Just wondering if any lefty has admitted they were wrong about collusion?

Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

The nose knows, something stinks in the White House. If Trump is not guilty of obstructing those who seek to find its source, he would fully cooperate with an investigation.

The firing of Mr. Comey, and the current all out character assassination of Mr. Mueller ought to open the eyes of every American with concern that Russia, or any nation state or criminal enterprise, sought to, or has, interfered with our democratic institutions:
  • What is Trump hiding or who is he protecting?
  • Why is Trump so defensive, Obama didn't hire a lawyer to defend his place of birth, or have a lawyer go to Meet the Press and defend him
  • Why are so many hiring lawyer's?
  • Why is the AG so forgetful?
  • Why did the President kick everyone out of the oval to speak alone to Comey?
  • Why is there full court press against Meuller's investigation?
I watch some of Fox and Friends this morning, and Trump's lawyer on Meet the Press, so here's a counter point to their stories:

What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey
Look...our President is one of the smartest men to ever hold the office

Now, his top aides are holding private meetings with the Russians AFTER it had become clear they had hacked the DNC server to aid Trump

Now, you would think a man as smart as our President would have insisted the meetings be recorded and a thorough record of what was said would be kept

Why doesn't Trump just release the records of the meetings so we can see they had nothing to do with collusion
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Is the investigation over yet? I must have missed it. As it is, at this point, there is no evidence of collusion...or against collusion. I'm perfectly satisfied to wait and go along with what they conclude.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

I still want to know who hired Manifort, Stone and Paige. Why were they hired? At whose behest?
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Is the investigation over yet? I must have missed it. As it is, at this point, there is no evidence of collusion...or against collusion. I'm perfectly satisfied to wait and go along with what they conclude.

We the American people haven't seen evidence. Adam Schiff seems to...

Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Rachel Maddow and chris mathews are now backtracking....
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

The New York Times explains it......Russians intelligence operatives are all over Europe....and if you do business in the Ukraine.....and other places, you are likely to be talking to Russians......


Several of Mr. Trump’s associates, like Mr. Manafort, have done business in Russia. And it is not unusual for American businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society. Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts might have been about business.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Is the investigation over yet? I must have missed it. As it is, at this point, there is no evidence of collusion...or against collusion. I'm perfectly satisfied to wait and go along with what they conclude.

We the American people haven't seen evidence. Adam Schiff seems to...

Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion

Moron....that link was from March......the democrat talking points have moved on.........Comey stated under oath that Trump isn't under investigation, and the democrat leadership including feinstein and others have now admitted there is no evidence of any collusion.......

Did you get the new memo...? The new lie is that Trump obstructed justice...so please.....get on the right page and start lying about obstruction of justice......
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

I still want to know who hired Manifort, Stone and Paige. Why were they hired? At whose behest?

You do realize that none of those guys worked on the campaign very long and none of them work for Trump...right?
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Is the investigation over yet? I must have missed it. As it is, at this point, there is no evidence of collusion...or against collusion. I'm perfectly satisfied to wait and go along with what they conclude.

We the American people haven't seen evidence. Adam Schiff seems to...

Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion

Whoever you are......the new lie is obstruction of justice....even Rachel Maddow got the memo to stop talking about the Collusion lie...

Rachel Maddow: 'I Absolutely Believe It's Possible' Trump Did Not Collude With Russia

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said in a newly published interview the collusion story between President Donald Trump and Russia might be fake news.

"I absolutely believe it's possible," Maddow told Rolling Stone.
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

/--- Libs now say they personally never believed in collusion but always believed in the obstruction charge. It was the other guys who spread the collusion story.

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Hell no. Now they're conjuring up tales of obstruction. Lol.
Wouldn't be if y'all weren't constantly obstructing the discussion with non sequiturs like bringing up Gore. Who are you trying to fool? It's all fake outrage over things like the use of a Trump look-alike in Julius Caesar, but totally ignoring or perhaps even secretly applauding when there was an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited female Hillary clone in the role.
the House intelligence committee investigating have reviewed only 20% of the collusion material....and said today on the news they are at the very beginning of their investigation in to any possible collusion or coordination with Trump campaign team and the Russians.

80% to go....
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
I'm ready to give up on collusion....

If you could just tell me why Trumps advisors were meeting with the Russians

The New York Times explains it......Russians intelligence operatives are all over Europe....and if you do business in the Ukraine.....and other places, you are likely to be talking to Russians......


Several of Mr. Trump’s associates, like Mr. Manafort, have done business in Russia. And it is not unusual for American businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society. Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts might have been about business.
That's great
If that's all it was......why doesn't our president show us?

Manafort, Flynn, Kushner and Stone were not just businessmen. They were key campaign aides. They were meeting with Russians AFTER it became clear the Russians were helping Trumps campaign

Why did a man as intelligent as Trump allow it?
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

/--- Libs now say they personally never believed in collusion but always believed in the obstruction charge. It was the other guys who spread the collusion story.

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I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?
Global warming is real and prove it or not it's obvious there's something there with Russia.

Even rex admits man made global warming is real and Trump won't say it's a hoax. Are you still sticking to that?

Do you still insist the earth is flat, lead is harmless and cigarettes don't cause cancer?
Trump looks suspicious. If he would explain why his aides were meeting with the Russians this would all go away

EVERY new administration's people begin reaching out and talking to foreign governments before taking office...even before the election. They don't wait until AFTER they enter office to start making contacts. Clinton's team did so, Bush's team dod so, Obama's team did so...

Snowflakes are trying to blow 'nothing' up into 'something'...

That sounds sensible.....Why won't Trump say that?
If his top people were meeting with a foreign Government, especially a Government accused with tampering with an election, you would think a man as intelligent as our president would have insisted everything be documented

Where are the notes from those routine meetings?
None are needed.

Candidates can legally reach out and begin talking with foreign reps, and they are not bound by the FOIA or other govt regs because, having not been elected yet, they are civilians.

Smug Democrats believe people need to play by their rules because they say so. When people don't follow their 'rules', Democrats demonize them and try to make them out to be criminals with something to hide.

When you pressure the snowflakes, though, demand they show evidence, as we have seen, they can not.

Again, there is a reason the Democrats have been 'trying' this entire 'scandal' in the media and in the public eye, where they have declared Trump is 'guilty', Trump is 'hiding something', and insisting it is Trump - the accused - who has to provide proof of being innocent instead of them having to provide proof of guilt...

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING...and in the media, with help from their All-In liberal media cohorts, is the only place they can 'try' their case against Trump and 'win'.
I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

Why don't you want to know why:

WHY the Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from the Russian who benefitted from the US-Russia Uranium Deal...

WHY Bill was giving speeches during the election for Putin Pals, ex-KGB...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager received thousands of shares of Russians stocks and never reported it, WHY 1/3rd of the board members of HIS company are prominent businessmen with extremely close ties to both the Kremlin and Putin...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager's brother was working for the 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's server / e-mails...???

Why don't snowflakes want to know any of that (as if we all did not know the answer)?
I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

Why don't you want to know why:

WHY the Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from the Russian who benefitted from the US-Russia Uranium Deal...

WHY Bill was giving speeches during the election for Putin Pals, ex-KGB...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager received thousands of shares of Russians stocks and never reported it, WHY 1/3rd of the board members of HIS company are prominent businessmen with extremely close ties to both the Kremlin and Putin...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager's brother was working for the 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's server / e-mails...???

Why don't snowflakes want to know any of that (as if we all did not know the answer)?
If we could see trumps taxes. We saw Hillary's.

And what about the fishing expedition all those years going after the clintons? What have you produced? Nothing. They were clean. Any B's now is conspiracy. You caught him lying about sex. Woopee
Have any of them admitted that, or do they avoid that issue like they avoid how many things Gore was wrong about in that propaganda movie of his?

Is the investigation over yet? I must have missed it. As it is, at this point, there is no evidence of collusion...or against collusion. I'm perfectly satisfied to wait and go along with what they conclude.

We the American people haven't seen evidence. Adam Schiff seems to...

Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion

Moron....that link was from March......the democrat talking points have moved on.........Comey stated under oath that Trump isn't under investigation, and the democrat leadership including feinstein and others have now admitted there is no evidence of any collusion.......

Did you get the new memo...? The new lie is that Trump obstructed justice...so please.....get on the right page and start lying about obstruction of justice......

Whether or not Crooked Donnie Small Hands is under investigation is irrelevant. Members of his campaign ARE currently under investigation for potentially colluding with the Russians.

The part of Comey's testimony you keep leaving out...

But that didn’t placate the president, who wanted an explanation of Comey’s testimony the previous week confirming the existence of an investigation into the potential for collusion between Russia and associates of the Trump campaign. “I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump,” Comey recalled. “I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, ‘We need to get that fact out.’”

But Comey wouldn’t do it. He refused repeated, direct demands from the president that he say publicly what he had several times assured him in private—that the Bureau “did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him.” Comey said there were “a number of reasons” for his refusal, “most importantly because it would create a duty to correct, should that change.”

I still believe in collusion until I hear WHY key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

Why don't you want to know why:

WHY the Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from the Russian who benefitted from the US-Russia Uranium Deal...

WHY Bill was giving speeches during the election for Putin Pals, ex-KGB...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager received thousands of shares of Russians stocks and never reported it, WHY 1/3rd of the board members of HIS company are prominent businessmen with extremely close ties to both the Kremlin and Putin...

WHY Hillary's Campaign Manager's brother was working for the 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's server / e-mails...???

Why don't snowflakes want to know any of that (as if we all did not know the answer)?
If we could see trumps taxes. We saw Hillary's.

And what about the fishing expedition all those years going after the clintons? What have you produced? Nothing. They were clean. Any B's now is conspiracy. You caught him lying about sex. Woopee
'If we could see Trump's taxes....'

Bwuhahahaha....still hung up on that, stull pissed Trump did not cave to your demands by showing you something you have no legal right to.

The tv special in which your snowflake queen had to admit Trump did pay his taxes wasn't enough?

Poor obsessed, frustrated snowflake... :p

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