Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

“President Trump oversaw a sophisticated seven-part plan to overturn the 2020 election and prevent the transition of presidential power.

  1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.
  2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.
  3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.
  4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.
  5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.
  6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.
  7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.
The plot was not confined to the events of Jan. 6.
#6 and #7 are bullshit.
On January 3rd Trump requested 10,000 national guard troops to keep the peace on 1/6. His request was denied.
Before January 6th Capitol Police Chief Sund requested the National Guard for 1/6. His request was denied.

The "riot" was an FBI setup enabled by democrats (Pelosi & Bowser) keeping the National Guard from being there.
#6 and #7 are bullshit.
On January 3rd Trump requested 10,000 national guard troops to keep the peace on 1/6. His request was denied.

No he didn't.

Or was this right after releasing his great health care plan everyone was going to love?
The fucking problem is your side is using gov to attack political opponents.

History is full Tyrannical fucks like you.

We see you as the problem. We need a divorce
Being against cults does not make a person either a leftist or a Democrat.

You are ignorant of my politics. As a Trumpster, you are just plain ignorant.
No he didn't. Or was this right after releasing his great health care plan everyone was going to love?
Stop lying.

The fucking problem is your side is using gov to attack political opponents.
Please do me the favor of starting another thread on that topic. Or comment on the many threads that have already been started. This one is about the degree to which Repubs are in denial about what Trump did.
The "riot" was an FBI setup enabled by democrats (Pelosi & Bowser) keeping the National Guard from being there.
Pardon me for not entertaining your delusional conspiracy theory this time around.
Stop lying.

What you are arguing is that Trump was so weak, no one paid any attention to anything he said.
What you are arguing is that Trump was so weak, no one paid any attention to anything he said.
He followed protocol and was DENIED!
Was he supposed to be the DICTATOR you claim he is and order the National Guard to deploy to DC illegally?
Weak. Imagine the president demanding something and people ignoring him.

I never claimed he was a dictator. I claimed he was empty words.
There's nothing to "imagine", that's what happened!
Stop lying.

Should I assume your myopic focus on the matter of the NG troops means you too believe the lie Trump did not participate in trying to overturn the election?

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