Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems
No one's asking you to be dishonest. Just quit defending our enemies. If they want to destroy themselves, then let them.
Lots of people are saying (in private, of course) that Mayor Bloomberg is NOT a "racist," only a truthteller.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.
You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems
Sometimes, Gramps, you come out and absolutely NAIL the dishonesty and hypocrisy of your side. Goodness knows we need more of that across the board. MUCH more.

So I get a little confused when you get cranky with me when I point out the same stuff.

I like you anyway.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.
You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems
Sometimes, Gramps, you come out and absolutely NAIL the dishonesty and hypocrisy of your side. Goodness knows we need more of that across the board. MUCH more.

So I get a little confused when you get cranky with me when I point out the same stuff.

I like you anyway.
What we need is more people nailing the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left, which is 10,000 times worse than anything on the right. The left tries to destroy people. What the right does is nothing more than a sniffle compared to the left's fatal pneumonia.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems

No Gramps, you are just TOO STUPID to ask anything. Like the proverbial idiot, you ask more honesty from republicans while getting NONE from the Democrats.

Apparently you are too dim to even read that it is a great thing to seek honesty in politics, but a fool's errand to seek it from the party already being more honest while asking nothing from the other that trades in pure lies.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.
You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems
Sometimes, Gramps, you come out and absolutely NAIL the dishonesty and hypocrisy of your side. Goodness knows we need more of that across the board. MUCH more.

Predictably coming from the "Neutral Centrist" who never challenges, anguishes over, worries about or calls out the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left.
Predictably coming from the "Neutral Centrist" who never challenges, anguishes over, worries about or calls out the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left.
Then you have chosen not to see the literally THOUSANDS of squabbles I've had over the years with the Regressive Left here.

Oh, and I see you put quotes around "Neutral Centrist", as if I've made such claims. Here's line 2 of sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once. - I eviscerate a Regressive Lefty there.

Wow, I'll bet you don't even realize how I shoved your whole post right down your throat right there. You're both ignorant and a liar. Well done.
Predictably coming from the "Neutral Centrist" who never challenges, anguishes over, worries about or calls out the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left.
Then you have chosen not to see the literally THOUSANDS of squabbles I've had over the years with the Regressive Left here.

Oh, and I see you put quotes around "Neutral Centrist", as if I've made such claims. Here's line 2 of sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once. - I eviscerate a Regressive Lefty there.

Wow, I'll bet you don't even realize how I shoved your whole post right down your throat right there. You're both ignorant and a liar. Well done.

Too funny. But glad to see you finally come out of the closet to admit you're no centrist or moderate. EVERY post I see of yours is always bashing the Right.
Predictably coming from the "Neutral Centrist" who never challenges, anguishes over, worries about or calls out the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left.
Then you have chosen not to see the literally THOUSANDS of squabbles I've had over the years with the Regressive Left here.

Oh, and I see you put quotes around "Neutral Centrist", as if I've made such claims. Here's line 2 of sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once. - I eviscerate a Regressive Lefty there.

Wow, I'll bet you don't even realize how I shoved your whole post right down your throat right there. You're both ignorant and a liar. Well done.

Too funny. But glad to see you finally come out of the closet to admit you're no centrist or moderate. EVERY post I see of yours is always bashing the Right.
I put that post in my sig years ago. It was posted on April, 2017.

So you're wrong again. You're just a sheep, and your thought processes are terribly confined. I hope that ignorance is bliss for you.

All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Sorry but this is a lesson republicans should have learned by now from TRUMP, being if the left wants to make the rules it's completely fair to hold them to their own standards. You are naive if you don't think Bloomberg will play the race game against not only TRUMP but also his supporters if he is awarded the democrat nomination.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Grampa, as a wise man said recently------------>when the Leftist Democrats agree to return to the Marcus of Queensberry rules, so shall we.

You are fighting a supposed FAIR political fight in the ring, where your opponents are putting razors and horseshoes in their gloves, and you are asking the ref to disqualify him as he laughs at you!

What, do you think the Left RACE BAITS because it doesn't work? They have thread after thread on here how Trump is a racist, and conservatives are WASTING their time trying to prove he isn't? For no reason?

Let them do a little defending for awhile! No more Mr/Mz/Mrs Niceperson if these are the rules they want to play under.

Do yourself a favor today all; OWN A LIB! Politically speaking of course-)
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Beat the left HONESTLY...
And that's the problem, obviously.

Intellectual honesty is now entirely optional in our politics.

When both tribes have convinced themselves that they're "at war", the ends justify the means.


We get it all sides are bad and should be more like me... I mean you...

As for Bloomberg comments and them being racially offensive, well maybe if the data did not support his comments then the nutters could scream racism or better yet SNOB ELITIST!

Oh well...
I'm from the "two wrongs don't make a right" school.

There is more than two wongs to make this wong tong soup with...

The fact is everyone including the OP, you and thyself are wrong just because we believe we are correct and there is no way to sway our opinion.

Is Mike Bloomberg a racist?



He is human!

So let cut the nonsense of being surprised Bloomberg comments can come off racist or elitist because I am not.

It is like the fake outrage over anything Trump does because if anyone knew Trump they would know that is who he is just like if you knew Bloomberg that is how he is.

Bloomberg is a Statistical Driven individual that believe in the Stats and does not know how to spin it where it will not offend the non-statstical driven people, so it will come off racist.

Does more crime happen in poor neighborhoods?

Sure does!

Do default loans happen more often with the lower classes of society?

Sure does.

Is it racist to point it out?

Depends are you just saying this about minorities or the entire poor society in general and with Bloomberg it became racial when he pointed to minority communities.

Is he wrong?

Nope, but could have been said in a different way to quiet the Van Jones of society...

So Mac there is my long winded response of the day while I sat on the toilet to crap this stuff out...
Predictably coming from the "Neutral Centrist" who never challenges, anguishes over, worries about or calls out the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left.
Then you have chosen not to see the literally THOUSANDS of squabbles I've had over the years with the Regressive Left here.

Oh, and I see you put quotes around "Neutral Centrist", as if I've made such claims. Here's line 2 of sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once. - I eviscerate a Regressive Lefty there.

Wow, I'll bet you don't even realize how I shoved your whole post right down your throat right there. You're both ignorant and a liar. Well done.

Too funny. But glad to see you finally come out of the closet to admit you're no centrist or moderate. EVERY post I see of yours is always bashing the Right.
I put that post in my sig years ago. It was posted on April, 2017.

So you're wrong again. You're just a sheep, and your thought processes are terribly confined. I hope that ignorance is bliss for you.


Too funny. You're so cracked a liar, you don't even make sense. Admit it Mac, you're a stinking liberal. I'm more critical of the GOP than you've ever been of the Left. And god knows, with so much opportunity, I don't know how you find the time to worry about the Right.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.


Guess that makes Trump and his lawyer racists too then...
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Make the enemy live up to their own rules.

NANNY BLOOMBERG -THIS IS RIDICULOUS: Mike Bloomberg as Mary Poppins is a Train Wreck We Can’t Stop Watching.


The Little Crumudgeon That Could
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems

No Gramps, you are just TOO STUPID to ask anything. Like the proverbial idiot, you ask more honesty from republicans while getting NONE from the Democrats.

Apparently you are too dim to even read that it is a great thing to seek honesty in politics, but a fool's errand to seek it from the party already being more honest while asking nothing from the other that trades in pure lies.

You might try sending Buetress the same message.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.


Guess that makes Trump and his lawyer racists too then...

Yeah.....walls are racist.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems

No Gramps, you are just TOO STUPID to ask anything. Like the proverbial idiot, you ask more honesty from republicans while getting NONE from the Democrats.

Apparently you are too dim to even read that it is a great thing to seek honesty in politics, but a fool's errand to seek it from the party already being more honest while asking nothing from the other that trades in pure lies.

You might try sending Buetress the same message.
His message is one of ignorance.

You all are mimicking the left as the left DECLINES because of the same stupid shit.
Who is dumb enough to copy a failed agenda? The msm uses the same racism shit and their ratings and subscriptions are declining. Yet you all want to copy their failing tactics...

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