Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems

No Gramps, you are just TOO STUPID to ask anything. Like the proverbial idiot, you ask more honesty from republicans while getting NONE from the Democrats.

Apparently you are too dim to even read that it is a great thing to seek honesty in politics, but a fool's errand to seek it from the party already being more honest while asking nothing from the other that trades in pure lies.

You might try sending Buetress the same message.
His message is one of ignorance.

You all are mimicking the left as the left DECLINES because of the same stupid shit.
Who is dumb enough to copy a failed agenda? The msm uses the same racism shit and their ratings and subscriptions are declining. Yet you all want to copy their failing tactics...
It's not their agenda. It's their tactics. They need to own the tactics they use.

Your message is one of defeat, Grampa. You got to be stupid to help your enemies, and that's what you're doing. Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.
That's your problem. Worry about the left. Quit worrying about Republicans, especially when they aren't lying. They only applying the same standards the left uses.

Yeah, it does give us a free pass. We have a free pass to use whatever tactics they use. Only a fucking tight-assed pussy would claim we have to play by the Queensbury rules. WE are playing by their rules. Shut the fuck up and shut down this moronic thread.
laugh at and revel in useful idiots like Grampa, looking forward to their holding their own party back,
If asking conservatives to BE HONEST makes me an idiot then so be it.

You wallowing in the lies with the left solves exactly ZERO problems

No Gramps, you are just TOO STUPID to ask anything. Like the proverbial idiot, you ask more honesty from republicans while getting NONE from the Democrats.

Apparently you are too dim to even read that it is a great thing to seek honesty in politics, but a fool's errand to seek it from the party already being more honest while asking nothing from the other that trades in pure lies.

You might try sending Buetress the same message.
His message is one of ignorance.

You all are mimicking the left as the left DECLINES because of the same stupid shit.
Who is dumb enough to copy a failed agenda? The msm uses the same racism shit and their ratings and subscriptions are declining. Yet you all want to copy their failing tactics...

You're tired, Grandpa. You should go take a nap, then join the democrats. There is no failed agenda by the GOP for simply pointing out historical facts. The Left is so full of negative things worth pointing out we hardly need to make stuff up as they do!

Inside Bloomberg's 48-hour dash to contain his stop-and-frisk crisis

Bloomberg once blamed end of 'redlining' for 2008 collapse

'I'd Do Her': A Brief History of Michael Bloomberg's Public Sexism

‘I’d Do Her’: Mike Bloomberg and the Underbelly of #MeToo
here are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM

Given just how many completely hollow accusations of "ism" come from leftists like Grampa.... wow, just wow....

Like investigating Hunter Biden, it is now officially OFF LIMITS to all thinking patriotic Americans to notice the following....

Bloomberg advocates targeting minorities in audio from 2015

"Mikey is under fire for resurfaced comments in which he says the way to bring down homicide rates is to “put a lot of cops” in minority neighborhoods because that’s where “all the crime is.”

"Bloomberg says that “95%" of homicides and homicide victims are young male minorities and that “you can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops.” To combat crime, he says, “put a lot of cops where the crime is, which means in minority neighborhoods.”"

"Mikey acknowledges focusing police forces in minority neighborhoods means minorities are disproportionately arrested for marijuana possession, but dismisses that as a necessary consequence of the crime in those neighborhoods. And to “get the guns out of the kids’ hands,” Bloomberg says, police must “throw ‘em against the wall and frisk ’em.”

An incumbent Mayor is the boss of the police. If the boss of the police tells the police to take perfectly innocent Americans and "throw 'em against the wall," then the Mayor himself is guilty of advising cops to commit the crime of assault.

"Stop and frisk" is what happens when you enter a baseball game.

Throwing people walking down the street against the wall is a physical assault, and a crime.

Racist Mikey is a pathetic little insecure Napoleon - Stalin - Mao - Saddam - Hitler type

Just how many Dem whores can Racist Mikey bribe to ignore the truth of his own well documented RACISM....
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:
Bloomberg showed his colors with "stop and frisk".
Now he apologized and says it was a mistake, but that is like committing a rape and later trying to ignore it by saying it was just a mistake.
You are not allowed to just be a little mistaken when it comes to basic rights.
It means he does not know basic right from wrong, or does not care.
Shut the fuck up and shut down this moronic thread.
snowflake detected

Perhaps I should act like a tool like you and go into all your threads and shit my diaper like you're doing in mine?

Dumbass detected.

If the Dims want to nominate a racist, let them. By defending him you are only helping our enemies to win. That makes you one of our enemies. No one is asking you to lie. They are only asking you to shut your fucking yap and allow the Dims to self destruct.

How fucking stupid are you?
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:

I haven't been following this moron. Is he actually a conservative, or just a leftist masquerading as one?
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:

I haven't been following this moron. Is he actually a conservative, or just a leftist masquerading as one?

The most dangerous kind of conservative: he is a McCain/Romney/Dole Republican who sees the way to fixing corruption in the Democratic Party is to jump on even the slightest hint of hyperbole within the GOP.

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