Just Wait 'til This Hits the Press....

Trump will not pass on this plum.

Hillary Clinton: Cocaine Addict | RevolutionRadio.org
Dr. Deagle feels that at least some of her medical problems are likely early Parkinsonā€™s due to chronic hard drug abuse.

Americans simply cannot take another former bi-sexual drug abuser in the White House. Currently, THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS IS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN DEAD AND DYING. Most of our nationā€™s industrial might has been shipped overseas while OUR nation deteriorates before our very eyes. If Donald Trump gets the Republican Presidential Nomination, and the hidden evil forces donā€™t manage to kill him, he will absolutely ā€œeat Hillary aliveā€ in the General Election based on her record and her ā€˜problemsā€™. I look forward to it.

BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About to Rock Hillary's Campaign!
According to a bombshell new report, Hillary Clintonā€™s campaign will now have to answer major questions involving drug addiction.
Your OP's "story" has it's roots in a trash piece by the NATIONAL INQUIRER from last November! Since then, Bill's alleged addiction spread into Hillary heading up a campaign to suppress the news about Bill's alleged addiction by any and all means in November just after the INQUIRER hit piece, followed by the bullshit story morphing last April into Hillary being not only addicted to cocaine, but also bi-sexual!

The entire OP is such pure horseshit, Bubba, that one can only question your grasp on reality! Damn dumb to post such crap!

Links in order:
1. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Bill's Cocaine Rehab
2. BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About to Rock Hillary's Campaign!
3. Hillary Clinton: Cocaine Addict | RevolutionRadio.org
I see that this seems to have been ignored.

I wonder why....
Because it's bullshit.
Bullshit how?

Your OP was a story that was reported by the National Enquirer and has no actual facts located in it.

Is it bullshit to point that out?
Trump will not pass on this plum.

Hillary Clinton: Cocaine Addict | RevolutionRadio.org
Dr. Deagle feels that at least some of her medical problems are likely early Parkinsonā€™s due to chronic hard drug abuse.

Americans simply cannot take another former bi-sexual drug abuser in the White House. Currently, THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS IS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN DEAD AND DYING. Most of our nationā€™s industrial might has been shipped overseas while OUR nation deteriorates before our very eyes. If Donald Trump gets the Republican Presidential Nomination, and the hidden evil forces donā€™t manage to kill him, he will absolutely ā€œeat Hillary aliveā€ in the General Election based on her record and her ā€˜problemsā€™. I look forward to it.

BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About to Rock Hillary's Campaign!
According to a bombshell new report, Hillary Clintonā€™s campaign will now have to answer major questions involving drug addiction.
Your OP's "story" has it's roots in a trash piece by the NATIONAL INQUIRER from last November! Since then, Bill's alleged addiction spread into Hillary heading up a campaign to suppress the news about Bill's alleged addiction by any and all means in November just after the INQUIRER hit piece, followed by the bullshit story morphing last April into Hillary being not only addicted to cocaine, but also bi-sexual!

The entire OP is such pure horseshit, Bubba, that one can only question your grasp on reality! Damn dumb to post such crap!

Links in order:
1. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Bill's Cocaine Rehab
2. BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About to Rock Hillary's Campaign!
3. Hillary Clinton: Cocaine Addict | RevolutionRadio.org
I see that this seems to have been ignored.

I wonder why....
Because it's bullshit.
If it's bullshit, then prove it, Bubba! Hell, I even used your own links in the OP and added the NATIONAL INQUIRER to show the initiating source of the horseshit you tried to pass off as news worthy and to highlight the horseshit baiting thread title, "Just Wait 'til This Hits the Press...." seven months after that hit piece came out in that yellow garbage rag "magazine".

How did that work out, Bubba? Any of the MSM pick your news flash up and run with it in the Friday PM news dump, genius?
Trump will not pass on this plum.

Hillary Clinton: Cocaine Addict | RevolutionRadio.org
Dr. Deagle feels that at least some of her medical problems are likely early Parkinsonā€™s due to chronic hard drug abuse.

Americans simply cannot take another former bi-sexual drug abuser in the White House. Currently, THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS IS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN DEAD AND DYING. Most of our nationā€™s industrial might has been shipped overseas while OUR nation deteriorates before our very eyes. If Donald Trump gets the Republican Presidential Nomination, and the hidden evil forces donā€™t manage to kill him, he will absolutely ā€œeat Hillary aliveā€ in the General Election based on her record and her ā€˜problemsā€™. I look forward to it.

BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About to Rock Hillary's Campaign!
According to a bombshell new report, Hillary Clintonā€™s campaign will now have to answer major questions involving drug addiction.

Ah, today's politically impotent Right Wingers - too ignorant to discuss substantive issues and so petrified of a 5' 5" Grandmother that they eschew their personal character and integrity to peddle tabloid shit.
So you guys think Trump never did any blow? Give me a break! A rich kid in NY? You people are very quick to forget that a HUGE percentage of people dabbled in drugs when they were young. No way Clinton didn't have a line or two and Trump the same. When you get older and have responsibilities you put that behavior behind but when you are young and going to the NY hot spots just about EVERYBODY that had a great life did cocaine. It was a status symbol and frankly it got you laid too if you had the "kind".

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