Just What Is Wrong With The GOP?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
While the democrats in control of nothing, still seemingly control everything, investigating whether Jared has night emissions and whether Donnie Junior is a threat to the nation, the GOP in control of everything, flop around like big smelly fish in the belly of a boat in the hot sun.

IRS blocks countless conservative organizations to help Obama to second term, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary lets four guys die in Libya while she runs guns to the rebels, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary steals tens of thousands of government files containing evidence of her using her Secretary office to solicit millions into her personal foundation in exchange for favors, then destroys the evidence with the apparent complicity of FBI director Comey and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Loretta drops off to give Big Willy a Fast Quickie on the plane before dropping his investigation and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Obama conceals all kinds of factors in the Iran deal never told to the nation at the time, gets nothing in return, does all kinds of strange flip flops for traitor Bowe Bergdahl, gets nothing in return, sucks up to Castro in Cuba, gets nothing in return, tries to shut down american coal industry and kiss up to european globalists with nothing to show in return, even consolidates all 17 Intel agencies right before leaving so that every piece of info is lost amongst them all and leaks become certain and impossible to trace, and

HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS HAVE THE GOP successfully, aggressively, sheepishly investigated? None of them AFAIK.

Gee, if the Democrats don't get somewhere with at least ONE of their Trump investigations and turn something up on him, they run the risk of looking to be as bad as the GOP!
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Ah yes, the angst of perpetual living with unrealistic expectations.

you fellas work yourself up with wishful conspiracy theories and then are disappointed that they don't get proven by someone.
Beats me. Perhaps Republicans don't gain as much because the GOP concentrates on the letter of the law while with the Democrats it is simply the spirit of the law?

I heard that one thing that came out of the Benghazi investigation of Hillary was the fact that she used a private server. On Benghazi I didn't know who to believe. However the private server matter was a black-and-white issue that easily allowed me to make my own judgement upon. So I wouldn't consider the GOP investigations a complete loss.
whats wrong with the GOP?

for starters ...

While the democrats in control of nothing, still seemingly control everything, investigating whether Jared has night emissions and whether Donnie Junior is a threat to the nation, the GOP in control of everything, flop around like big smelly fish in the belly of a boat in the hot sun.

IRS blocks countless conservative organizations to help Obama to second term, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary lets four guys die in Libya while she runs guns to the rebels, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary steals tens of thousands of government files containing evidence of her using her Secretary office to solicit millions into her personal foundation in exchange for favors, then destroys the evidence with the apparent complicity of FBI director Comey and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Loretta drops off to give Big Willy a Fast Quickie on the plane before dropping his investigation and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Obama conceals all kinds of factors in the Iran deal never told to the nation at the time, gets nothing in return, does all kinds of strange flip flops for traitor Bowe Bergdahl, gets nothing in return, sucks up to Castro in Cuba, gets nothing in return, tries to shut down american coal industry and kiss up to european globalists with nothing to show in return, even consolidates all 17 Intel agencies right before leaving so that every piece of info is lost amongst them all and leaks become certain and impossible to trace, and

HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS HAVE THE GOP successfully, aggressively, sheepishly investigated? None of them AFAIK.

Gee, if the Democrats don't get somewhere with at least ONE of their Trump investigations and turn something up on him, they run the risk of looking to be as bad as the GOP!
The GOP is an incompetent opposition party.

They play to never lose and consequently never win because of that.
The op is full of lies . And that's what's wrong with the GOP . They lie all the time .
The fact remains there is no difference between the parties, because they are controlled/owned by career politicians an incestuous breed that lets no one else in.
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While the democrats in control of nothing, still seemingly control everything, investigating whether Jared has night emissions and whether Donnie Junior is a threat to the nation, the GOP in control of everything, flop around like big smelly fish in the belly of a boat in the hot sun.

IRS blocks countless conservative organizations to help Obama to second term, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary lets four guys die in Libya while she runs guns to the rebels, what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Hillary steals tens of thousands of government files containing evidence of her using her Secretary office to solicit millions into her personal foundation in exchange for favors, then destroys the evidence with the apparent complicity of FBI director Comey and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Loretta drops off to give Big Willy a Fast Quickie on the plane before dropping his investigation and what does the GOP turn up in investigations and hearings? NOTHING.

Obama conceals all kinds of factors in the Iran deal never told to the nation at the time, gets nothing in return, does all kinds of strange flip flops for traitor Bowe Bergdahl, gets nothing in return, sucks up to Castro in Cuba, gets nothing in return, tries to shut down american coal industry and kiss up to european globalists with nothing to show in return, even consolidates all 17 Intel agencies right before leaving so that every piece of info is lost amongst them all and leaks become certain and impossible to trace, and

HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS HAVE THE GOP successfully, aggressively, sheepishly investigated? None of them AFAIK.

Gee, if the Democrats don't get somewhere with at least ONE of their Trump investigations and turn something up on him, they run the risk of looking to be as bad as the GOP!
Should the right wing ask Kentucky Colonels, for leadership advice?
Will the OP answer one thing?

If you are in charge of defending Americans in a certain location and
- Your get notified that a massive attack is going to happen on a certain day in the future
- Every other nation pulls their people out because of growing violence before that day
- 2 terrorist attacks are committed against Americans before that day
- The Ambassador has asked you more than 50 times for additional security

Are you really...
- Going to be the only one to leave your people there?
- Going to ignore the threat of a terrorist attack on that day?
- Going to deny the Ambassador of that additional security....50+ times?
- Going to ignore 2 terrorist attacks already on their location?
- Going to TAKE AWAY some of the existing security AFTER those 2 terrorist attacks...like Hillary did?

Yeah, Hillary and her State department did all of this, which all came out during the investigation...And this is what you treasonous party-1st MFs call 'Nothing'.

Hillary should just be glad being stupid and incompetent as hell aren't criminal offenses because her ass would have been convicted and given a 'life' sentence.

Her biggest, most imprtant job was to keep Americans safe...and she f*ed that up.
The fact remains there is no difference between the parties, because they are controlled/owned by career politicians an incestuous breed that lets no one else in.

theres a big difference ... the RussianWingers are getting their ass handed to them by their own party.
The fact remains there is no difference between the parties, because they are controlled/owned by career politicians an incestuous breed that lets no one else in.

theres a big difference ... the RussianWingers are getting their ass handed to them by their own party.
There needs to be single term limits, if anyone wants to start trying to fix this country. Fact
Beats me. Perhaps Republicans don't gain as much because the GOP concentrates on the letter of the law while with the Democrats it is simply the spirit of the law?

I heard that one thing that came out of the Benghazi investigation of Hillary was the fact that she used a private server. On Benghazi I didn't know who to believe. However the private server matter was a black-and-white issue that easily allowed me to make my own judgement upon. So I wouldn't consider the GOP investigations a complete loss.
Oh yeah working with Putin to win an election is sticking to the letter of the law. LOL

The current occupant of the WH is a corrupt lying bully. That's what's wrong with the gop. They lost their moral highground, and considering Hillary was the dem nominee, that is no mean feat. He tried to bully the media and the intelligence agencies over Russia, and they're ramming it right up his fat ass.

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