Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Being a an alt right snowflake "means never having to admit you are wrong and never having to say you're sorry...unless doing so keeps them out of jail."
The best evidence of the likelihood that there was collusion lies in the efforts that Trump is making to suppress any investigations into the possibility of collusion.

The thing that doesn't make any sense is why you people think Russia would use Wikileaks when the Russians could have just sent the damning emails to every press outlet in the world themselves.
Don't engage. By doing that and telling facts, you are playing their game.

Just ignore the pathetic double talking losers.

They stand for nothing.
The Russians hacked the DNC Server to help Trump win
Trump used the Russian information to help his campaign
At the time Russia was spilling the beans, Trump was talking about dropping sanctions, recognizing Russia control of Crimea and claiming we are as bad a killer as Putin

While this was all going on.....Top Trump aides were meeting with Russians


Who could suspect collision?
The Russians hacked the DNC Server to help Trump win
Trump used the Russian information to help his campaign
At the time Russia was spilling the beans, Trump was talking about dropping sanctions, recognizing Russia control of Crimea and claiming we are as bad a killer as Putin

While this was all going on.....Top Trump aides were meeting with Russians


Who could suspect collision?
There's only one problem that the snowflakes are WAY too eager / quick to ignore / rush past...

The head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hited 3 TERRORIST-CONNECTED Pakistani Brothers - SPIES, as IT techs for the DNC.

Despite not having security clearances, DWS - just as Hillary did with others and the classified on her server, DWS gave the 3 bothers ILLEGAL access to House classified information AND access to the DNC's server and e-mails...the same e-mails that were hacked and leaked.

The 3 brothers were caught, banned from the House, and an investigation involving ESPIONAGE began. DWS then engaged in criminal acts that could still lead to 'Espilnage' chatges against HER. She ignored the House ban, ignored the 'Espionage' investigation, re-hired the eldest Pakistani spy brother, and again gave him access to House classified information abd access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords.

The Pakistani brothers had access to the Democrats' server and all their leaked e-mails.

How positive are 'we' that the Russians hacked and leaked the info?

Are there any connections beteween the Pakistani brothers and Russia, were they hacking / spying for the Russians, or is it just a coincidence that multiple foreign sources were raiding the DNC's server/e-mails at the same time for anything valuable?

Perhaps the brother of Hillary's campaign manager could shed some light on this sibce he was working for the Russian Spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

Then there is Seth Rich, who Hulian Assange claims provided him with information he leaked, who was assassinated.

The entire 'Russia' 'conspiracy theory' was spawned from 1 comment Trump made in jest: "I hope the Russians do hack Hillary's e-mails', and they and their 'All-In' media have done all they can do to make the DWS and Seth Rich stories quietly go away.
Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Did I miss the announcement of the investigation's closure? If the inquiry is not finished, nobody in the general public can credibly attest to being right or wrong about there being collusion of any sort -- with Russians, with other Americans -- between and among members of the Trump campaign or Administration. Accordingly, nobody with any sense would right now or before claim they were right or wrong about any conclusions pertaining to the topics and points of inquiry in the "Russia" investigation.
If there were the slightest 'evidence' of collusion it would have been leaked to the WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC by now.
These radical left Trump-haters haven't even been able to make up any so-called 'evidence' of collusion.
And so they are moving on to 'obstruction'. That won't work so they have already made up some other charges that will end up being fake.......as usual.
The Russians hacked the DNC Server to help Trump win
Trump used the Russian information to help his campaign
At the time Russia was spilling the beans, Trump was talking about dropping sanctions, recognizing Russia control of Crimea and claiming we are as bad a killer as Putin

While this was all going on.....Top Trump aides were meeting with Russians


Who could suspect collision?
There's only one problem that the snowflakes are WAY too eager / quick to ignore / rush past...

The head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hited 3 TERRORIST-CONNECTED Pakistani Brothers - SPIES, as IT techs for the DNC.

Despite not having security clearances, DWS - just as Hillary did with others and the classified on her server, DWS gave the 3 bothers ILLEGAL access to House classified information AND access to the DNC's server and e-mails...the same e-mails that were hacked and leaked.

The 3 brothers were caught, banned from the House, and an investigation involving ESPIONAGE began. DWS then engaged in criminal acts that could still lead to 'Espilnage' chatges against HER. She ignored the House ban, ignored the 'Espionage' investigation, re-hired the eldest Pakistani spy brother, and again gave him access to House classified information abd access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords.

The Pakistani brothers had access to the Democrats' server and all their leaked e-mails.

How positive are 'we' that the Russians hacked and leaked the info?

Are there any connections beteween the Pakistani brothers and Russia, were they hacking / spying for the Russians, or is it just a coincidence that multiple foreign sources were raiding the DNC's server/e-mails at the same time for anything valuable?

Perhaps the brother of Hillary's campaign manager could shed some light on this sibce he was working for the Russian Spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

Then there is Seth Rich, who Hulian Assange claims provided him with information he leaked, who was assassinated.

The entire 'Russia' 'conspiracy theory' was spawned from 1 comment Trump made in jest: "I hope the Russians do hack Hillary's e-mails', and they and their 'All-In' media have done all they can do to make the DWS and Seth Rich stories quietly go away.
But look what Hillary did is a diversion.

Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

Instead he lawyers up
Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Did I miss the announcement of the investigation's closure? If the inquiry is not finished, nobody in the general public can credibly attest to being right or wrong about there being collusion of any sort -- with Russians, with other Americans -- between and among members of the Trump campaign or Administration. Accordingly, nobody with any sense would right now or before claim they were right or wrong about any conclusions pertaining to the topics and points of inquiry in the "Russia" investigation.
If there were the slightest 'evidence' of collusion it would have been leaked to the WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC by now.
These radical left Trump-haters haven't even been able to make up any so-called 'evidence' of collusion.
And so they are moving on to 'obstruction'. That won't work so they have already made up some other charges that will end up being fake.......as usual.
It is not either/or it is a full investigation
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
What kind of inane question is that? There is no liberal who ever has admitted to being wrong, never.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...
Didn't some snowflake go to Germany and deliver a speech prior to an election? Seems to me I remember that pretty well. Sounds a whole lot like collusion and interference by a foreign government.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
What kind of inane question is that? There is no liberal who ever has admitted to being wrong, never.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
Yeap. Often in error, never in doubt. That is a liberal.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

The nose knows, something stinks in the White House. If Trump is not guilty of obstructing those who seek to find its source, he would fully cooperate with an investigation.

The firing of Mr. Comey, and the current all out character assassination of Mr. Mueller ought to open the eyes of every American with concern that Russia, or any nation state or criminal enterprise, sought to, or has, interfered with our democratic institutions:
  • What is Trump hiding or who is he protecting?
  • Why is Trump so defensive, Obama didn't hire a lawyer to defend his place of birth, or have a lawyer go to Meet the Press and defend him
  • Why are so many hiring lawyer's?
  • Why is the AG so forgetful?
  • Why did the President kick everyone out of the oval to speak alone to Comey?
  • Why is there full court press against Meuller's investigation?
I watch some of Fox and Friends this morning, and Trump's lawyer on Meet the Press, so here's a counter point to their stories:

What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
What kind of inane question is that? There is no liberal who ever has admitted to being wrong, never.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.

I was wrong about who would win the 2016 presidential election.

Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm a conservative and absolutely believe that the collusion investigation will end with no clear emails or memos or records to indicate collusion. But people will argue it just like they argued Benghazi because they want to believe one thing or another. The President won't be impeached. Maybe Flynn will get some minimal slap on the wrist. But I would be careful about spiking the ball in the end zone before we've gotten there. You don't get six points for spiking it at the ten yard line.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm a conservative and absolutely believe that the collusion investigation will end with no clear emails or memos or records to indicate collusion. But people will argue it just like they argued Benghazi because they want to believe one thing or another. The President won't be impeached. Maybe Flynn will get some minimal slap on the wrist. But I would be careful about spiking the ball in the end zone before we've gotten there. You don't get six points for spiking it at the ten yard line.
More than enough evidence to indicate benghazi was a total lie.

More than enough.

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition - FactCheck.org

Read that time line yourself.

Been over this. Unless the left still claims it was all due to a video. Was it? Oh wait...they claim it was spontaneous and a planned terror attack.

Get that? Not kidding.

What they have found in regards to Trump Russian collusion, is nothing. Zero, nada, zilch. In fact it is less than. Nothing, since they are now claiming they never claimed collusion and it was always about obstruction.

Get that right?
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

"Today, though, the criminal investigation of Donald Trump himself is perhaps one month old. Reporters only confirmed its existence two days ago, 144 days into his presidency. The man leading it isn’t a partisan Democrat or even a Democratic career-lawyer type, but a Republican career-lawyer-type, Robert Mueller. To draw out the contrast further, Mueller didn’t stumble into his criminal investigation of Trump because his initial inquiry came up empty, but because the president (both publicly and in well-documented private encounters) has tried to stymie the underlying inquiry, which also continues."""

The Desperate Spin of a Spiraling Presidency


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