Just To Confirm....

Take your time, Ol' Timer,...clean off those specs.....look up the words you don't know.....mull over the fact that there never were, nor were intended to be, any inspections.

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA

Educate yourself. Inspections were happening and everyone admitted Iran was complying.

Did you suddenly develop amnesia when the IAEA insisted Saddam didn't have nukes, but we invaded anyway only to find out he didn't have nukes?
Take your time, Ol' Timer,...clean off those specs.....look up the words you don't know.....mull over the fact that there never were, nor were intended to be, any inspections.

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA

Educate yourself. Inspections were happening and everyone admitted Iran was complying.

Did you suddenly develop amnesia when the IAEA insisted Saddam didn't have nukes, but we invaded anyway only to find out he didn't have nukes?

See.....this is why you were left back with such frequency.

There were no inspections.

The Obamunists count on morons like you to parrot the party line...'were too!!!!!"

Let's check:

"Americans and Israelis who hate the new nuclear agreement with Iran are already focusing on one part in particular: It doesn’t authorize snap, no-notice inspections of all locations. Israel’s hard-right Education Minister Naftali Bennett claims the accord is a “farce” because “in order to go and make an inspection, you have to notify the Iranians 24 days in advance.”

This is not exactly right, but close enough. (Iran’s declared nuclear sites will be under continuous monitoring. If the International Atomic Energy Agency wants to inspect a non-declared site and Iran refuses, Iran has 14 days to convince the IAEA it’s doing nothing wrong without providing access. If it can’t, the commission governing the agreement has seven days to vote on whether to force Iran to provide access, and if it does Iran has three more days to comply. The exact procedure is established in paragraphs 74-78 of the agreement text.)"

Why Is Iran’s Refusal to Allow No-Notice Inspections Legit? U.S. History With Iraq


“Particularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.”

–Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

“At non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.”

–Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11


" The prime minister exhorted International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano to “go and inspect this atomic warehouse immediately,” before Iran hides its contents.

A week later, however, the IAEA rejected his suggestion. In a statement, the agency said, “All information obtained, including from third parties, is subject to rigorous review and assessed together with other available information to arrive at an independent assessment based on the agency’s own expertise.”

This wasn’t the first time the IAEA failed to investigate possible Iranian violations discovered by Israeli intelligence. "

... at least twice the IAEA has acknowledged it was not verifying compliance."
What the IAEA doesn't know — or want to know — about Iran’s nuclear program


Proof of the lack of inspections is right here:

“Netanyahu Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Facade

Another secret nuclear facility is revealed as Iran continues to push its nuclear program forward.

… Netanyahu’s press conference came hours after the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that it found traces of uranium from Iran’s secret atomic warehouse.

This latest information comes a year and a half after Netanyahu first revealed Iran’s secret nuclear archive, which exposed Iran’s plan to develop five nuclear warheads as early as 2003. It also comes a year after he exposed an Iranian secret nuclear warehouse in Tehran and asked the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect the site, where he claimed Iran had once stored 33 pounds of radioactive material, which it disguised as rug cleaner. In April, Reuters reported that the agency had inspected the site and took samples for analysis.

A few hours before Netanyahu’s speech, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced the discovery of traces of uranium from the sample taken at the Tehran warehouse, the same element Iran is enriching and one of the only two fissile elements with which it is possible to develop a nuclear bomb.

Netanyahu responded to the discovery by calling it a direct violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. He also showed satellite images of the warehouse, which illustrate that Iran literally covered it up with gravel.” Netanyahu Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Facade

It was a bad agreement for the beginning. We said it years ago. And let me tell you a few examples about why it is a bad agreement. You cannot inspect the facilities. You have to let them know in advance if you want to come to inspect the military facilities. It's a joke. They continue with a ballistic missile program. Prime Minister Netanyahu exposed documents that we found in Tehran and we showed it to the world that they're continuing with their ballistic missile program. Third, is the issue of the expiration date. What will happen in five, six, seven years and the most important the President has talk about it is the funding. Today they have a lot of funding and they put into their military and sponsoring their proxies in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen. They're using that money that they're getting from the Europeans to sponsor terrorism all over the world. Rep. Michael McCaul on Iran deal flaws, immigration policy


Pompeo slams Iran’s ‘intimidation’ of IAEA inspector as ‘outrageous’

US secretary of state calls blocking of UN official from nuclear site an ‘unwarranted act of intimidation,’ says alarmed by Tehran’s ‘lack of adequate cooperation’

Pompeo slams Iran’s ‘intimidation’ of IAEA inspector as ‘outrageous’


“Israel's Iran documents show nuclear deal 'was built on lies'

The new secretary of state said the documents were proof "beyond any doubt" that "the Iranian regime was not telling the truth".

"Iran hid a vast atomic archive from the world and from the IAEA - until today," Mr Pompeo added.” Iran nuclear deal built on lies, says US


“After Israel’s Netanyahu unveiled 100,000 files proving the existence of Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program, the Iran Deal’s defenders insisted that they had always known that Iran was lying.

Transparency and serious inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites: two things that the Iran Deal doesn’t have.

The first thing the Iran Deal did was lock away gobs of information, including about its own side deals. The IAEA’s inspections and Joint Commission’s proceedings are secret. The IAEA puts out information, like the number of inspections, but without specific locations, they have no context or meaning.

“The most robust and intrusive inspections and transparency regime ever,” Obama called it, “The most robust inspections and verification regime that we’ve ever had,” Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Iran echo chamber coordinator, claimed. And now it’s even more robust. “FACT: the #IranDeal mandates the most robust nuclear inspections ever peacefully negotiated,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz tweeted.

FACT: Obama, Rhodes and Moniz had already been caught lying about the Iran Deal. All you had to do was listen to the words coming out of their mouths at various times and compare them to each other.

“It cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb,” Obama claimed of the deal. But he had also admitted that it would give Iran a zero breakout time to a bomb. Both statements can’t be true.

“Under this deal you will have anywhere, anytime 24⁄7 access,” Ben Rhodes told CNN. A few months later, he also told CNN, “We never sought in this negotiation the capacity for so-called anytime, anywhere where you could basically go anywhere in the country.”

Moniz, whom the Iran Deal echo chamber trotted out as their expert, didn’t just lie to the media. He had already been caught lying to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee when he claimed that Iran would only be allowed to keep “only 300 kilograms of low (3.67 percent) enriched uranium hexafluoride, and will not exceed this level for fifteen years.”

The truth was that a secret exemption allowed Iran to stockpile “unknown quantities” of LEU.

In 2015, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano announced that the IAEA had inspected the Parchin site, a likely home of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Here’s how the incredibly robust inspection process went, according to Amano. “The Agency has, in certain circumstances, permitted States’ representatives to carry out activities in support of the Agency’s verification work… In the case of Parchin, the Iranian side played a part in the sample-taking process by swiping samples.”

What that actually meant was that the Iranians took the samples and gave them to the IAEA.

According to Iran’s atomic spokesman, the samples were collected “in the absence of the inspectors affiliated to the International Atomic Energy Agency.”


There were no inspections.....and that's just the way Hussein Obama and the mullahs wanted it.
Political Chick is what happens when you take a Japanese Sex Robot, program it with Right Wing Websites, and watch it cut and paste it's way into attempted coherency.


:Click, whirrr... MAGA... Click whirrr
So, Obama funds international terrorism through Iran -- and it's TRUMP'S fault.


Naw, what's Trump's fault is throwing away a perfectly good agreement where Iran was cooperating with the international community.
Even the useless UN said Iran wasn't complying with the "deal".

Why do you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Oh, that's right -- to vaporize Israel.

It's okay, you can say it. It's not like it's a secret.
Political Chick is what happens when you take a Japanese Sex Robot, program it with Right Wing Websites, and watch it cut and paste it's way into attempted coherency.

View attachment 299664
:Click, whirrr... MAGA... Click whirrr





I can see why you are confused.....

....well.....both are cute......
Last edited:
Your moral equivalence is stunning.

No nuclear weapons, no Israel.

But you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Wouldn't bother me a bit... The Zionist Entity is an apartheid abomination.... the world will be so much better off when it ends.

So why does the Zionist Entity get to have Nukes but Iran can't?
Your side lost Word War II. Suck it.
Even the useless UN said Iran wasn't complying with the "deal".

Why do you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Oh, that's right -- to vaporize Israel.

It's okay, you can say it. It's not like it's a secret.

Vaporize the Zionist Entity.... Oh, be still my beating heart.

That would be... um... kind of funny.

Do you have any CREDIBLE evidence that Iran wasn't in compliance after the Trump Administration and the IAEA admitted they were?

I can see why you are confused.....

Hey, if you don't get the insult, that's kind of on you...
Even the useless UN said Iran wasn't complying with the "deal".

Why do you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Oh, that's right -- to vaporize Israel.

It's okay, you can say it. It's not like it's a secret.

Vaporize the Zionist Entity.... Oh, be still my beating heart.

That would be... um... kind of funny.

Do you have any CREDIBLE evidence that Iran wasn't in compliance after the Trump Administration and the IAEA admitted they were?

I can see why you are confused.....

Hey, if you don't get the insult, that's kind of on you...
Irrational hatred of Jews isn't a personality. But it's all you've got.
Irrational hatred of Jews isn't a personality. But it's all you've got.

It's not irrational.

The Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that oppresses the indigenous people of the region.

Also, it's based on religion, which makes it even more noxious. It's the 21st century, time to put away bronze age superstitions.

Do you include Muslim theocracies like Iran?
Do you include Muslim theocracies like Iran?

Iran's "Theocracy" is a problem of our own making, but you are too stupid to understand that.

Iran in 1953 was heading towards Democracy. Then the Iranians voted to stop the British from looting their oil. They overthrew the British Puppet, the Shah. Then we went in and put the Shah back into power and deposed the Democratically elected government.

For the next 26 years, the Shah, being an absolutely evil cocksucker, oppressed his people viciously. the only group he couldn't touch was the clergy, so the Clergy ended up being the focal point of opposition. So when the people FINALLY had enough, they had no one to turn to but the Clergy.

Now, funny thing. Iran has elections. They are probably about as fair and reasonable as our elections. They don't put someone in power after he loses by 3 million votes, for instance. Their system for electing a president is actually- kind of reasonable. If no one gets 50%, they have a run-off. True, all candidates have to be picked by the Ayatollahs, but funny thing, they have an elected President, Prime Minister and Parliament.
Do you include Muslim theocracies like Iran?

Iran's "Theocracy" is a problem of our own making, but you are too stupid to understand that.

Iran in 1953 was heading towards Democracy. Then the Iranians voted to stop the British from looting their oil. They overthrew the British Puppet, the Shah. Then we went in and put the Shah back into power and deposed the Democratically elected government.

For the next 26 years, the Shah, being an absolutely evil cocksucker, oppressed his people viciously. the only group he couldn't touch was the clergy, so the Clergy ended up being the focal point of opposition. So when the people FINALLY had enough, they had no one to turn to but the Clergy.

Now, funny thing. Iran has elections. They are probably about as fair and reasonable as our elections. They don't put someone in power after he loses by 3 million votes, for instance. Their system for electing a president is actually- kind of reasonable. If no one gets 50%, they have a run-off. True, all candidates have to be picked by the Ayatollahs, but funny thing, they have an elected President, Prime Minister and Parliament.

Does not matter how it started, but you are too stupid to understand that.

You blasted religion, just wondering if Islam is included in your criticism of religion.
Does not matter how it started, but you are too stupid to understand that.

You blasted religion, just wondering if Islam is included in your criticism of religion.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't religion, it's imperialism.

Funny thing. back in the 1970's, our biggest complaint with the Middle East was that these secular, nationalist, quasi-Socialist regimes were turning on the west and alligning with the USSR, and we couldn't have that. We largely ENCOURAGED the religious nuts in the middle east because at least they weren't Godless Commies!!!

I'm sure that this information was deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".
Does not matter how it started, but you are too stupid to understand that.

You blasted religion, just wondering if Islam is included in your criticism of religion.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't religion, it's imperialism.

Funny thing. back in the 1970's, our biggest complaint with the Middle East was that these secular, nationalist, quasi-Socialist regimes were turning on the west and alligning with the USSR, and we couldn't have that. We largely ENCOURAGED the religious nuts in the middle east because at least they weren't Godless Commies!!!

I'm sure that this information was deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

You blasted religion. That includes Islam. Funny you won’t criticize that religion. Seems odd and now we all know your angle. Thanks.
Irrational hatred of Jews isn't a personality. But it's all you've got.

It's not irrational.

The Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that oppresses the indigenous people of the region.

Also, it's based on religion, which makes it even more noxious. It's the 21st century, time to put away bronze age superstitions.

Of course it isn't.
Does not matter how it started, but you are too stupid to understand that.

You blasted religion, just wondering if Islam is included in your criticism of religion.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't religion, it's imperialism.

Funny thing. back in the 1970's, our biggest complaint with the Middle East was that these secular, nationalist, quasi-Socialist regimes were turning on the west and alligning with the USSR, and we couldn't have that. We largely ENCOURAGED the religious nuts in the middle east because at least they weren't Godless Commies!!!

I'm sure that this information was deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".

You're such a fool.

Largely because you never read a book, or studied history.

You toss around words like 'imperialism,' never realizing how deeply you've rammed your foot down your throat.

Watch me school you....again:

. “…from Islam's first contact with Western civilization and for more than a millennium thereafter, Muslims behaved not unlike the Islamic State and on the same conviction: that Islam commands war on – and the enslavement or slaughter of – non-Muslims.

During this perennial jihad that began in the seventh century, almost three-quarters of Christendom's original territory – including all of North Africa, Egypt, Greater Syria and Anatolia – was permanently swallowed up by Islam.

European nations and territories that were attacked and/or came under Muslim occupation (sometimes for centuries) include: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Iceland, Denmark, England, Sicily, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Armenia, Georgia, Crete, Cyprus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Belarus, Malta and Sardinia.

Between the 15th and 18th centuries alone, approximately five million Europeans were abducted and enslaved in the name of jihad.” The Dire Consequences of Rewriting Western-Muslim History
Do you include Muslim theocracies like Iran?

Iran's "Theocracy" is a problem of our own making, but you are too stupid to understand that.

Iran in 1953 was heading towards Democracy. Then the Iranians voted to stop the British from looting their oil. They overthrew the British Puppet, the Shah. Then we went in and put the Shah back into power and deposed the Democratically elected government.

For the next 26 years, the Shah, being an absolutely evil cocksucker, oppressed his people viciously. the only group he couldn't touch was the clergy, so the Clergy ended up being the focal point of opposition. So when the people FINALLY had enough, they had no one to turn to but the Clergy.

Now, funny thing. Iran has elections. They are probably about as fair and reasonable as our elections. They don't put someone in power after he loses by 3 million votes, for instance. Their system for electing a president is actually- kind of reasonable. If no one gets 50%, they have a run-off. True, all candidates have to be picked by the Ayatollahs, but funny thing, they have an elected President, Prime Minister and Parliament.

Let's be specific.

It, like most of America's problems, was caused by Democrat policy.

Jimmy Carter was responsible for Iran, just as Franklin Roosevelt is responsible for Communist China.

Carter installed the insane Islamist Ayatollah Khomeini in control of Iran after Carter made certain that our ally, the Shah, got no treatment in America, for his cancer.

Khomeini and his allies in Iran actually reached out to the Americans, to whom he promised a) to hold the country together, calming the unrest, b) to keep the communists out, and c) to keep the oil flowing. That’s all Carter had to hear! Carter then intercedes with the Iranian military on behalf of Khomeini and in opposition to Bakhtiar, and that the US would not support any coup in favor of the Shah. In 1991, Bakhtiar was assassinated.

a. Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy, contrary to all that he had written while in exile. In over 110 interviews he gave in Paris in the three months prior to re-entering Iran, he never mentioned the rule of the ‘juriscouncil,’ the clerical guardianship, i.e., the regime in control currently. He promised that he would retire to a life of study, and “…leave all powers to the people.”

b. The first constitution that was written was democratic! Khomeini flew to Iran in February, ’79. Within weeks he began to marginalize democracy forces. Soon a new constitution was written with the rule of the guardians at its center. November 4, of ’79 was the attack on the US embassy and taking of the hostages for 444 days.

c. The Islamic Revolution, so-called, was originally about the desire for political freedom. The Shah had given Iranians economic freedom via the White Revolution of 1963, and this was the groundwork for the unrest of ’78. How ironic is it that in 1978, Jews, Christians, and even Baha’is could, generally, live their private lives pretty much as they wished. In 1975 there were 150,000 Jews in Iran…even today there are about 20,000, which is more than the other Muslim countries combined. The Shah had mistakenly believed that giving his people this economic prosperity would give them reason to forego political freedom.

You really should take notes.....you dunce.
You blasted religion. That includes Islam. Funny you won’t criticize that religion. Seems odd and now we all know your angle. Thanks.

Muslims don't bother me. That's why I don't blast them. I also don't blast Sihks or Hindus or Shintos for the same reason.

Christians and Jews are another story.

And now a word from the Malfunctioning bot.


Let's be specific.

It, like most of America's problems, was caused by Democrat policy.

Jimmy Carter was responsible for Iran, just as Franklin Roosevelt is responsible for Communist China.

Not that I expect an answer, but what was Jimmy Carter really supposed to do to keep the Shah from being overthrown by his own people?

Send in the troops? We really didn't have troops to send at that point after the build down following the end of Vietnam.

Also, just six years after Vietnam ended, no one wanted to get in the middle of someone else's civil war. Jimmy Carter got a lot of heat for just reactivating Selective Service.

c. The Islamic Revolution, so-called, was originally about the desire for political freedom. The Shah had given Iranians economic freedom via the White Revolution of 1963, and this was the groundwork for the unrest of ’78. How ironic is it that in 1978, Jews, Christians, and even Baha’is could, generally, live their private lives pretty much as they wished. In 1975 there were 150,000 Jews in Iran…even today there are about 20,000, which is more than the other Muslim countries combined. The Shah had mistakenly believed that giving his people this economic prosperity would give them reason to forego political freedom.

yeah, the reason why there aren't any Jews in Iran anymore... because Jews tend to wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Probably has a lot more to do with what the Zionists were doing over in Palestine than anything Jimmy Carter did.

The Shah was a murdering piece of garbage. That's why his own people rose up against him. Thank God Jimmy Carter had the good sense not to get us in the middle of that mess.
You blasted religion. That includes Islam. Funny you won’t criticize that religion. Seems odd and now we all know your angle. Thanks.

Muslims don't bother me. That's why I don't blast them. I also don't blast Sihks or Hindus or Shintos for the same reason.

Christians and Jews are another story.

And now a word from the Malfunctioning bot.

View attachment 299812

Let's be specific.

It, like most of America's problems, was caused by Democrat policy.

Jimmy Carter was responsible for Iran, just as Franklin Roosevelt is responsible for Communist China.

Not that I expect an answer, but what was Jimmy Carter really supposed to do to keep the Shah from being overthrown by his own people?

Send in the troops? We really didn't have troops to send at that point after the build down following the end of Vietnam.

Also, just six years after Vietnam ended, no one wanted to get in the middle of someone else's civil war. Jimmy Carter got a lot of heat for just reactivating Selective Service.

c. The Islamic Revolution, so-called, was originally about the desire for political freedom. The Shah had given Iranians economic freedom via the White Revolution of 1963, and this was the groundwork for the unrest of ’78. How ironic is it that in 1978, Jews, Christians, and even Baha’is could, generally, live their private lives pretty much as they wished. In 1975 there were 150,000 Jews in Iran…even today there are about 20,000, which is more than the other Muslim countries combined. The Shah had mistakenly believed that giving his people this economic prosperity would give them reason to forego political freedom.

yeah, the reason why there aren't any Jews in Iran anymore... because Jews tend to wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Probably has a lot more to do with what the Zionists were doing over in Palestine than anything Jimmy Carter did.

The Shah was a murdering piece of garbage. That's why his own people rose up against him. Thank God Jimmy Carter had the good sense not to get us in the middle of that mess.

If you are critical of religion, include them all. If you are only critical of Christianity, you need to say that and not hide behind vague verbiage.

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