Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

Which is a stupid stance given you can't pray and protest at the same time. If you know the slightest thing about prayer, it doesn't involve protest.

So you lied, got caught, and now put forth more bs that prayer cannot involve protest.

Dr. Martin Luther King, “Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.”

I guess you can't see that as prayer from the greatest civil rights "protest" leader that ever lived.

How would you know s purpose greater than yourself since you are a right winger and far superior to that uncivilized race that believe good is evil and evil is good and refuse to accept authority or obey commands.

We have a race of people in our country who refuse to accept authority or obey commands. Of course that would be a problem in a civilized society. They were raised by parents that taught them good is evil and evil is good. They were raised to hate police and authority. In other words, they were raised as Democrats.

Do you see how sicko you are yet?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085142
I'm sure most police agree with me. The Chief? He's a chief in an all Democrat run city for crying out loud.

So is he anti-American and Anti/Police? Answer the question. Don't hide from it.

You don't need most.. You need every single one. And the fact is you don't really know. So stop with the lies. You've been caught in a pretty big one here already this evening.
So you lied, got caught, and now put forth more bs that prayer cannot involve protest.

Dr. Martin Luther King, “Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.”

I guess you can't see that as prayer from the greatest civil rights "protest" leader that ever lived.

How would you know s purpose greater than yourself since you are a right winger and far superior to that uncivilized race that believe good is evil and evil is good and refuse to accept authority or obey commands.

King was just praying and that was it. I don't recall him praying while the Anthem was playing.

Police are the good. Criminals are the bad. Do you need me to elaborate on that?????

In every police shooting or physical altercation, all suspects had one thing in common: they didn't listen to the commands of the police officer(s). The only reason they refused is because they didn't respect the authority that we gave our police officers.

In very few cases, police officers attacked suspects that did obey their commands, but those officers were held accountable and were plain bad cops. They were either fired, charged, and even convicted. As for the rest, they were all acquitted of the charges.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085142
I'm sure most police agree with me. The Chief? He's a chief in an all Democrat run city for crying out loud.

So is he anti-American and Anti/Police? Answer the question. Don't hide from it.

You don't need most.. You need every single one. And the fact is you don't really know. So stop with the lies. You've been caught in a pretty big one here already this evening.

Only in your tiny mind.

The Chief is a politician. If you know any police officers (and I doubt you do) police work is politics. When you are promoted to the highest position of a police force, you are involved in politics more than ever, and Cleveland is entirely run by Democrats.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085142
I'm sure most police agree with me. The Chief? He's a chief in an all Democrat run city for crying out loud.

Well Cleveland is the great Democrat run city that the Browns represent. You can tell because their NFL name is Cleveland Browns.

So you are the odd man out there. Quit bitching. Your racist cause is doomed in our multicultural America that flies the flag fir all races and religions, not just yours.
Not at all. But did you ever hear of the adage "A time and a place for everything?"

In other words, if any of those players were being interviewed and expressed their moronic concerns about our police, I would have no problem with that. I do have a problem with that when they do so during the National Anthem and facing our flag.

Free speech? Sure they have that right, and they decided to display their hatred of our country in their free speech.

Yes, I've heard lots of sayings. But then again I'd say that the time for protest is when the anthem is playing, and not in the middle of the football game.

No, they didn't decide to display their hatred for their country at all. This is just YOUR interpretation of it. A country where protesting the flag isn't denounced as hatred because it's protected by the constitution. I'd say someone who denounces such things is the one showing their hatred.

Given the fact you can protest anytime you desire, to select protesting during the anthem and in facing our flag is venting your hatred for our country. After all, what is the point of the National Anthem? It's to show respect for our flag and country. To do just the opposite is showing disrespect for our flag, anthem and country.

You can protest while you're taking a shit on the toilet. But who's listening?

The fact that they protested and we are talking about it, shows that there are times and places to protest which are actually effective. This is what the founding fathers wanted.

It's still not hatred of the country. Otherwise the Constitution is hatred of the country and so were the founding fathers.

Do you think the Constitution is anti-American Ray? Seriously?

It doesn't have to be unconstitutional to disrespect our country and anthem. You can do that if you desire by our laws. After all, nobody got arrested, did they?

Yes, their childish behavior did get attention, and I'm showing them the result of that attention and so are thousands of others.

Well, again Ray, you think it's disrespectful, you think it's childish behavior. That's what you think and based on my experience of you, I know you're not going to change from your partisan views. So, is there any reason to go back and forward you saying what you think and me saying what I think? Not really.

You have your belief, and you can say it, you can protest it. I have mine and can do the same, and they can do their.

Protesting the anthem or flag is not only legal, it's protected by the Constitution. That IS WHAT AMERICA IS. You're the one who seems to hate that.

Correct, I do hate that. It was never an issue about legalities or constitutionalism. It was an issue about respect or in this case, disrespect.

If you approve of that kind of behavior, then watch the games. For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085264
King was just praying and that was it. I don't recall him praying while the Anthem was pla

I didn't say he did. You can stop lying anytime now.

My point was against your bs demand that protestors can't you prayer as part of a protest.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085142
I'm sure most police agree with me. The Chief? He's a chief in an all Democrat run city for crying out loud.

Well Cleveland is the great Democrat run city that the Browns represent. You can tell because their NFL name is Cleveland Browns.

So you are the odd man out there. Quit bitching. Your racist cause is doomed in our multicultural America that flies the flag fir all races and religions, not just yours.

So where in any of my posts did I mention or even hint at race? What's racist about supporting our police unless you are a criminal yourself?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085264
King was just praying and that was it. I don't recall him praying while the Anthem was pla

I didn't say he did. You can stop lying anytime now.

My point was against your bs demand that protestors can't you prayer as part of a protest.

And King was not praying as part of a protest. I don't know where that quote came from, but he may have been at a protest, and he may have said a prayer. But he didn't do both at the same time. He did not protest in prayer.
NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season
The NFL has reached yet another new height.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085294,
For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.

More fantasy world bs. Many factors affected ratings last year. See the factors.

. McManus said he believed the biggest factor in last year’s decline was news coverage of the election, particularly in the primetime windows. “That was an important factor,” he said. “Then there was the retirement of Peyton Manning, the fact that Tom Brady wasn’t playing the first four weeks, J.J. Watt not playing, I think those storylines were a factor. There were also some less than compelling games, quite frankly. The Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in that many years. They were all factors that contributed.

But viewership was up by five million. That is the opposite of some boycott over anthem protests.

"The issue of how much the anthem protests—fueled by former Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick— impacted ratings remains highly debated in sports television circles. Earlier in the week, Mike Mulvihill, the executive vice president of research, league operations and strategy for Fox Sports, emphatically told Sports Business Daily media reporter John Ourand that any NFL viewer backlash to Kaepernick was not a factor in the NFL declines. He made his point based on the total number of people that watched any amount of the NFL regular season—a number that grew by five million viewers."

CBS study: Kaepernick was factor in NFL ratings dip

Other factors are Gamepass and fantasy football. I watch football out of loyalty to my home team. Never played fantasy football. Many fantasy players don't watch games anymore the just follow stats on line and big plays.

I like gamepass. Just got it this year but I don't think it gets counted in typical market tv ratings.
NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season
The NFL has reached yet another new height.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085294,
For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.

More fantasy world bs. Many factors affected ratings last year. See the factors.

. McManus said he believed the biggest factor in last year’s decline was news coverage of the election, particularly in the primetime windows. “That was an important factor,” he said. “Then there was the retirement of Peyton Manning, the fact that Tom Brady wasn’t playing the first four weeks, J.J. Watt not playing, I think those storylines were a factor. There were also some less than compelling games, quite frankly. The Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in that many years. They were all factors that contributed.

But viewership was up by five million. That is the opposite of some boycott over anthem protests.

"The issue of how much the anthem protests—fueled by former Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick— impacted ratings remains highly debated in sports television circles. Earlier in the week, Mike Mulvihill, the executive vice president of research, league operations and strategy for Fox Sports, emphatically told Sports Business Daily media reporter John Ourand that any NFL viewer backlash to Kaepernick was not a factor in the NFL declines. He made his point based on the total number of people that watched any amount of the NFL regular season—a number that grew by five million viewers."

CBS study: Kaepernick was factor in NFL ratings dip

Other factors are Gamepass and fantasy football. I watch football out of loyalty to my home team. Never played fantasy football. Many fantasy players don't watch games anymore the just follow stats on line and big plays.

I like gamepass. Just got it this year but I don't think it gets counted in typical market tv ratings.

Survey: Protests top reason NFL ratings dipped

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085294,
And King was not praying as part of a protest. I don't know where that quote came from, but he may have been at a protest, and he may have said a prayer. But he didn't do both at the same time. He did not protest in prayer.

So you don't know, yet you spew your crap.

Do prayers have to be "said" in your religion?

The Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, or Prayer Pilgrimage to Washington, was a 1957 demonstration in Washington, D.C., an early event of the Civil Rights Movement, and the occasion for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Give Us the Ballot" speech.

Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr. had asked the planners not to embarrass the Eisenhower administration, thus the event was organized as a prayer commemoration.[2] A call for the demonstration was issued on April 5, 1957, by Randolph, Martin Luther King Jr., and Roy Wilkins

Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom - Wikipedia

That began in 1957. Of course who would have known that sixty years later some white dude in Cleveland would be telling black people that they cannot protest and pray at the sane time.

Never s shortage of fools in this country.
NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season
The NFL has reached yet another new height.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085294,
For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.

More fantasy world bs. Many factors affected ratings last year. See the factors.

. McManus said he believed the biggest factor in last year’s decline was news coverage of the election, particularly in the primetime windows. “That was an important factor,” he said. “Then there was the retirement of Peyton Manning, the fact that Tom Brady wasn’t playing the first four weeks, J.J. Watt not playing, I think those storylines were a factor. There were also some less than compelling games, quite frankly. The Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in that many years. They were all factors that contributed.

But viewership was up by five million. That is the opposite of some boycott over anthem protests.

"The issue of how much the anthem protests—fueled by former Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick— impacted ratings remains highly debated in sports television circles. Earlier in the week, Mike Mulvihill, the executive vice president of research, league operations and strategy for Fox Sports, emphatically told Sports Business Daily media reporter John Ourand that any NFL viewer backlash to Kaepernick was not a factor in the NFL declines. He made his point based on the total number of people that watched any amount of the NFL regular season—a number that grew by five million viewers."

CBS study: Kaepernick was factor in NFL ratings dip

Other factors are Gamepass and fantasy football. I watch football out of loyalty to my home team. Never played fantasy football. Many fantasy players don't watch games anymore the just follow stats on line and big plays.

I like gamepass. Just got it this year but I don't think it gets counted in typical market tv ratings.

Survey: Protests top reason NFL ratings dipped


Don't you ever read what you post?

J.D. Power noted that only 12 percent of the fans it surveyed said they watched fewer NFL games last season, with 27 percent of people saying they watched more and 62 percent saying they watched just as much as they had the season before.

89% NFL Fans watched the same or more in 2016.

That is your best response to your this?

NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season The NFL has reached yet another new height.

So your boycott movement consists of 1/4 of 1/8 of those polled who watch the NFL. And the NFL makes record profits.
Last edited:
COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio Supreme Court justice is criticizing some Cleveland Browns players who prayed in silent protest during the national anthem before a game.

Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

O’Neill notes he’s a Vietnam veteran whose family has a history of military service. He’s also the lone Democrat holding a statewide office in Ohio.

More than a dozen Browns players kneeled and formed a circle on the sideline during the anthem Monday. Tight end Seth DeValve says he wanted “to pray for our country.”

Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey talked to FOX 8 News on Tuesday, and said, “Respect to all the veterans, respect to the military — we are not protesting against them. We have our reasons for doing what we did, and last night felt like the right time to do it, and that’s why we did it.”

The protest was the largest in a social-consciousness movement started last season by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick currently a free agent.

Ohio Supreme Court justice blasts Browns over anthem protest

I say good for him. A man that served our country realizing the anti-American stances taken by these un-appreciative Americans who are millionaires because they do live in this great country.

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Screw them. Boycott all Cleveland Browns games and products if you are a real American.

Those jackass Browns, it isn't like they have anything else to do! It's not like they will win any games. They are the laughing stock of the NFL. Don't worry, next Sunday their first game they go up against the Steelers and they will clean the Brown's clocks. They will need all the prayers they can muster.
The judge is wrong. Those men are honoring those who fought and still fight to preserve the right to demonstrate peacefully in this nation.

Demonstrate is one thing. Disrespecting our flag or anthem is down right anti-American. Those solders fought for that flag and anthem.

You are ignorant and wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with me is ignorant/deplorable/racist ...


Gee ... I just can't figure out how you guys lost the election.

Hey, that photo would make a great model for a new pencil sharpener! Stick the pencil in her mouth and crank. If someone makes one, I will definitely buy it!
NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season
The NFL has reached yet another new height.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18085294,
For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.

More fantasy world bs. Many factors affected ratings last year. See the factors.

. McManus said he believed the biggest factor in last year’s decline was news coverage of the election, particularly in the primetime windows. “That was an important factor,” he said. “Then there was the retirement of Peyton Manning, the fact that Tom Brady wasn’t playing the first four weeks, J.J. Watt not playing, I think those storylines were a factor. There were also some less than compelling games, quite frankly. The Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in that many years. They were all factors that contributed.

But viewership was up by five million. That is the opposite of some boycott over anthem protests.

"The issue of how much the anthem protests—fueled by former Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick— impacted ratings remains highly debated in sports television circles. Earlier in the week, Mike Mulvihill, the executive vice president of research, league operations and strategy for Fox Sports, emphatically told Sports Business Daily media reporter John Ourand that any NFL viewer backlash to Kaepernick was not a factor in the NFL declines. He made his point based on the total number of people that watched any amount of the NFL regular season—a number that grew by five million viewers."

CBS study: Kaepernick was factor in NFL ratings dip

Other factors are Gamepass and fantasy football. I watch football out of loyalty to my home team. Never played fantasy football. Many fantasy players don't watch games anymore the just follow stats on line and big plays.

I like gamepass. Just got it this year but I don't think it gets counted in typical market tv ratings.

Survey: Protests top reason NFL ratings dipped


Don't you ever read what you post?

J.D. Power noted that only 12 percent of the fans it surveyed said they watched fewer NFL games last season, with 27 percent of people saying they watched more and 62 percent saying they watched just as much as they had the season before.

89% NFL Fans watched the same or more in 2016.

That is your best response to your this?

NFL rakes in an incredible $14 billion during 2016 season The NFL has reached yet another new height.

So your boycott movement consists of 1/4 of 1/8 of those polled who watch the NFL. And the NFL makes record profits.

Super Bowl's TV ratings slip for the second straight year
Yes, I've heard lots of sayings. But then again I'd say that the time for protest is when the anthem is playing, and not in the middle of the football game.

No, they didn't decide to display their hatred for their country at all. This is just YOUR interpretation of it. A country where protesting the flag isn't denounced as hatred because it's protected by the constitution. I'd say someone who denounces such things is the one showing their hatred.

Given the fact you can protest anytime you desire, to select protesting during the anthem and in facing our flag is venting your hatred for our country. After all, what is the point of the National Anthem? It's to show respect for our flag and country. To do just the opposite is showing disrespect for our flag, anthem and country.

You can protest while you're taking a shit on the toilet. But who's listening?

The fact that they protested and we are talking about it, shows that there are times and places to protest which are actually effective. This is what the founding fathers wanted.

It's still not hatred of the country. Otherwise the Constitution is hatred of the country and so were the founding fathers.

Do you think the Constitution is anti-American Ray? Seriously?

It doesn't have to be unconstitutional to disrespect our country and anthem. You can do that if you desire by our laws. After all, nobody got arrested, did they?

Yes, their childish behavior did get attention, and I'm showing them the result of that attention and so are thousands of others.

Well, again Ray, you think it's disrespectful, you think it's childish behavior. That's what you think and based on my experience of you, I know you're not going to change from your partisan views. So, is there any reason to go back and forward you saying what you think and me saying what I think? Not really.

You have your belief, and you can say it, you can protest it. I have mine and can do the same, and they can do their.

Protesting the anthem or flag is not only legal, it's protected by the Constitution. That IS WHAT AMERICA IS. You're the one who seems to hate that.

Correct, I do hate that. It was never an issue about legalities or constitutionalism. It was an issue about respect or in this case, disrespect.

If you approve of that kind of behavior, then watch the games. For those of us that disprove, we will not turn the games on. We in Cleveland will join the tens of thousands or perhaps millions that did the same which is sinking the NFL ratings.

Again, it's fine if you think it's about disrespect. But as I said, disrespect is subjective.

Maybe NFL is sinking because the product is actually a load of rubbish. I watched the Superbowl once, I got through enough ads to last me a lifetime, and saw a few people throwing a ball in between. It's probably not because of the protests.
Bush92, post: 18082224
I stand for the Anthem because all of our veterans who died in combat...cannot

Had you protested the invasion of Iraq prior to Bush sending nearly 5000 Veterens to their death for nothing, perhaps with enough of us we could have spared those lives from killing and dying in a dumb needless war.

But you stand for the anthem in favor of their deaths. That standing does not acquit you from getting them killed.

I stand for the anthem for love of my country despite its flaws. I do not pretend those flaws don't exist during those moments.
I spoke against the war as combat veteran. But I still stand for the Anthem.
Bush92, post: 18086146
I spoke against the war as combat veteran. But I still stand for the Anthem.

Then you are anti-American and unpatriotic because you protested the fearmongering and lies that were the spectacle of the Bush Administration drive toward the full scale invasion of Iraq.

Are these football players anti-American just like you for their peaceful nonviolent protest. The invasion of Iraq was very violent as you know. Needless violence.

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