Just what is it with the Law and Politicians.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
I have no idea what is going on with the Law and Congress. We average people are taught to obey the law or else we pay for our violating them. Yet it seems that people who are rich or connected get away with Murder. I look at Kennedy who kill the girl who was with child in Mass. Yet the keep getting elected. In Ohio a driver DWI killed a Mother and three kids. His Father knew the right people yet he walked away with no criminal charges. The family paid a lot of money. We see the Clintons for years being suspected of criminal acts yet no charges are forth comings. In Fla a Lawyer Alcee Hastings served on the Criminal Courts for years, was appointed to the Federal Court in Broward Fla, while on the court he had a friend sell his decisions for cash. He was impeached by Congress and removed from Office, he ran for Congress and was elected and to this day he is reelected by people who know his background. Yet we have people in prison who sold a half oz of coke or a few lbs of pot who are serving 22 years or more. This does not look like the law is balanced or fair. Coming up soon in Congress is a Crime control act that is going to try to reduce the time served by these people please support it and get the Bros out of jail. It is only fair. I know Soros wants it because he thinks it will get Progressive moving on getting the inmates the right to vote back. This would be wrong unless they have served all their time.
FYI, Mary Jo Kopechne wasn't pregnant nor was she seeing or sleeping with Ted Kennedy! Mary Jo Kopechne's Family Hopes New Chappaquiddick Film Will Remind People 'Who She Was'

As far as the right to vote after prison or while in prison.... ALL MEN eligible to vote in the USA could vote while in prison, until after the Civil War and the 14th amendment giving black men the right to vote... then one by one, starting with the southern states, the states changed their laws and took away the right to vote for prisoners, so to keep black men, from voting... since most men in prison were black.

MY STATE of Maine allows all adults in prison to vote, and never changed its laws to prevent them from voting.... there is one other state that also allows prisoners to vote....

so your comment about it being wrong to allow felons to vote, I disagree with you... it isn't against the law in every state right now.... just the states that want to discriminate and disenfranchise, black voters.... it should have never changed to disenfranchise prisoners in the first place imo.
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I have no idea what is going on with the Law and Congress. We average people are taught to obey the law or else we pay for our violating them. Yet it seems that people who are rich or connected get away with Murder. I look at Kennedy who kill the girl who was with child in Mass. Yet the keep getting elected. In Ohio a driver DWI killed a Mother and three kids. His Father knew the right people yet he walked away with no criminal charges. The family paid a lot of money. We see the Clintons for years being suspected of criminal acts yet no charges are forth comings. In Fla a Lawyer Alcee Hastings served on the Criminal Courts for years, was appointed to the Federal Court in Broward Fla, while on the court he had a friend sell his decisions for cash. He was impeached by Congress and removed from Office, he ran for Congress and was elected and to this day he is reelected by people who know his background. Yet we have people in prison who sold a half oz of coke or a few lbs of pot who are serving 22 years or more. This does not look like the law is balanced or fair. Coming up soon in Congress is a Crime control act that is going to try to reduce the time served by these people please support it and get the Bros out of jail. It is only fair. I know Soros wants it because he thinks it will get Progressive moving on getting the inmates the right to vote back. This would be wrong unless they have served all their time.
The problem is this sort of ignorance of the law and propensity for lying common to most conservatives as exhibited in this thread’s premise.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘Soros’ or ‘progressives’ – which is rightwing demagoguery.

And it’s perfectly appropriate to restore the civil rights of felons once they’ve served their sentence – including restoring the right to vote.
I have no idea what is going on with the Law and Congress. We average people are taught to obey the law or else we pay for our violating them. Yet it seems that people who are rich or connected get away with Murder.....

Sounds like you get the idea after all....



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