Just the beginning


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
The liberal press may have been looking at this bull market wrong all along. It is either the longest or second longest in American history so they say. But is it really? And why do bull market begin and end (and this one will surely end as they all do)

Bull markets end when an expanding econpmy runs into asset bubbles, misallocations of capital and higher interest rates. But this bull market started under Barry Soweto. As such it (1) started from a crash of epic proportions. Even just getting back to starting seemed a bull market and (2) moved sideways for years right in the middle and (3) was pumped up artificially while the economy experienced its worst recovery in history. Growth in the 1.5% range. We cant really judge this bull market like others. Whether it has room to run or crashes tomorrow it is a beast of a different stripe than we are used to.

So according to this article the real boom comes now with tax cuts, fairer trade, repatriation of capital and an economy growing more like a recovering economy should at 4% or better.

Also, though not mentioned in the article, remember to look at excess return. In the end excess return always tells the real story.

The S&P Will Double Within the Next 5 Years
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I had plans to rotate some portion to bonds this month of September. I find myself having a hard time pulling the trigger. I may still make the move but in any case will stay with equities for the largest part.
The left has destroyed so much family wealth these last few months in convincing people the stock market was going to crash due to Trump. Its criminal. Somehow they should be held responsible.


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