Here's a tip shithead, no gives a rat's ass about your opinion or your beliefs. Keep it to yourself and keep on steppin! :)
Bullshit. You leftoids would go out of your way to impose your beliefs on others.

Conservatives don't.

You want to wear a mask, have at it. I don't care. Just don't try and make me believe your particular delusion that they do anything.
Their wearing of a mask affects you not at all, not one iota.

If it makes them feel better, more comfortable, why care? Why comment? Why feel sorry for them? Do you feel sorry for someone who finds strength and comfort in the faith? It's obvious you feel superior to them, isn't that enough?
I, for one, don't feel "sorry" for them. I also keep in mind they may have a cold or something contagious and are trying not to spread it. I try not to judge the actions of people in masks I do not personally know, only the ones I do. But since I live among mostly liberals, unfortunately, I usually avoid conversations involving politics. Their reasons for wearing masks are none of my business unless they verbally make it so.

The anger is very much still there Lefties.

Or did you think it would all go away because your media ignores it?
Votto knows nothing of Covid or infectious diseases.

Keep that in mind.
Now is your time to tell us about them

Was Covid the flu?

Usually how this works is pointing to something I said that was not factual, but Ok, just call me names dolt

See that, I can do it too.
Bullshit. You leftoids would go out of your way to impose your beliefs on others.

Conservatives don't.

You want to wear a mask, have at it. I don't care. Just don't try and make me believe your particular delusion that they do anything.
Sorry, westworld, I've seen this behavior from you members of Alt-Right Nation several times over the last few months.
You just can't keep your feelings and "opinions" to yourselves.

Fuck your feelings. Move along.
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
Why does this bother you so much?
Sorry, westworld, I've seen this behavior from you members of Alt-Right Nation several times over the last few months.
You just can't keep your feelings and "opinions" to yourselves.

Fuck your feelings. Move along.
Feelings and emotions were created to be shared, not censored and oppressed Adolf.
Overreacted? Is it an over reaction to not want a vaccine that has been sped through the medical establishment and forced on a populace that had severe reactions to the jab you then were not able to tell anyone about because Biden was censoring you on Twitter?

Do you know how many people died from myocarditis, for example?

Myocarditis was so bad in young men in Europe from the jab that they stopped giving it to them.

But Fauci and the US ignored it all which is medical malpractice that led to the deaths of untold numbers of people.

View attachment 932090

Imagine, if you will, a world where you are mandated to get a jab to survive, then get it, then terrible things happen to you or your loved one that may even die from it.

But then, you are not only denied compensation for your loss or medical problems, you are not allowed to tell a soul about it because you are censored from doing so.

Overreaction my ass.
That's what happens when people with little to no education start making decisions based on politics,
instead of decisions based on careful moves by the medical profession. The rush to stop the deaths has to be factored in also.
So, you still believe the masks work?

Mrs. MO believes they work...and she's significantly more of an expert than you or I are. We use N95s, not the blue things. I think N95s provide protection. So did Fauci. The real Fauci who lied to everyone about not needing a mask so the government could confiscate all the N95s in the country.

Also, do you still believe the vaccines work?

I took the first vaccine. I was an essential transportation worker...truck driver. But, that's not why I took it.

My folks are in their 80, and they need my help often. Just couldn't risk it.

As more information came out on efficacy and vaccine injury were reported...the risk/reward ratio shifted.

My parents both got Covid after their initial vaccination...Mom's symptoms were flu like and Dad was asymptomatic. After Omicron, the virus' symptoms became more subdued. No need for boosters.

I got the original vaccine from Moderna as did my folks. Under the same circumstances, given the same variables and information... I'd do it again.

Mrs. MO was already suffering from long Covid and never received the vaccine.

I never expressed a single Covid symptom or any other illness in the last four years....praise God.

Also praise God that you haven't had any Covid related difficulties in your family. But if you did...I imagine you would have a very different perspective.

P.S. - Mrs MO is as anti-vaccine as you are...and she has become an expert on all things Covid in the last four years. I'm relatively certain she would throttle Fauci to death with her own hands of given the opportunity... consequences be damned.
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Their wearing of a mask affects you not at all, not one iota.

If it makes them feel better, more comfortable, why care? Why comment? Why feel sorry for them? Do you feel sorry for someone who finds strength and comfort in the faith? It's obvious you feel superior to them, isn't that enough?
Yeah I don't care as long as they mind their own business.
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?

Perhaps they suffer from seasonal allergies. People that do found out that mask did a great job helping them get through the worst of the spring and fall.
That's what happens when people with little to no education start making decisions based on politics,
instead of decisions based on careful moves by the medical profession. The rush to stop the deaths has to be factored in also.
The US Congressmen think that the moon is made of gas and if you put too many people on one side of the island Guam it might tip over.

Government, unfortunately, is comprised of corrupt idiots.

The down side is, they force their idiocy on us all.
Perhaps they suffer from seasonal allergies. People that do found out that mask did a great job helping them get through the worst of the spring and fall.
Maybe, but can't remember seeing anyone with a mask before Covid.

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